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Peter G

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Everything posted by Peter G

  1. We really live in an interesting time in which the present defines the future and the past is to be escaped - but IF we live long enough - we might be able to see value more clearly (of course, after the impending deluge)
  2. I was being facetious with that “easily” next time I will eye roll so it’s more obvious 🙄
  3. I just don’t like the art. To me it’s value is to sell it to you guys. I would never want this on my wall. It’s not aesthetically pleasing or even interesting. In fact, I find it tacky.
  4. No you miss my point. You must learn to value items through the lens of a long time frame. Granted, all this free money seriously distorts things in the near time but if you put on your long term glasses you will see that this cover is purely all text, and no token, and that seriously impairs it’s value ! Anyways, you kids buy your ethereum and your bipcoins. I cannot force you to see my wisdom. YOLO 😔
  5. I’m going to nominate the Amazing Spider-Man 583 cover as being one of the most important comic book covers. 🙄
  6. One of the most important covers in comic history 😂 The arc of history is much longer than the short blip of your life I met a traveller from an antique landWho said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stoneStand in the desert . . . Near them, on the sand,Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,Tell that its sculptor well those passions readWhich yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed:And on the pedestal these words appear:'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'Nothing beside remains. Round the decayOf that colossal wreck, boundless and bareThe lone and level sands stretch far away."
  7. I don’t want to make this too complicated but in philosophical terms if “token “ is the image or totem and “text” is the context, well this is all text, and no token. I just don’t think the future will care about text that much. The token is much more important. I appreciate that into the Spiderverse was kinda cool. I liked it. Thought it was very well done but it was derivative.
  8. 225k for a cover that imho, as a piece of art is sub-standard but is considered “important” because of the current fashion of diversity. Color me skeptical but I do not think this piece will maintain its value in the long run.
  9. To the Moon !!!! 🚀🚀🚀 I stop You Stop We all stop for GameStop ! fake economy where everybody knows the prices of everything but not the value of anything !!!
  10. Anybody know what the reference to Metropolis Comics here is about ? https://comics.ha.com/itm/modern-age-1980-present-/turtlemania-special-1-gold-edition-metropolis-comics-1986-cgc-qualified-nm-92-white-pages/p/7242-27001.s?ic4=GalleryView-ShortDescription-071515#
  11. We just need Comiclink & Metropolis to fall and then the FTC will be sure to bring an antitrust case to break up this monopoly. 🙄
  12. Unfortunately, censorship has no limits once it gets started.
  13. Yes, all of this is true but “We like the OA”
  14. I encourage people to read the WSB subreddit for lultz Personally, I appreciate the morality of it. But I read to many comic books when I was younger so I’m always intrigued by these types of psychological issues where villains mistakenly believe they are hero’s