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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Amazon's rankings are not easy to crack. I still learn as I go. I will just tell you what I told Kav a few weeks ago in the TPB debacle.. LEARNING THE AMAZON RANKING SYSTEM AND ADAPTING TO IT IS KEY TO SELLING ITEMS SUCCESSFULLY ONLINE. It involves alot of experimentation and tracking. Amazon is very fussy about people keeping tabs on tracks, my guess is that they are providing this information exclusively to 3rd party groups for a pretty penny, which is why you and me are out of the loop. But historically, I can tell you that comic books (not tpb) with a sales rank of under 100,000 are a comic to look out for. That means that if youre the lowest price on that particular listing you will move it in very large quantities. As to your question to why do people buy on Amazon instead of eBay? Well, so many reasons, first being convenience, amazon's listings for popular products are alot more visible on google than eBay's. Second is Paypal vs credit card. I know you may find it hard to believe, but many people dont have paypal and are more accustomed to paying with creedit card. 3rd is its name, Amazon to many is considered the Best Buy/Wal-Mart of books/electronics whereas eBay is considered as a thrift shop. Hope that helps
  2. If there was he would definitely need a multi-colored mask and use swords. ...and have large feet
  3. If only there was a Deadpool prototype which preceded Deadpool, you know kinda like Foom #2 for Hulk... ...Wait....
  4. Of course I used the word "Net" not "Gross" Diamond doesnt take 50% from Dark Horse, thats where YOURE wrong, and thats why everything else past that is false as well.
  5. Wait, you're spending $3.50 just on supplies? I thought that included the shipping cost?
  6. Not too sure where you are getting your fees, but you are wrong. At $4.74 (the current low price on Amazon) the fees are as follows: $4.74 + $3.99= $8.73 Amazon takes $2.06 of that right off the top and that is only if you are paying the $39.99/month for your store there. You have to add another $1 to the fees if you are not paying the $40 per month. Shipping depends how you pack. I use the Diamond mailers and they cost about .50 per to buy in bulk and then shipping is typically $3ish for FCM (they are very solid and I know the item arrives safe) and that is another $3.50 out the door. Take off another .75 or whatever you paid for the book and that leaves you with a whopping $2.42 each on average. Does that add up? Sure. Is it a pain in the butt to send out packages when you make $2.42 each and have to contend with Amazon's liberal (borderline insane) return policy? I don't feel it is worth it. To each there own, but I just wanted to correct your math because that was not accurate. Correct, its 20%, so the 2.06 sounds about right, which is why I started off with the 2.00 profit margin, which is less than your 2.42 Ive been selling on Amazon for 3+ years and havent had more than a handful returns, and when I did, it always ended up well And once again, if youre dealing with a random 5.00 book I wouldnt bother, but if its consistent and in demand, its money in the pocket with very minimal work mainly because alot buy multiple quantities.
  7. thats hysterical Youre not ripping anyone off. Youre simply adapting to demand. I bought many many many comics from amazon which were a STEAL and didnt bother with asking sellers to combine because I got them for such a bargain Many people know about this.. Youre reading about a book heating up and youre running to Amazon to clean up while everyones looking for copies on eBay. This happens to this day
  8. seriously. Im not here to teach you how this works. And I say this because not once have I seen you agree with anyone in here. And thats fine, Im not here to win an argument. Just to tell you that selling comics on Amazon is very profitable based on what I demonstrated above. If you dont believe it, Ill still like ya show me a link to completed sales. asking prices are meaningless. if insufficiently_thoughtful_persons are spending $5 for something that is $1.50-$2.00 all day on ebay then more power to you. if you can move these in quantity at $4-5 then you have a great business model, i agree. i used to sell books for $3-$4 on ebay. I used to feel like an insufficiently_thoughtful_person every time I did after I was done packing them up. and i agree with plenty of people here on all sorts of things. Theres no links to show for sold listings on amazon, Amazon's proof is in the rankings. 20,000 rank with a book is proof that this comic moves in the volumes that I disclosed. But if you didnt believe me then, you wont believe me now. so lose lose for me. I wouldnt call people who buy on amazon insufficiently_thoughtful_persons, much like I wouldnt call a seller on eBay whos clueless about the potential in Amazon an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. But thats just another thing you wont believe me so, again, pointless
  9. On a 5.00 book? If you charge them shipping sure rather than the hassle of flimsy envelop getting bend up in the mail box and then refund money to the buyer. Flimsy? 2 ply of cardboard is as sturdy as your mailer box. Just not as fancy work with me here.. even if i get 1 out of 20 damaged (which I wont with 2 plys), on a .75 investment book which I have plenty off I dont mind sending a copy for free to any damaged one on my dime and get a buyer happy something tells me that still wont make sense to you tho It does and if you sell a ton of 5 dollar or under books I could see the risk / reward. The superiority of the sturdy comic book mailer is this. 1. fits inside most mailboxes / apartment boxes (versus large envelopes do not and are stuffed inside) 2. If tape is used properly its a 3 plus layer cake that provides better protection when tossed around in the back of the trucks. 3. Cuts down on returns IMO. Great
  10. On a 5.00 book? If you charge them shipping sure rather than the hassle of flimsy envelop getting bend up in the mail box and then refund money to the buyer. Flimsy? 2 ply of cardboard is as sturdy as your mailer box. Just not as fancy work with me here.. even if i get 1 out of 20 damaged (which I wont with 2 plys), on a .75 investment book which I have plenty off I dont mind sending a copy for free to any damaged one on my dime and get a buyer happy something tells me that still wont make sense to you tho
  11. Also ship it priority while youre at it!
  12. 2 plys of cardboard in an envelope I can just feel the bending the post man will do to it. Go ahead, ship a 5.00 book in a box. Thats a great business plan!
