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Everything posted by DavidTheDavid

  1. Another good transaction with Adam. Thanks very much!
  2. Claudio, I respect you and always will, and appreciate your intent, but you have to examine your owns posts, and those of some others, as somewhat sanctimonious.
  3. PayPal was the obvious choice considering the loss of trust I suffered when he became hostile, accusatory, and irrational. Keep in mind, the book was returned on the understating of his statements... but maybe its best that I simply buy the book back from you. I'm not interested in the downside if the book becomes more damaged. Sorry, but I think this is best. Let me know what you wish to do - I can have the money sent back to you on Monday. I meant I can have the money sent to you once I receive the book back. Please pack it safely and return the book. See early posts here for complete context. So I returned the book, on that understanding. He changed his mind, unilaterally. Yet he still accepted the returned book, signed for it, and took possession of it. See where this is going?
  4. No, I don't. Like I said in my PM to Maxwell, I didn't notice any damage to the box that would make me want to photograph it. I've done that before, which helped out one seller here as it substantiated his USPS claim.
  5. May 24?! You shipped on June 12. That's a lot of days for potential mishandling.
  6. Can't take accountability for what I didn't do. But here's what you don't get: it's absolutely just as plausible that YOU damaged the book either before shipment, or during shipping and handling. Do I know if you did? Do I think you did? Do I know if you had fraudulent intent? No, I don't. That was what my 'nomination' for you on the PL was about: by your 'reasoning' you are just as open to accusations of misdeeds as I. But you've set sail on this course and made up your mind, and so be it.
  7. @joeypost After images below. The front corner damage is what I observed when I first removed the comic from the outer mylar and looked at the comic. I don't have your experience, but to me, that damage coincides with what's on the back top corner as well. In total, that suggests to me that the damage occurred beforehand.
  8. I had a nap. I felt better later. Still, it's about PL. It's not about non-professionals attempting to litigate or mitigate something in a public forum, or mediate a financial dispute. Nor is it about professionals, who by most professional codes of conduct would be out of line doing so, inserting their informed judgment. That's my gripe. But yeah, I know people do what people do, unthinking or not. Not trying to argue with you or snap at you. It's just what I think, and it's what turns me off about this kind of thing.
  9. I should have spent more time on my initial inspection. Upon removing the book from its mylar and bag and board, the front corner damage was evident, though I didn't look carefully at that time. The front corner damage would easily explain the back corner damage. That tells me the book was damaged upon receipt. How and when he damaged it in the sending, I don't know. So yes, I should have inspected more carefully at the start, or waited to respond to him until I had time to look at it more thoroughly. As stated earlier, my life is busy. I don't go into Christmas Morning mode when a comic arrives. I do like to let the seller know that I've received something, especially on an expensive book as that's just polite. When Maxwell flipped to hostile and accusatory, it quickly became obvious that reaching an amicable resolution was not in the works and that PayPal would best provide restitution. I have as much trust in him to do the right thing as he probably has for me. The detective thing is a bit of a gas, but hey, knock yourself out. I'll keep an eye out for the private investigators circling my house.
  10. Oy ve. Really jumping full on down the rabbit hole here.
  11. First, PayPal is not resolving it for you. It's resolving it for two people. That's what I mean. Why are people inserting themselves into that aspect of this issue? Sorry, but it doesn't concern you. And the bit about cursory examinations or more thorough ones, or saying, hey looks good!, is also not a valid argument. You buy some pants. You try them on. They fit! Thank god, at your age, it's getting harder and harder to find stuff that fits without making you look like a 1980's dad ad. You get home, you look at them again. Ah heck, missing a belt loop! Well, back to the store they go. You buy a new car, tell the salesman you love it when he calls you in a week to check in, then the transmission falls out, or the wheels fall off, or the roof rack is loose, whatever. By the logic on display here, I told the guy, Hey it's great! so tough luck. That's now how it works. Let's do a more immediate example. You buy a comic, you examine it thoroughly the same day you receive it, looks great, you consider it a done deal, you send it to CGC, uh oh! restoration. Too bad you're not a resto expert. You told someone you were happy and left them kudos. And here's the thing: that has happened several times on this board and not a single person has considered that scenario. So no, that's not some sort of contractually binding event.
