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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Its gonna be called Celebrity appRATice Kurtis will assign artists to draw the book, and those who do well with it will be fired! Cant wait for season premiere!!!!!!
  2. In a startling turn of events.. Rat Queens is now optioned as a TV reality show
  3. Awesome! Very very HTF! Liking the artists edition groo shelf
  4. Ratchet/Clank that closed nicely today http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ratchet-and-Clank-1-6-Multiple-Copies-of-Each-Book-Investment-Lot-VERY-LOW-PRINT-/141984069589?hash=item210ee8f7d5:g:YRMAAOSwYmZXLKpt
  5. Have you seen what kinda numbers some indie creators get on KS for some of these titles? Kickstarter used to be a place where you had to go with a serious campaign and followers in order to raise funds to publish a book. Nowadays KS is a powerhouse with 100s of thousands of visitors who do NOTHING but search for cool comics to buy, much like they do at your LCS.. Here are some of the biggest ones CTR+ALT+DLT 660k Tomorrow Girl 530k girl genius 380k Ava's Demon 330k Mind you these are COMIC BOOKS that people read and will probably never get a mention over here or similar collectors forums. This is a 100% reader's market with 0% speculative aspect. I still stand by what I said, I don't see them having better luck without Image than they do with Image. It's purely speculative on my part, but that's how I see it. This is not about Image vs KS.. Its about taking a "failed" title as some of you have dubbed it here, and giving it a second chance. Ill say it again, Project startups are NOT the future of indie comics, they ARE the current state of indie comics. Its a better world now than it was when Image came out and gave creative controlled properties a platform. Its progress.
  6. Have you seen what kinda numbers some indie creators get on KS for some of these titles? Kickstarter used to be a place where you had to go with a serious campaign and followers in order to raise funds to publish a book. Nowadays KS is a powerhouse with 100s of thousands of visitors who do NOTHING but search for cool comics to buy, much like they do at your LCS.. Here are some of the biggest ones CTR+ALT+DLT 660k Tomorrow Girl 530k girl genius 380k Ava's Demon 330k Mind you these are COMIC BOOKS that people read and will probably never get a mention over here or similar collectors forums. This is a 100% reader's market with 0% speculative aspect. Pointing out a few stars among overwhelming odds isn't a good business model. When Five Ghosts comes back it'll have more exposure on the shelves as well as online staying with image. You got all day?
  7. Have you seen what kinda numbers some indie creators get on KS for some of these titles? Kickstarter used to be a place where you had to go with a serious campaign and followers in order to raise funds to publish a book. Nowadays KS is a powerhouse with 100s of thousands of visitors who do NOTHING but search for cool comics to buy, much like they do at your LCS.. Here are some of the biggest ones CTR+ALT+DLT 660k Tomorrow Girl 530k girl genius 380k Ava's Demon 330k Mind you these are COMIC BOOKS that people read and will probably never get a mention over here or similar collectors forums. This is a 100% reader's market with 0% speculative aspect.
  8. Congrabbits to whoever got it I was so close to buying this.. So close... Just couldnt guess what the grade was on it because of those damn specks on the cover
  9. Huh? I thought that was the premise of Image - creative control over content and publishing?
  10. Its time to ditch the indie hubs and go solo. Kickstarter? Patreon? You pick....
  11. This came in today The New Mutants GN is an easy 9.4.. Prolly a 9.6
  12. My dear friend. would you kindly ignore me so we could be even?
  13. Ive been following R&C for awhile now.. A friend of mine who runs a VG store nearby told me about it a few months ago, said that alot of gamers are waiting for the movie to come out and expecting it to be a hit, but since it seem to have failed expectations (budget was 20 mil/opening week brought in 5), this may very well be a sinking ship at this point..
  14. we have a pump and dump thread for books like these APPROVED
  15. I was the former president of that company and I never saw one of these. Must have been a distributor project.
  16. Dunno about all of that...the Governor's 1st app has signifigantly dropped in FMV. Sell, Mortimer....sell WD is a strong book but the inherent problem with holding WD's is that there are effloads of others out there who have the same outlook. When the WD hoarders decide to sell, there will be a massive glut of WD's all over eBay. A lot of them will be listed auction style, and since there will be plenty to go around, they will close low...then the BIN prices will have to be dropped. If I had a WD 132 CGC 9.8, I would just list it now on eBay, at $75 higher than the highest sale in GPA.I'm guessing that'd be around a $200 BIN. It likely won't sell for a while but the more copies listed at higher BIN's will effect the perceived value.Betcha it would sell in a month or two.After that 9.8 sells, rinse and repeat. I think he meant to post that in this thread.
  17. That book is a prime example of why I will never own a Stan Lee SS. I've lost respect for the guy with how many books I've seen that he's defaced. OK ok... I think all will agree that it makes much more sense when Stan signs a book with no background at all Like this here that just ended
  18. Is the fire damage all on the back covers? When contacting the seller prior to bidding she told me only issues 4&5 had burns.. So it was a no brainer for me.. #1 & 2 are NM
  19. That is mighty bizarre. Heres a little secret I will share with you guys.. Detective Comics Annual #2 is, was and prolly always will be a big seller for me (considering I had 20 copies I got for 5 bucks once). Why? beacause of eBay wording of KKK Heres an example: http://www.ebay.com/itm/180958674558?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Very stupid for eBay to ban words, let people collect what they like, were not in China!