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Posts posted by CAHokie

  1. On 10/26/2023 at 12:00 PM, RobAnybody said:

    Part of the reason for that statistic is that every bit part actor is a member. So the couple chatting at the beginning of Law & Order who stumble upon the body are members. The barista who takes Sheldon's order on TBBT & exchanges a few lines of dialogue is a member. The Red Shirt on Star Trek who has a few lines, beams down with the main characters, & promptly gets killed is a member.

    That's what skews that statistic - for most actors, acting is at best a part-time job. No one should expect full-time pay for part-time work.


    On 10/26/2023 at 12:21 PM, Axelrod said:

    here is definitely money to go around in the industry.  But heaven forbid they try to come up with a more equitable and even-handed way of paying people because socialism.  

    Using RobAnybody's example, that red shirt and barista actually get paid very well for that one day of work. They also get free food, a pay bonus if they get lunch late, a pay bonus if it rains on them, a pay bonus for changing clothes, etc.  

  2. On 10/26/2023 at 10:03 AM, jsilverjanet said:

    well I would argue that QBs on average are risking their health (especially long term) and their work window is much shorter, and the job pool is limited (32 open positions) which would justify some of the salaries numbers

    True, but so do electricians, construction workers, etc…with none of the perks. How many really good CEOs are there? (Not saying I like these guys) They are making decisions involving billions of dollars and a bad CEO can destroy a company and the livelihood of thousands. 

  3. On 10/26/2023 at 8:56 AM, TupennyConan said:

    This is obscene.

    It is, but in comparison, the top QBs in the NFL make more than 3-10 on the list over a 5-year period.  People justify QB pay by the amount of money they make for the team, so one could say the above make decisions that make money for the company and shareholders.  Crazy amounts of money either way though. 

  4. On 10/25/2023 at 7:02 PM, Bosco685 said:

    You've said a number of times.

    Meanwhile, setting a more reasonable work standard is foundational. Growing it from there product-wise comes in time.

    As far as actors go unless you get an established role on a series, are a star, or in demand as a character actor, it is the best side job there is. There is no way to guarantee  a living wage for the amount of people that want to be actors full time. 


  5. On 10/20/2023 at 12:21 PM, sd2416 said:

    someone break out their vhs and a tube tv, lets see. 

    Don’t tempt him, he will do it! lol

    I will also add that this was pre-internet days when people watched a movie without dissecting each frame. If someone saw a person in the background or something that wasn’t supposed to be there the lore would be that it was a ghost or something.


  6. On 10/19/2023 at 7:29 PM, VintageComics said:

    I wonder what that editor is doing for work today? lol

    Those rubber socks are particularly bad. They couldn't make them extend up the pant leg to complete the illusion? doh!

    I'm a total perfectionist when it comes to details and if I was a film maker this shizzle would haunt me for the rest of my days. 

    You are forgetting that we didn’t have big screen tvs with high definition back then. You could get away with a lot more compared to now.

  7. On 10/17/2023 at 7:52 PM, LOC Collectibles said:

    Have you seen home prices recently? Also, have you tried to apply for a home loan lately? Hell, have you tried to apply for any loan lately? Good luck walking into a bank with $5-10k making $50-60k a year on a $416k home (median home cost in America). 

    I didn’t say buy one now. We were discussing the crazy money spent on comics and cards when home interest rates were 2.5%

  8. On 10/17/2023 at 1:30 PM, 1Cool said:

    I think they both the same.  You gave people a ton of money that they may not have needed to survive.  They used said funds to drive up collectibles and other items in the hopes of generating more cash or just because they always wanted it.  Prices crash so they lose all the free cash and the older people who originally owned the collectibles are the ones who benefited.

    Why were people using free money on collectibles during a pandemic? Would have been a great time to save, invest, buy a house, or pay off any debt. 

  9. She has a right to feel that way but isn’t the show ending anyway? Another way she could have said it is, “I appreciate everything that Stranger Things has did for me. Now that it is ending, I am looking forward to new projects that I am passionate about.”

    Sometimes actors try to distance themselves from shows that made them famous and it can be hit or miss. I am sure she will be fine but it will be hard to top this character.

