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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. The fly in the ointment is still the one that sold for $26k with "white pages" on the label after this one.... -J.
  2. I notified GPA, they confirmed it was fraud and have removed it from their reporting. -J.
  3. It already is. "Tier 1" can't be and isn't just composed of DC. -J.
  4. Since this book last sold, according to GPA there are two sales. A copy with "white pages" on the label sold for $26k, and then the $30k copy on eBay which has a completely split spine that was taped up. -J.
  5. Another fake auction. That's an MCS scan with the water mark Photoshopped out. -J.
  6. Yes, 1 9.4 and 1 9.8 (no 9.6's). Both probably million+ books if they came up. Congrats to boardie sartre for having such a great copy. -J.
  7. I'm pretty sure there's a fairly recent cover by Dell'otto that I saw where Batman was punching out superman with a kryptonite chain or something wrapped around his fist.... -J.
  8. I agree, there are likely a multitude of "hypothetical million dollar+" books. Including the top graded hulk 1. But at the end of the day, the only ones (at least publicly) that really are remain Action 1, Tec 27, and AF 15. But I'd also bet the lone 9.4 Cap 1 would reach seven figures now, if it came up, and maybe even one of the two 9.2's. We will soon see whether or not this pep 22 coming up on CC has a deep enough of a fan and collector following to break seven figures. Etc.... -J.
  9. That bottom piece is pretty awesome. -J.
  10. Yep. That's about $1k less than what CGC 9.8 slabs of it have gone for over the last few months, but still not bad for Voldy. -J.
  11. This book looks like it's heating up again. Yesterday a Voldy 9.8 sold for $4k: http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=282558596939&item_hash4=a86b0531&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&_pgn=1&rc=nt&_trksid=p3750801.m370.h1613&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist.282558596939.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.co.uk%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBidsLogin%2526item%253D282558596939%2526item_hash4%253Da86b0531%2526LH_Complete%253D1%2526LH_BIN%253D1%2526_pgn%253D1%2526rc%253Dnt%2526_trksid%253Dp3750801.m370.h1613%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1255227795951 And another 9.6 was popped for $2400: http://offer.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBidsLogin&item=192219610721&item_hash4=7292628b&LH_Complete=1&LH_BIN=1&_pgn=1&rc=nt&_trksid=p3750801.m370.h1613&rmvSB=true&ul_ref=http%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-53200-19255-0%2F1%3Fff3%3D4%26campid%3D5335849815%26toolid%3D10034%26customid%3DeBay-US_go-url_-76d1aaf11675--www.watchcount.com-ilu.ihist.192219610721.-_wcc%26mpre%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Foffer.ebay.co.uk%252Fws%252FeBayISAPI.dll%253FViewBidsLogin%2526item%253D192219610721%2526item_hash4%253D7292628b%2526LH_Complete%253D1%2526LH_BIN%253D1%2526_pgn%253D1%2526rc%253Dnt%2526_trksid%253Dp3750801.m370.h1613%26srcrot%3D711-53200-19255-0%26rvr_id%3D1255684677327 -J.
  12. Agreed. Not even sure how AF 15 came into the discussion in a thread like this to be honest. Interesting thought experiment though. -J.
  13. I think you might be underestimating the allure of owning a nearly top AF 15 copy is to a whole lot of people . And until some other Marvel comic publicly eclipses the $1M mark, it is the top Marvel comic out there. Despite it being more common in most grades, it butts heads price-wise with many GA big boys. That's just a fact. That seems to bother or flummox a lot of GA guys, but that's what it does. But this is not just a value question for me- it's value AND significance. I would love to have even a 9.0 AF 15, let alone a 9.2. The fact that Ghosttown got $460k for his was remarkable, but then, so was his copy. -J.
  14. I don't see any scenario where a Batman 1 is remotely comparable to an AF 15. ASM 1, yes, if they were released in the same era. AF 15? No chance. Not even as they are now. Batman 1 doesn't sniff the significance of AF 15, irrespective of their different eras of release. That's not a knock against Batman 1. That's a testament to the power of AF 15 IMO. -J
  15. Content wise, AF 15 is a much more significant book than Batman 1, and quite rare in its own right in a 9.2 grade. Nothing crazy about someone preferring that in high grade over a Batman 1. Change the Batman 1 to a Tec 27 and the conversation is different. -J.
  16. I like this list good job. But like others have said, AF 15 should be higher. In fact, it should be in Tier 1, which I also would say should be reserved for only major hero first appearances, and balanced to reflect both Marvel and DC contributions fairly. Here is what a proper Tier 1 looks like IMO: Action Comics #1 Detective Comics #27 Amazing Fantasy #15 Captain America Comics #1 I would then drop Superman #1 to the first slot in Tier 2, followed by Batman #1, and then the rest of your list pretty much as is. -J.
  17. Um yeah. That's called trying to sell comics. Doesn't change the fact that it ain't a "variant" of the first printing. Although it is a slick way to sell a reprint. Let's just call a duck a duck here. -J.
  18. That's kind of what I thought. I wonder if this movie will be the beginning of other DC "elseworlds" storylines on the small (or big) screen as well. -J.
  19. I'm going to have to agree with Lazyboy on this one (shocking, I know). Reprints are not "variants" of a first printing comic. That's why your mentioning Cover A's and B's in the same post was confusing. And if a reprint happens to have a "new" or different cover, they are just that- a reprint with a new or different cover, but a "variant" of the original first print run, it is certainly not. -J.
  20. What "agenda"? If the sales happened they happened. You ignore data points that don't fit your narrative. All the questions you just asked about the 1.8's could be asked about this 2.5 when making the comparison you attempted to make earlier. But you didn't. And when I did, you ignored it. Consider all the publicly available data, or consider none. That has always been and remains my point on the topic. Oh, and by the way, I didn't even know you are a dealer, rando or otherwise. -J.
  21. How do you explain the parity in pricing for the 1.8's I referenced a year back? Any response to the possibility that this book might have actually gone low because it was a quick flip having just been sold a few weeks ago ? -J.
  22. This could be good. Always thought that was a great cover too. Any truth to the notion that the book was DC's first "Elseworlds" story/title ? -J.
  23. If we are balancing and factoring "value" relative to "significance" of those 6, I would do: 1) Action 1 2) Tec 27 3) Cap 1 (because this, the top Timely, should be in the Top 3 over 3 other books that all, in one form or another, feature reprinted/recycled material) 4) Superman 1 5) Marvel 1 6) Batman 1 -J.