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Everything posted by ttfitz

  1. I didn't see the typo at first so I thought it being qualified was the problem. Upon a second look, I think I can answer my own question - I didn't notice the first time it says "WRONG BACK COVER." So I guess that it is technically incomplete? My only defense is I think @jcjames distracted me by pointing out the typo, and I didn't see the caption above it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  2. Typo is bad, but I gotta wonder about the grade - a "qualified" 0.5? I mean, except for incomplete, you really can't get lower than a 0.5, right? So what makes it "qualified"???
  3. The first Golden Age comic I bought was at a Baltimore Comic Con. It was on Sunday, and I was making a last look around, when I saw a Action Comics #89 on someone's wall. I didn't really look at GA books much, as they tended to be out of my price range, but this one was at least in the neighborhood of what I could afford. I had a hard time deciding, though - I had my want list which had my target price (Overstreet VG usually) but in order to keep it to one page front and back, it didn't go back that far. I kept going back and forth, and finally I think the guy might have pulled out an Overstreet for me to look at. Seemed like a reasonable price, and I've always been a big Superman fan, so I bought it. Can't remember exactly when this was, but I can say it was 2013 or earlier, as the oldest wantlist I can find on my computer dates from then and indicates I owned the 89 (ie 88 and 90 was on the list).
  4. Okay, the hat is a bit much, but I don't think it's enough to call him "weird."
  5. Full backs are advertised as 35 pt. https://egerber.com/catalog_fullbacks.htm
  6. Not an Adventure Comics 226 or World's Finest 72 by any chance?
  7. I know it's just a typo, but a really good one, I think.
  8. I think your mistake here was in editing your message - makes it look like you are trying to hide something. Would have been better if you had sent a second message that you had reconsidered how much you were offering to refund. You might have thought it didn't make a difference since he hadn't responded, but if he's like me, he's set things so that he gets an email with the original message, so he could be aware of what you had originally offered.
  9. It's always sad when the thread gets away from you - or even worse, locked - before you get really revved up. It really shouldn't be allowed to happen. Someone should start a poll.
  10. A good number of comics in my collection were bought from these sales. My experience with MHC and grading is different than most folks here, I never had much of a problem with their grading, but I've always been one to buy in the G+ to VG+ range, occasionally a FN if the price was right. At least back in the day of those ads, I thought they did just fine with grading, and I've actually got a few books from back then which they graded G+ that I thought were nicer.
  11. Say what you will about Chuck and his pricing, but the store in Denver is quite amazing.
  12. Making no judgements on the relative worth of any form of price guide, I thought I would point out that last year Overstreet launched an online version of their Guide. https://www.overstreetaccess.com
  13. Haha, I didn't actually read what it said, and just noticed - the website listed, ThomZ.com - belongs to Thom Zahler, one of my "convention friends."
  14. That sucks to hear! I was looking for the TPB this month. Shirtless Bear fighter 1st series was great! Yeah, I agree. The way I've put it to some folks is the original series was like a bunch of jokes that had just enough of a plot to move it along. The sequel felt more like they tried to have an actual plot and had to be reminded to add some jokes in.
  15. Last count - 156 Money Shot 1-5 Read some good things about this, so thought I'd give it a try. Meh. Spy Superb 1-3 Not sure why I picked this one up, I guess something in the solicitation caught my eye. Decent read, although I found the art aggressively ugly. Not sure it was worth the $7.99 cover price, though. Human Target 1-12 Very much enjoyed this one. Good story, surprisingly leisurely pace given the premise, and beautiful to look at. Did a good job of portraying the "Justice League International" vibe without getting too silly - and acknowledged that it WAS quite silly. Recommended for any DC fans of the time frame, as well as the old "Human Target" backup in Detective Comics. Invincible 20-35, 0, The Pact #4 I enjoy this more and more as time goes on. Fantastic Four 234-239Avengers 213-216,Annual 10Marvel Teamup 111-114Amazing Spider-Man 222-224Spectacular Spider-Man 61-63 Not quite sure what to say about my Bronze Age reading (how late does Bronze go?). A few semi-classics here. Getting close to the point in time when I started collecting/reading again in college, not sure whether I will reread any of those, or go into something new. Monstress 16-18 Still quite enjoyable - and beautifully horrific art - and I feel I'm slowly learning who everyone is. As much as you can, I guess. Looks like that puts me at 215 for the year. Below my unofficial goal of 100 per month, but ahead of pace for hitting 1000 for the year.
  16. Thanks for mansplaining all that (). But seriously, it was a pretty complete synopsis of how things are supposed to work. Around 3:30 this afternoon, I got back on my computer for the first time since last night, read some emails, checked my March Madness bracket (even though the Zags losing knocked me out of any more points for the year) just to be complete, and then brought one of the forum tabs to the foreground - but didn't do anything - but since nobody looked and reported back since then, not much was contributed to the experiment. That's pretty much the point that I was making in the other thread, I'm not sure how definitive the "last visited" item is. As I said before, I found it was showing me as "active now" when I hadn't been on here for hours; I guess you could consider my mouse hovering over my user-id as an "activity" but I'm not sure most people would. And I often come back to an open tab here that has been in the background to find I've got a number of notifications, and I don't know whether that's because the system thinks I'm here or not (and if that would reset the clock). Yeah, I get an email when I get a PM (as well as when someone tags me as you did here) so I almost always have read a PM before it shows up that I did here. I think I've possibly got a few PMs that are months old that still show as "unread" simply because I read the email and had nothing else to add.
  17. Given that was pretty much the only thing I talked about in that other thread, I thought I would point out that I don't know for sure whether it shows you as having visited the forum when you have an open tab or not, but that there is some evidence that it might. For anyone who cares to check and report back, it is 2:24 AM (eastern) as I post this, and it will be my last use of the forum tonight, likely until midafternoon. But I will still have tabs open here, and I will make this thread my first "visit" when I return. So if anyone cares to see if I am showing up as online (or visited) in the meantime, please post as a data point.
  18. You need to buy a dictionary. That's not "socialism", it's not even close. The other thread was locked before I got back home, so I can't respond directly, but I'll be brief - as I suspected, (a) you were unable to support your accusation about me, and (2) you didn't admit to being wrong. I expected the first because not only did I not say anything like you claimed I did, but I didn't support that position either. I expected the second, because, well, you are you. I think you would say "surprise, surprise" but I at least would be right.
  19. You, Randall Dowling and now ttfitz (surprise, surprise) are making it sound like the buyers (and the forum by extension) were impatient and unreasonable for expecting a reply sooner than a week. I challenge you to point out where I said anything at all like that. Go ahead, I'll wait. And since you are always talking about how you are willing to admit when you are wrong, I expect to see you post back here with a correction. EDIT: When I say, "I'll wait" I don't literally mean I'll be here waiting. In fact, this will probably be the last time I come in here for a couple days, as I am going to visit my father and will be away from my computer. So, if you look for my "last visit" and it shows me here much later than, oh 3pm on Sunday until late Tuesday, you'll see exactly what I've been talking about - and only what I talked about.
  20. Yep. Depending on the browser, it absolutely will. Before I opened this thread back up, I went to one of my "always open" tabs, which is set on a post I had made weeks ago ("1000 books in 2023"). Doing nothing more than bringing that tab to the foreground, I hovered over my ID, and it said, "Online now". Not definitive, I guess, but at least an indication of something more than actually being here reading stuff.
  21. I'm not sure how that "last visit" thing works, either - I've pretty much always got a few tabs open on forum pages, whether I am actually reading anything or not. It's possible it could show me as being here when I haven't looked at anything at all.