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Everything posted by yoddler

  1. It's true they could not have formed a team in BB60 if some of them hadn't met in BB54. But does that really make 54 the first appearance? Then I guess Superman 76 is the first appearance of JLA because they couldn't have made JLA without Superman and Batman meeting in Superman 76 and thus being in the same universe...? Just because people meet doesn't mean they form a team. Not until there actually is announced a team. And ... where it all began? It began earlier in 53 then... JLA began in....?? We cannot say Beatles began 4 years before they actually formed Beatles.. just because "some of the members met then and if they hadn't met, then there would be no Beatles..." True, they met earlier... their story shows that... but they did not form the Beatles until they actually did. You're agreeing it's true that the team in 60 couldn't have formed if they hadn't met in 54. Doesn't that in and of itself say something? My point is both 54 and 60 are two sides of the same coin -- one is the result and continuation of the other. I'll say it again: there would be no 60 if there wasn't a 54. For a Teen Titans completist and collector, 54 is where it begins. Would DC have published 60 if 54 hadn't been so well received?
  2. The fundamental difference between the two arguments is one side is citing actual events and storyline, while the other is citing name, trademark and reference points. I don't think either is going to sway the other because you are each arguing two completely different perspectives. If you're defending events and storyline, then 54 is the origin and first appearance, because clearly the story in 60 couldn't happen without the events that occurred in 54. If you're defending name, trademark and reference points, then 60 is the first appearance of the Teen Titans brand. As a true collector, I'd choose 54 all day over 60 because to me, STORY is the most important thing. Where does the STORY of the Teen Titans start? It's always going to be 54 -- because that's where it all begins. To say 54 would fall into obscurity is a little ridiculous. There wouldn't even be a 60 if there was no 54.
  3. Go check out John Wick -- Adrianne Palicki's pretty great in that as well.
  4. I agree, loved her! Badass. The funny thing is it looked like she towered over everyone else
  5. What was the name of this "startling new team of DC heroes" at the end of B&B #54? That's a big omission and a huge part of the argument. Subby, Hulk and Surfer teamed-up before MP #1 and they were known as the "Titans Three." Unofficially. BS...was the specific super-hero name of "Ant-Man" mentioned at all in Tales to Astonish #27? Some people are grasping at straws trying to play up their copies of B&B #60. I'm not buying it...if you want to change the 1st appearance of the Teen Titans, then go change the 1st appearance of Ant-man and a whole host of other superheroes first. Wonder Girl joins the Teen Titans...that's about it The cover to TTA 35 says The Return of The Ant Man. Note: no hyphen between Ant and Man. It's like calling someone the sports guy (a guy around the office that is crazy about sports). On the cover to TTA 36 you have Ant-Man, a minor difference in punctuation that makes all the difference. The hero Ant-Man did not appear in TTA 27, Hank Pym, the Ant Man (sports guy) did. Around the time of 35, Lee needed a hero so it took the story from 27 and went with it. Genius! That's my take on the TTA debate, anyway. I still think BB 60 is the first appearance of a formal group called the Teen Titans, though. I don't own a copy of any of these books, sadly. (thumbs u that's the first time I've heard the punctuation argument in the TTA 27 vs 35 debate...interesting stuff
  6. Some people like to read, touch, smell and fondle their comics.
  7. (thumbs u Anyone who proclaims to be shining an altruistic beacon of truth to set the record straight is kidding themselves... I don't believe that. I have nice copies of both books (I am a B&B collector, not a Teen Titans collector). I have read both books multiple times and proclaimed often that BB 54 is one of my favorite silver age books. I also believe that it is NOT the first appearance of the Teen Titans, 60 is. I have no intention on selling my copies or going after upgrades or buying more for future profit potential. More of these type of collectors then people think (I am in the same boat and enjoy both books for what they are). If you were a reader of the Titans you'd also realize that Wonder Girl was an integral part of what "we" consider the initial Teen Titans. It doesn't discount the team up in 54, which again is part of the Titans lore by anyone's measure, but people will value what they want in this thread at this point right or wrong. Not sure I would categorize people as "we" because that's just a slippery slope and implies there's an "us" that's better than "them"... I am a Teen Titans reader. Would it surprise you that I have a different but no less valid opinion?
  8. (thumbs u Anyone who proclaims to be shining an altruistic beacon of truth to set the record straight is kidding themselves... I don't believe that. I have nice copies of both books (I am a B&B collector, not a Teen Titans collector). I have read both books multiple times and proclaimed often that BB 54 is one of my favorite silver age books. I also believe that it is NOT the first appearance of the Teen Titans, 60 is. I have no intention on selling my copies or going after upgrades or buying more for future profit potential. I concede this is a sweeping generalization and take it back, but individual motivation on either side is not so easily defined.
  9. (thumbs u Anyone who proclaims to be shining an altruistic beacon of truth to set the record straight is kidding themselves... Nice BB 54 you have there, Yoddler. Look, please don't shoot the messenger. As I mentioned before I have a couple 60's. Financially speaking, I have put my money where my mouth is. I'm not trying to alienate anyone here. I'm just pointing out at the very least there is certainly some grey area. We all share a common interest that brought us here. That does not mean we cannot disagree from time to time I've already disclosed in this thread I own both 54 and 60. As I said though, you may just be right! (thumbs u
  10. Clearly this debate is deteriorating quickly... To this point both sides have argued well with merit, but nothing either side has said will change the other. No need to denigrate other's opinions on a personal level. If it weren't for recent announcements of television and movie properties involving the Teen Titans, there probably wouldn't be any questions regarding the timing and motivation of the debate... All debate aside, the industry has already decided that 54 is the origin and first appearance. Period. I wish you luck in your efforts to persuade the "BB 54 crowd" that your opinion is better. You may just be right!
  11. (thumbs u Anyone who proclaims to be shining an altruistic beacon of truth to set the record straight is kidding themselves...
  12. I own both BB54 and 60, but who doesn't look at the cover of BB54 and not think Teen Titans?
  13. Has DC said their TV properties are in the same universe as the movies? I know that's the case with Marvel and Star Wars...
  14. Paul was responsive, shipped quick and bulletproof. I'd buy from him again in a heartbeat! (thumbs u
  15. The Rock is Black Adam! http://www.slashfilm.com/the-rock-in-shazam/#more-251707
  16. In the words of the immortal Black Bolt... "... ... ..." Nuff said!
  17. The real argument here is between technicality and the spirit of the boards... It is a shame when one has to be sacrificed for the other.
  18. I don't sell much, but when I come to an agreement with someone via PM, then the book is sold no matter what happens thereafter in the thread. Once that happens, I'll ask a buyer to post an I'll Take It, or if they want to remain anonymous, I'll post a Sold via PM. If someone comes along and posts I'll Take It in the thread before a deal is reached, it's theirs. Timestamp is king. Bottom line: if I agree to a deal, I stand by it. I mean, if you don't have your word then what do you have?
  19. My response was in regards to a bump. Place me squarely in the camp of BB28 being too long undervalued and an always important, increasingly valuable key. It's my favorite book of my favorite hero team. The only ways I'd ever sell is if I absolutely had to for financial reasons (highly unlikely) or if I upgraded (also highly unlikely).
  20. I might be a little biased, but I expect another bump once the JL movie trailer hits. I mean, can you imagine what that trailer will look like?! I get goosebumps just thinking about it,
  21. I liked it! Especially that crazy plot twist at the end... In all seriousness though, at least there were some interesting thoughts and threads presented in it. Worth the rental for sure!