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Everything posted by Aweandlorder

  1. And here's a guy who bought 15 copies thinking this would be a smart investment someday
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261914487725?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT http://www.ebay.com/itm/ALL-NEW-MARVEL-POINT-ONE-1-2-1st-Appearance-Kamala-Khan-MS-MARVEL-Preview-HOT-/201358344621?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2ee1e481ad&nma=true&si=cCTwDudGe%252B4b5k1cNGahWuAER9I%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 How u doin
  3. I love ASM annual 21 for the same reason that we have a debate about it being a key - no one understand its a MAJOR book for spidey fans. It has a classic cover, its a major turning point in peter parker's life, it appeals to both male & female readers, its an early variant book.. it has so many tie ins for you to package it with (asm 290, marvel saga 22, marvel age 54), memorabilia: posters, bags, etc this is a book that you can sell for 5 or 10 and be done with or its a book that you can sell for 20-50 or 100 with additional stuff That one book i never have to spend time grading in order to sell at a premium
  4. Does is sell at a premium? Has it always been in demand? Was the marriage celebrated in a huge sport venue? Was it reported in the media? Why in the world would these questions be relevant to a SA comic? You sound like some newbie spec-vestor who literally just fell off the turnip truck yesterday, Haha ok ill take it
  5. Does is sell at a premium? Has it always been in demand? Was the marriage celebrated in a huge sport venue? Was it reported in the media?
  6. most likely.. if a book has a staying power of 30 years and is selling for 350.00 in 9.8.. something happened in that book to justify those trends and yeah,, you can bet that spideys wedding was distinct from surrounding issues
  7. I love coming here and getting compliments from newbs on my age Now, if only you were 50 years younger and of opposite gender It may not be a "high dollar 'key'" (yet), but Peter and MJ's wedding would certainly have to be considered a "key" moment in Spider-Man lore. In that regard, it is a "key". The book being tough in high or 9.8 grade can very easily give it steam along with the "Renew Your Vows" event and whatever comes out of that. That is precisely what triggered me to finally seek out a high grade copy for myself. (thumbs u -J. People lose track of what a true key is. a book selling for 350.00 in a 9.8 is a key A book which is constantly in demand for almost 30 years regardless of price is a key A key is NOT a book that came out yesterday and will have a staying power of a year or less a key is NOT a book that is being in demand due to current events a key is NOT a book that came out 30 years ago and all of a sudden became popular
  8. I love coming here and getting compliments from newbs on my age Now, if only you were 50 years younger and of opposite gender
  9. Yes, this is not a rare book, and it wasnt htf when it came out. Copies are always accessible everywhere, but it is definitely a book that stood the test of time. A true key!
  10. Thats what I thought when I saw it on the cough cough CBCS fb page. But nope.. The inside pages are B&W too.. Cool find
  11. Whoa! Just sold 6 copies of red hulk #1 @ 10 each on Amazon. I couldnt move this book the whole year for half that price
  12. I actually looked into this and there is no difference in prices and one is no rarer than the other. The one that MCS evidently sold is the definition of an "outlier". The auction results on heritage bear this out. I actually prefer the Peter Parker version as I find the Spider-Man version doesn't really make sense in context . -J Can anyone pull GPA stats on 9.8? Just curious. I actually think that the 150.00 sale was low for this book at that grade. 340, although high, is closer to what I had in mind than 150.00
  13. Im no expert, but I have never had problems selling this book for 40 sometimes 50 raw in NM in the past year or so.. Great investment book in high grade (thumbs u Totally agree. I bought my first copy just last weekend. Such a great comic Are you talking about slabs? I see mostly sales in the 10-20 range. Nope. Raw.. It wont fly at 40-50.00 but it will eventually sell
  14. The most interesting thing about the ASM ann#21 is: CGC doesnt appear to separate covers A & B So, the census will show 239 9.8s for BOTH and the label will read: Spider Man and Peter Parker covers exist Now, Ive always known that those are hard to come across on eBay in 9.8 for a decent price. But last month there was a 9.8 Spidey version which sold for 340.0 and a Parker version sold for 150.00, almost a week apart!
  15. I agree the events with the artist hurt the momentum and it would seem might have affected it. Our sales have increased. Our pre orders for volume 2 were five times the amount than for volume 1. And that article didn't get the whole context of the conversation. So, that was swell of him to write without asking me any f@cking questions. It has expired, but is in the process of being renewed. Sheesh, you negative Nellie's! These boards are notorious for chasing off creators. There's many jack@zzes here. But we love you Kurtis Don't let some bad apples spoil this place for you. I think he was referring to the guy at CHU who "broke" the news about the show being cancelled. And what did we learn from this lesson kids?
  16. Captain Marvel 26 - that is a 1973 comic and War is Hell is a 1974. Even easier, CM 26 is 20-cent and WiH 9 is 25-cents. In my mind, these are not even the same character. Mistress Death is an aspect of death that clearly is feminine. The other character is not. That was my assumption as well..
  17. First EOSV#2 swipe.. I can already see this becoming a thing
  18. WIH #9 or CM #26.. I was always curious about this myself. Anyone?
  19. Im no expert, but I have never had problems selling this book for 40 sometimes 50 raw in NM in the past year or so.. Great investment book in high grade (thumbs u
  20. but if it's a mid-run book, not a first or second appearance, etc., there is only so far it can go generic mid-run issues of the 1997 deadpool series are capping out at $5-$8 a pop and that was pretty low print-run and he is really popular, with a movie, etc. now, it's true, we've seen this now with at least three titles, WD, Deadpool and I guess Harley's first series, with generic mid-run issues crossing the $5 plateau, is there another series like that? Maybe spawns in the 100s? i'd feel safe tossing a lot of in a dollar box but yeah, it had better be real krap to blow out at 5 cents or a dime Try finding late Deathstroke, Lobo & Static books for 10-20, heck some are even 50-80. They have no real significance, and they are not huge properties like deadpool, harley etc, but they bring good coin. Really good coin