  12. This is why I steer clear of these threads. People start playing amateur detective and part-time psychoanalyst, offering un-asked for advice based on little more than attempts to infer innuendo, hidden motives, likely causes, and whatever pabulum you want to inject. Advice, I've come to learn, is worth what you pay for it. Folks need to decide on the matter at hand and limit comments to that, which is the PL, which has apparently been decided. Some people have managed that. All the other --sorry, but yeah, it's , no matter how well-intentioned you think yourself--is just patronizing, presumptuous, and condescending. I don't like to engage in that kind of thing, so I no longer visit the probation forum or the moderation action. Some people are drawn to it like flies on poop. It's the same reason I largely avoid CG and the other sub-forums. Not only do you get to watch the drama, you get to insert yourself into it. Maybe we just need some live tweeting from all the sage commentators. Eventually, these threads fall into a bunch of back-slapping and heehawing from parties who have no vested interest in the matter. Someone just needs to post a meme to complete the cycle. Then we'll start a new cycle with people criticizing my critique or offering more sage advice or furthering the misdirection. Yeah, the whole matter sucks, but in general so does the board's response. And no, I didn't sleep well last night, and yes, I might be in a bad mood. But just as disappointing is the whole transaction and PL matter, so is it to watch things dissolve into the muck that has typified this board for so long.
  13. Bold 1: You have called me a liar, con artists, BS artists, full of BS, POS and generally assaulted my character based on your suppositions. I've made observations of your behavior, like you being erratic. This is not a pot-kettle moment. Bold 2: I would guess that I'm not the only one who would like for you to elaborate on this comment. It can easily be read as a veiled threat. Please explain, not just to me, but the boardies who have taken a public, even private, interest in this thread. Bold 3: What I have written to indicate that I want vengeance? You're the one who wrote in PM that "you're going to regret your actions." I want to settle a matter between seller and buyer. You want blood and started this nomination to get it.
  14. Again, I opened the door to a discussion. The other party lost his mind, fast, as seen in the PM thread and statements here. Not to mention the rant in his PayPal dispute, something I've kept personal because that's a PayPal issue but he decided to post here, again partially, not to mention that he escalated the dispute to a claim instead of offering some other solution. Yes, it is unfortunate that it's come to this, but I didn't bring it here. And I refrained greatly from a much stronger response--there wasn't really a need when Eric's every post grew more erratic. People need to also look at his rhetoric--baiting me with questions, recalling events out of order, providing only partial statements, building arguments on spurious suppositions. I just wasn't, and won't, let that go entirely.
  15. I see where MS has edited three posts in this thread. I've made a point of grabbing these screens, so we'll see what changes he's made. Maybe continuity isn't just a Marvel issue.
  16. FWIW, I use my middle name, David, hence DavidTheDavid. James is my first name. I blame my parents for a lifetime of confusion.
  17. I'll probably leave this up through Sunday, and then ship it to CLink with some other slabs. PMs welcome.
  18. This is one of those "recent acquisitions that I have to let go" sales. I bought it slabbed. It looks like it's been pressed to me, but I don't know. It really needs a new slab. Label is all wavy in there. $1100 shipped in the USA.
  19. Who can buy? Members on the probation list and occupants of the hall of shame are forbidden from purchases. Too much naughty from you! Anyone else, you're good. Just read the rest of the rules before you jump in. Where and how will I ship? I'll ship to US recipients, Canadians, folks in the U.K. who don't like breakfast sausage, most Europeans. If you're in Australia, maybe, but you need to have a funny kangaroo joke. I ship via USPS Priority, for both domestic and international buyers. Basically, I'll ship at cost. If flat rate is cheaper, we use that. If not, we use the weight from my zip to yours. In this case, shipping is included in the cost for US buyers. Who am I? I'm David. I'm David The David. Everybody knows that. Even the people who don't know know that. Well, my mother doesn't know that, but she doesn't have to. You can find my kudos thread in my signature. Do I take returns? Yes, but you pay return shipping. I don't like returns on slabs, so please think carefully.
  20. Don't dodge the question, Eric. If you were being transparent, then you would explain the damage. I'm sorry that you don't understand what I wrote. I advise rereading it when you are not impassioned. But yes, please explain why you shipped a book that did not match the images, why you requested the book be returned to you, reversed course, and how you intend to make me whole.
  21. I've explained my pov. There's really nothing more to add. You've chosen to believe your own conspiracy theories. It's looking more and more like you're up to no good, sliding really hard to not eat a loss. I'd rather you explain why the book you shipped me does not match the pictures. Did you do that to cover up the damage? Looking more and more like it. Boardies can decide on probation list and this will have room its course.
  22. That's the direction I was clearly headed, but he wanted a return and refund. So I did that. Considering his tirade based on supposition and calumny, I don't trust him to return the book in good order along with a partial refund. At this point, it's all in for a refund. But really, that's between PayPal, me, and him, and maybe the CC issuer if it goes that far. This thread is about a nomination, even though we're far from 30 days, for one or both board members.