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Everything posted by GoldenPRGuy

  1. And I grabbed this too on a BIN from Harley.
  2. I do dig the new stuff, but love the classics. Here's one recent acquisition ... lower spine is rough and book shows age, but it's a great filler, and I love the cover!
  3. Just picked this puppy up on ebay the other day (6.0-6.5). Page edges are tanning, but for the most part the pages are nice and creamy inside. I was getting ready to pull the trigger on the Metro copy here for $320, but got this one at a great price. Aside for the name on the cover, I do think this one presents a bit better, but you be the judge I am clearly bias. I know metro claims off-white pages, but for nearly $200 less, I'm pumped.
  4. Sweet! Did you pick that up in Chicago! Yessir! LOVE THIS COVER! Always have. I could stare at the covers of Pep 41-49 all day long! Nice purchase Steve!
  5. First FPJ ... a long overdue ! As a major Archie collector of both comics and paraphernalia I just love seeing this! I wish I had known about this thread before I started my GA Storage Thread Thread in the Gold Comics forum! There are some awesome setups in here! all around!
  6. Yeah I love that one, but this one ain't too shabby either!
  7. I'm loving the artwork too, and really dig the upcoming take on the boulevard of broken dreams, but I am just trying to determine if this is an ongoing thing for every book from here on out or not. "Archie" is the only title I continue to actively collect beyond my roughly 1998 cut off. I fully intend on owning 1-1000 some day ... I'd just like to know if that means 330 or 660 more purchases.
  8. On one level, more power to them. I mean, why sell the people one copy of a book when you can sell them two. But on the other hand it seems a bit overkill.
  9. Does every single new Archie comic now have a variant cover? I feel like at first it was just an occasional thing but now it seems like every single issue? Is there a list somewhere of all variant editions?
  10. I love how pieces of the book that were not attached at all, can be put back in the right place during the casting process -- like that red spine/back cover piece to the left of the S! No piece was actually separated from the cover, but there was quite a bit of paper loss here and there. During the leafcasting process that missing tissue was added and made everything even. Kenny is a genius! I see what you're saying, if you look close you can see where that piece is attached, but I believe I once read somewhere than Kenny said if a piece does come off, or if he has an original piece that is big enough or has some salvageable value he can place it during the process. Agreed on the genius comment! A true ArtEEst!
  11. I love how pieces of the book that were not attached at all, can be put back in the right place during the casting process -- like that red spine/back cover piece to the left of the S!
  12. I know it's silly, but this book sold for a lot less than I expected based on recent sales of F or better Archie/MLJ's! Not complaining of course as I am the buyer! Pep 58 Maybe I should put it back up for sale on eBay when it arrives and set a BIN of $2000. That's how you do it right?
  13. I'm sure people do, but for whatever reason I just never got into them. I have always had few hundred. Pretty sure they came from times when I purchased a large lot and they were thrown in, but I'm not sure what issues or titles they are and I don't count them in my total collection. There is one copy that I have that I do count toward my total and that was this year's Free Comic Book Day offering from Archie. It was a digest and since I do have a complete run of the FCD Archie's from 2003 on I felt I needed to have this one in the mix. Are you looking to sell or buy? I don't know if you saw my post over in flea market finds. But I just got 1300 ish digests from a guy who brought them off the stands for 40 ish years. I am undecided...on one hand, I want to keep the good ones such as jug with archie 1-10, Katy Keene 1-10, a few other #1's then sell the rest. Oh also I found an archie superhero digest. Also #2 by Neal Adams but I forget which title. Also plenty of early laugh digests including Neal Adams. At the same time, I could fund my comic collection or $$ for art supplies. Not sure. Yes I totally missed the other post. First, great buy! Less than 80, ha, I'd do that any day! With regard to selling them it's a tough call. I mean sadly -- and this is just my perspective -- the digest auctions are a) always bulk, and b) don't go for much money. Nevertheless, the 1st issues - the ones you want to hold onto - do bring a decent amount by themselves when they are in good shape. $80 ... you really cannot lose on those one!
  14. I'm sure people do, but for whatever reason I just never got into them. I have always had few hundred. Pretty sure they came from times when I purchased a large lot and they were thrown in, but I'm not sure what issues or titles they are and I don't count them in my total collection. There is one copy that I have that I do count toward my total and that was this year's Free Comic Book Day offering from Archie. It was a digest and since I do have a complete run of the FCD Archie's from 2003 on I felt I needed to have this one in the mix. Are you looking to sell or buy?
  15. Wow Steve, nice Little A 21. I have a copy but some kid drew eyeglasses on Archie with a pen. I have searched everywhere for a replacement but any time I see one it's trashed. Why so scarce?
  16. It's the simple things sometimes ... got up this morning, good cup of coffee, went for a nice long run in the 90 degree heat, and came home to see this as it posted on ebay for 10 bucks. Already have a copy but how can you pass that up! Happy Saturday!
  17. On a completely separate note ... when I pulled the Archie 1's to scan the backs at your request, I realized that it had been ages since I actually laid my hands on the unrestored copy. It's actually a really nice book, but sadly the cover is detached. Nevertheless, I was paging through it since I'd never really read that copy (read the other one pre-resto) and inside at the centerfold I found this. Not that is has any value, but still a very cool perfectly preserved newspaper subscription card. And yes, I know this is the opposite of archival paper that should be in there!
  18. Here's the before and after shots while I had it. 7.0-7.5 seems about right. There's residual creasing that will probably keep the overall grade down. Still not sure why somebody lopped off the BC like they did. Yeah the original cut was just so disappointing, but I got the book for a good price. Regardless, you really did an amazing job Kenny! Thank you!
  19. Honestly I have no idea. It was slight amateur, but I can't be sure what it will be! I'd love moderate, and based on most of the small stuff it would fall into that or even stay slight... But the piece replacement on the pictures, I don't know, seems pretty extensive to me! I'm just happy to have a great copy that will be whole again!
  20. Here are my pride and joys (yeah, no kids yet, and probably won't change when I do have 'em) once again from my original post, this time with the back covers as requested! So much fun pulling them out of the mylar - so nerve-racking putting them back in!
  21. Oh yeah, for sure. It's already done. This was just an early shot of the work from a few months back. It will look like it's relatively new by the time it's complete. Matt is doing some final touch up work on it next week and then it's off to CGC. Matt expects a 7.5 or 8.0. We'll see how accurate his predictions are!
  22. I agree with you, I think it'd be a great candidate for cracking and submitting to CCS for a look. A blue 1.5 or 2 would be worth it any day! Though, and here is where some of you might disagree --- I think if it has to be purple you might as well see what else you can do to make it the best purple you can (within reason of course). I mean this is clearly slight resto, but who knows what restored grade could also be achieved by removing the amateur work and maybe touching up some of the color cracks. As long as you keep it slight or even step up to a moderate. I think the money and time would be justified. I am sure Matt would be able to give you a pretty good idea of what he could do with it. I won a Jackpot 4 on HA back in '02. It was an apparent VG- as someone had done a horrific amateur trim on the back. I left it in slab for a decade but finally got sick of looking at the hack job. I cracked it and sent it to Matt and Kenny. It is in the final stages now, but as you can see from the shots below that Kenny sent as he was working on it, it's really coming together. I'll be anxious to see what it looks like when all is said and done and what it will grade as. After Casting: After Color Touch:
  23. Feel like it's time for a page 6 tally ...