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Everything posted by gino2paulus2

  1. So it's 525PM here in Ohio. I worked last night. Got off and came home for second to pick up a book to ship to a boardie then headed to the Dentist for my regular cleaning. Came home again and hung out with the wife and kids for about an hr. Crawled into bed at around noon. My 3 yr old son crawled in with me around 2 PM he always wakes me up to tell me he's gonna nap with me it's the cutest and my favorite thing in the whole wide world. Then several minutes ago my alarm goes off. I set it so i didn't sleep through the whole evening and I can try to reset my biological alarm clock as I am off the next 3 days. My son has since left he got up without awaking me at some point who knows. I grab my phone to turn off the alarm which is jamming GNRs Sweet Child O' Mines classic guitar riff. I jump on the boards quick to see if I have any notifications (yeah i love the boards that much haha) and it takes me to the Fox Thread (YAY!!) where I subsequently see this copy of BB54. I Zoom in a bit and WOW!!! But i am LITERALLY BLINDED BY THE BRIGHTNESS of this copies yellows so much that i dropped my phone and it rolled off the bed onto the floor ? I thought it was so funny I decided to pick my phone back up and recount the moments before officially getting up. TRUE STORY!!! The time I got up and was rendered temporarily frozen!! My body robbed of its sense of sight all because of Bedrocks unbelievably luminous copy of Blue Beetle 54!! Like opening your eyes to find you are staring directly into the Center of the SUN!!! Sweet book man you could light up room with that thing haha!!
  2. But the 54 is a KEY as it has the 1st app of the Strapless Magic Bra ?
  3. BEAUTIFUL copy brother look at those colors POP!!! thanks gents!! I just love the the last 4 Eagle covers they look so nice especially together and the way his now Red and White cape merges into the Weird Comics logo on all of them. So cool!! Great example there man!!
  4. I know right!! 17 was actually the first Weird i ever went after at auction and lost. Not many have popped up since!! I won't officially consider my end of the series run complete until I land one!! That's just gorgeous!!!
  5. You KNOW i love this one Brother!! Was FINALLY able to upgrade my copy!! Still not as nice as yours but it has nice pages and the centerfold is attached. TOUGH book!!
  6. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I love that we have such an enthusiastic Fox bunch!!
  7. page 3... pretty happy to have got this tough little Fox in the mail today finally completing my Weird 18-20 minnie run
  8. This would be the last to go for me...I love everything about this copy of this extremely tough book including the condition
  9. This is another book completely but appears to be the same thing. It has faded the spine and looks strange but is actually pretty solid even though it now doesn't appear that way...
  10. Filmoplast? Rice Paper? Conserved? PLOD? HELP!! Hey folks so I have a book that I purchased that read, "tape" in the description. Before you read forward I don't want this thread to turn into a who was the seller kind of deal that is not what this is about. This is to be informative not only for me but hopefully others as well. I looked up filmoplast and rice paper and there are lots of talks about it but I didn't find many pictures. I have many GA rarities as that is my passion and lately have received a few that have something on the inside which I am not all that familiar with and would like to be. All were purchased raw and are pretty darn rare so you have to strike when they come up and sometimes that means taking chances as many of you have probably done as well so I look to you for advice and knowledge. So This most recent book stated, "tape" on the inside cover and I am just not sure what kind of tape it is and need you...the boardie brains to school me. It appears almost whitish clear. It is on several parts of the cover and up and down the entire spine which doesn't appear split underneath just has tears/holes it appears to be, "Filling" or "reinforcing" for a lack of better terms. So is this filmoplast or Rice paper or what and IF subbed to CGC would it come back Universal, conserved, or Restored? If others have pictures I would love and encourage them to share within the thread as well. Thanks so much in advance, Gino
  11. Boy i sure hope one of those isn't a book i'm chasing!! Sounds like the GAtor Mack Truck is gonna steamroll anything or anyone that gets in its way so I hope they are all Centaurs!! Speaking of Centaurs only the AMAN 25 and 26 have broke the 1K mark in that run besides the 22 which is already over 25K Still way worth it if you ask me what a beauty of a cool book makes me wish i could swim in that end of the pool for a little while. Maybe later in life...see i'm already setting retirement goals haha!! Retirement Goal #1- Mannup for a few books I haven't been able to yet.