  13. seriously. Im not here to teach you how this works. And I say this because not once have I seen you agree with anyone in here. And thats fine, Im not here to win an argument. Just to tell you that selling comics on Amazon is very profitable based on what I demonstrated above. If you dont believe it, Ill still like ya
  14. Just because they don't sell Marvel and DC numbers doesn't mean they don't make a profit. Heck, they may have better margins than the Big 2. It costs money to put together a professional comic book. Plus they need to print it, ship it, deal with damaged copies, etc. I guess the Pinnis do a lot of the work themselves and don't have to rely on this to eat, so Darkhorse isn't paying them a salary or per page?, so yes, if Diamond gets $2 an issue from the shop, pays Darkhorse what, $1.50... Slim if anything at all. My vague recollection from the Skullkickers guy's interview is at this level (and Skullkickers might have been more like 3000-3500 copies at that point) is that he only made money once the stuff was collected in trades and the floppies were more a labor of love. Netting close to 20k bucks an issue is bad? I wish I could do that! Its RISKY for a new title because you never know when interest will go away. So most likely than not, if a new title had a strong month and the next month sales plummet - the book will most likely be cancelled. With a title with readership its a no brainer. BTW, 5k print run doesnt indicate how popular a brand is. Do you really think that any title selling more than 15k copies a month is more popular than, say, TMNT? PPS- if you think 5,000 copies is bad, you should look at records sales. Even in the 90s if an indie record label pressed more than 1,000 you would be considered king
  15. At $2+ profit, it may be time to start looking for that retirement home. $20 seems a bit high. But it could be. Alias and Cable & Deadpool MGC's go for $15. I see them selling for $2-3, where's the flip profit here unless you are charging $8 for shipping? I can't imagine that was all they sold with a $1 cover though, unless shops don't want to bother wasting the shelf space for a 50 cent profit. I know that its more cool and sexy to move a 30 dollar book at 90. But that doesnt happen every day. NM98 true believers is as sure a 3x profit book as that 30 book with tenth the wait time Yea, but you are talking about packaging 30 books a day to make $60 compared to one book. How much time is that right there? Most of these are multiple quantities. You can even see some lots on the Bay that moved at that ratio and some for alot higher. Again. This is an EXTREMELY easy AND convenient flip! btw.. A 5.00$ sale on Amazon is 9.00 with shipping. Minus 2.60 shipping and 1.00 Amazon fees and cost of .75 a copy youre looking at 4.65 profit. And as was mentioned earlier, with Amazon, when you buy multiple quantities shipping is still 3.99 for each added copy. Buyers are aware of that and order regardless. Sellers here are so old school with eBay one day they will wake up and realize how the Amazon machine is much more efficient with modern non keys and TPB and the party will be over for us
  16. Elfquest has close to 700 sold listings on eBay Elfquest is top 200 selling books with Graphic Novels on Amazon This is just a title that has a strong following till this day. There are only a handful of indie titles that carry that legacy.
  17. At $2+ profit, it may be time to start looking for that retirement home. $20 seems a bit high. But it could be. Alias and Cable & Deadpool MGC's go for $15. I see them selling for $2-3, where's the flip profit here unless you are charging $8 for shipping? I can't imagine that was all they sold with a $1 cover though, unless shops don't want to bother wasting the shelf space for a 50 cent profit. I know that its more cool and sexy to move a 30 dollar book at 90. But that doesnt happen every day. NM98 true believers is as sure a 3x profit book as that 30 book with tenth the wait time
  18. You guys need to start expanding your horizons a bit. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0193Y7A9M - ranking 21,000 on Amazon is HUGE for comic books on that platform, just in case you guys are wondering Its been moving for 5.00 a pop on Amazon for awhile. And yes. If youre moving 20-30 units a day at 2 dollar profit a pop thats an investment I will take all day any day from now until retirement
  19. True Believers Deadpool 1 $1.00 Marvel 46,636 Boy Id really like to know how many they printed. This was one of the quickest flips for me this year. Made 3 time my investment within days and held to 10 copies, and now they are slowly moving for 10 a pop for me. If this is TRULY how many they printed, Im wiling to bet that this will be a 20$ book by next year
  20. Did we talk about how WD150 destroyed marvel & DC last month yet? http://www.comichron.com/monthlycomicssales/2016/2016-01.html
  21. Elf Quest the Final Quest #1. You're welcome. Even that has a variant. Altho i doubt youll find it in dollar bins anytime soon Excuse me. I didn't realize a book having multiple sales at double cover in VF wasn't heating up. Lets talk about first appearances and books that arn't heating up again. SORRY Elfquest is one of the only books (with the exception of TMNT) that came out of the indie 70/80s wave which still sells out competitively.. Compare it to most classic indie titles and Modern ones, it still has a very strong readership. I wouldnt be surprised if anything starts to heat up with this property anytime soon, whether its movie or reboot
  22. Elf Quest the Final Quest #1. You're welcome. Even that has a variant. Altho i doubt youll find it in dollar bins anytime soon