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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. Yeah right. Auctions on non-key books is just giving them away at 60 percent or less of value. At best. but everyone with enough ebay experience could figure it out. List your non keys as BINs, list your trending keys at .99 cents auctions.. youd still lose a little on those but youll move more volume.. Everyone is different but I have plenty of books so im never interested in maximizing profit Well if you think you can squeeze out 2.99 or higher on books they can find in dollar bins at lcs 3 months from now be my guest. It ain't happening.
  2. Yeah right. Auctions on non-key books is just giving them away at 60 percent or less of value. At best. but everyone with enough ebay experience could figure it out. List your non keys as BINs, list your trending keys at .99 cents auctions.. youd still lose a little on those but youll move more volume.. Everyone is different but I have plenty of books so im never interested in maximizing profit
  3. not too sure, I have a basic store and I get 100 free auctions a month
  4. eBay is doing great. It just shifted from BINs to auction since people dont wanna spend money and are looking for a bargain. If youll list auctions youll do well this time of year.. BINs will sit frozen for awhile
  5. It looks like The Flame may have also used his amazing wind power when he bent down like that from the looks of the fire behind him. It seems to breeze back slightly. the FFffFfFphfphflaaaaame!
  6. Even Rich Buckler contributed to some quality indie coppers! Guess he said to himself: Take that Marvel!
  7. The craziest thing is that in 2004 Image still believed in this property and renewed this series
  8. I used to work in brownsvile and thought that one day Id run into this guy:
  9. Yup, these were always hard to find cheap, also dont forget Marvel Super Special #40
  10. The Last Combo Pack Sounds like a 90s David Cronenberg flick
  11. No combo packs so nothing to talk about 5 below combo packs dont count
  12. I stongly believe that one day, long after I pass away, this thread will be used as a credible resource for rare, sought after and overly priced books
  13. Right on the cusp of modern , but the title just makes it a copper classic
  14. If that is true, it wouldnt be a bad idea to seek some of the late UY books from the '96 run I would say anything from late 100s and up.. #145 just came out last month after a 2-3 year hiatus and the print run for it is almost as low as Albedo #2 (just about over 4K), if there is renewed interest in the character, whether from properties licensed or newer demographics likening the character (remember, 2-3 years ago Squirrel Girl was a dollar bin book, and thats about when Usagi went on hiatus), this could bring alot of new collectors to seek earlier books, and those late Usagi's are very tough to find in any grade
  15. Albedo #3 was and still is a $20-40 book. #2 was ALWAYS a $200+ book, now its obviously alot higher. Which brings the question, does that book have more room to grow? Its interesting how 99% of all copper indies have plummeted in value and theres but a handful of books which have appreciated greatly in price and are still very sought after. Albedo #2 is one of those books
  16. The lure of a true key is: Starting an auction for 3 days with a grading company, hitting $500+ in less than 24 hours... There can only be one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/1984-ALBEDO-2-PGX-9-0-LIKE-CGC-HIGH-GRADE-1ST-USAGI-YOJIMBO-RARE-STAN-SAKAI-/231603349207?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35eca2a6d7
  17. he's rumored to be the next batman after jim gordon On top of being an absolutely killer cover by Mignola. that's exactly what i thought when i looked it up (thumbs u Batman standing on top of a statue, not exactly original, we've seen this type of cover a 1000 times, how is this a "killer cover?" I agree, that cover never made sense to me either. Not hating, cause I love Mignola, but from a composition stand point, when you look at Bats, he's center stage in the cover, but the statue and other objects in the background (looks like he's in a cemetery yes?) are not straight, they are on an angle, and not just a slight angle.. extremely tilted... So you think, maybe Mignola drew it like that so you would have to tilt the cover to see it straight.. WRONG.. Look at the moon, that's also perfectly centered
  18. I hate you every day more and more Whats the black book? Solar #10 from Valiant. Ahhhhh, thanks (thumbs u A copper classic next to a modern... Even Grendel doesnt look too happy about it
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Elf-Warrior-4-Sept-1988-Painted-Cover-Peter-Hsu-original-art-23-5-x-35-5-/321791282228?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item4aec414c34
  20. Yeah this whole period of Marvel confuses me to no end. The Spider-Gwen series was new and at issue #5 when it stopped and now the headlines are Spider-Gwen in a new series. It already was a new series. This is just a #1 money grab IMO. 20+ variants the first time around. Whats the over/under for the new #1? Infinite variants + continuity within the #1 variants!!