  10. On 10/9/2023 at 11:23 AM, WolverineX said:

    Great job!


    I guess the question is what happens when the next counterfeit shows up with the correct year and price on the back cover?    It's probably only a matter of time now.  

    That is always a concern.  While proving something is fake (as should be done), it unfortunately also creates a training guide for future fakes. 

  11. On 10/10/2023 at 7:06 PM, VintageComics said:

    Correct. What is amazing is that most discussions these days follow the same parallels in every area of society whether it's automotive or entertainment or anything. 

    I've been saying for DECADES on here that cheaper is NOT better. Until people can understand the long term consequences of constantly trying to get "cheaper" products they are going to continually shoot themselves in the foot. It's a self perpetuating prophesy and the consumer needs to break the cycle because the supplier will always supply whatever the consumer will gobble up so products continue to get cheaper and worse perpetually.

    The reason people don't adjust is for the same reason an addict doesn't want to stop using. There is a necessary adjustment period of change that might be difficult to endure (the hang over from a lifetime of bad decision making) and it's precisely because people avoid a little short term suffering to avoid a longer term, larger problem that the problem continues to grow. 

    No, this isn't a talk about addiction. This thread is not off topic. It's a parallel to emphasize the point. 

    To solve the world's ills the solution is the same. We need to value things that have value.

    Things that are built with integrity and quality in mind over profit. 

    And the way to do that is to raise better families because those families will make better decisions FOR THE COMMUNITY THEY'RE RAISED IN.

    In case nobody heard me before. :D

    One of the parallels I was talking about was how people don't care (or just can't tell) if something is fake. That's a common theme through this thread and many if not most industries that have undergone massive upheaval due to technical advances. 

    "Fake beef? Does it taste like beef? It does? Oh then it doesn't matter if it's fake or not."

    Well, actually it DOES matter because your body evolved from millions of years of eating REAL food. Your body is not a processing factory that doesn't care what goes into it. Your body is formed out of the soil, out of all the things that your food grows out of and your body is connected to where REAL food comes from. 

    So you can't make a new reality, a new "food" from scratch and expect your body which evolved eating real food to treat fake food the same way. 

    You may not catch what it's doing to your body right away but it IS doing something and logic would dictate it's not as good for you as real food. 


    Same with art. 

    Art has a measurable effect on society. It moves, changes and inspires people. It heals. It educates. It moves information. 

    HEALTHY humans cleave toward other healthy humans. We cleave toward other humans because inspiration from other humans is inspiring, empowering, healing and necessary. 

    What happens when your inspiration is no longer real? When it's manufactured artificially?

    When the origins are NOT HUMAN? 

    Well, the same thing happens in EVERY instance. 

    The human starts to long for what's missing and a new problem is created. 

    The mental health problems we are facing are mostly, directly related to the digital world being imposed on us. 

    Why? Because I believe it's warping reality and we can't handle it in a healthy manner. 


    I think it's worth mentioning that maybe not everyone can even intuitively see or understand what I'm talking about.

    I remember having the discussion about Henry Cavill's moustache being Photoshopped out for B v S (I remember noticing it in the movie theater and even talked about it here on this forum on several occasions. It really me the way it looked, meaning it bothered me that it didn't look right in the movie - I could clearly tell something was not right but most seemed to not even notice it. ???

    So maybe I just keep noticing things that most don't?

    And the thought of the majority of people being completely oblivious to something so obvious to me is frankly quite scary now when I think about it. 

    My personal fact checker should be along soon. Since I know what I am talking about, maybe he will mansplain things to you instead.  :D 

    (That was an impressive wall of text by the way but a lot of truth to it) 

  12. As I said in the writer’s strike thread, just because something can be done cheaper and easier doesn’t mean it should.

    Extras in movies/tv are some of the most “interesting” people I have ever met. Take that how you will. They do serve a function though. They create realism and an atmosphere. If you replace them with AI figures then the talent is essentially doing an entire movie in green screen. Sure, that’s fine for certain types of movies but I think it would really change the performance in others. Some will balk at doing it.