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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. The question was 'which would you prefer' not which would others prefer. Cap #1 became a more valuable book due to his use in the movies and external speculation, but not a more important one. Actually, the Disney / Marvel universe is centered around Stark Industries. The technology, the shield, the Avengers - all Stark. I actually thought that the Super Soldier serum was in some way as referenced in an earlier movie but I can't remember for sure. I would agree with this, but for the subtitle of the first Cap movie. And even as far as he was retconned into the Avengers comic book, Cap is the face of the Avengers, and all of the biggest nuggets from both the film and TV universes trace their origins to a copy of Cap 1. -J.
  2. Uh.... Old fogie collector bias aside....Show a casual person a Marvel 1, and you get a "so what?". Show a casual person a Cap 1 and their eyes light up and they want to hold it and see it up close. In 5 years or less , a Marvel 1 will be in the same boat as a Detective Comics 1- still important but long in the dust of a far more important and desired book- the Cap 1. According Gator and a few others, it already happened awhile back. (It also doesn't hurt that nearly all of Marvel/Disney's movie and TV universes are either directly or indirectly born from the Cap universe/mythos, including Cap, Red Skull, Bucky/Winter Soldier, SHEILD, Hydra, the Avengers, Inhumans, etc etc etc. If Cap isn't already Marvel's #2 character in that sense he will be soon.) -J.
  3. Nope. It was a different 9.6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spider-Man-667-DellOtto-Cover-CGC-9-6-Variant-super-rare-/252323964763?hash=item3abfae275b:g:8A0AAOSwAuNW62rj -J. Wait, that one didn't sell for $7,500, right? Wasn't it $4K or $5K? I don't recall exactly. Jerome $3550. Too cheap. -J.
  4. Nope. It was a different 9.6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spider-Man-667-DellOtto-Cover-CGC-9-6-Variant-super-rare-/252323964763?hash=item3abfae275b:g:8A0AAOSwAuNW62rj -J.
  5. I wish it was an auction tho. It'll probably end early and we won't find out the purchase price. Jerome It was graded in 2011, shortly after it came out. -J.
  6. Looks like another 9.6 for sale. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Amazing-Spider-Man-667-DellOtto-Variant-CGC-9-6-/301961232137?hash=item464e4abf09:g:EoEAAOSwiJFXPg5M -J.
  7. Dropped back down to 50% on 75 reviews..... -J.
  8. Now that's getting close to AF 15, 4.0 territory (at least for the two sales on the year so far.....). The 9.6 copy on C-link is up to $8200. -J. $10K now. Looks like GPA picked up the $14k sale for that 9.6 from a couple of days ago on eBay as well. -J.
  9. HTF JSC cover. That's it. No meat in those pages. That sums it up... htf JSC cover and first Shuri as BP on the cover... as far as bidders... it's got 7 days left... I'm sure there will be some movement at the end... I'm curious to see how much... Nobody is chasing the book because of some obscure character dressed as the Black Panther on the cover. They're also not chasing it because it's a hard to find Campbell cover- copies pop up fairly regularly every two or three weeks on eBay. They're speculating on it being "the next UXM 510 sketch" IMO. I have personally passed on the book many times because I do not feel it is Campbell's best work, the book is not part of a "run" title, and I would much rather have preferred it if it was T'challa on the cover. -J.
  10. When you say the auction looks shilled, are you saying that the 1***0 (764) bidder looks to have placed a protection bid? -J.
  11. Wow that Batman /Catwoman one is nice. -J.
  12. Now THAT is interesting! With the DC Super Hero Girls campaign focusing more on the female characters, this would follow that same path. Though making a Harley/Batgirl/Birds of Prey movie would have to at least be in the PG-13 range to attract a larger audience. The concept sounds a lot like this: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0312098/?ref_=nv_sr_1 -J.
  13. HG had to move up, based on LG pricing over the last year. I think the prices for the 9.8's are doing more of the pulling than the prices of the lower grade copies are doing the pushing. Interestingly , comiclink is responsible for 3 of the 5 most recent highest sales. Not to be reflected in GPA, natch. -J. Could be. Doesn't hurt to be pulled AND pushed though. Touche. -J.
  14. There's a good chance the guy who wrote the Tron article simply likes to write about comics and was looking for a category of books no one else had touched on. The guys over there probably aren't getting paid for writing articles. Yes there is a chance that some writer is loading up and trying to manipulate that market but is it really worth the effort to flip some Tron books that likely aren't going to set the world on fire? Yes I understand CBSI stands for speculating and investing but to those here who say it's a bunch of people pumping and dumping then you haven't really taken a look at the work. There are articles there posted regularly that have nothing to do with speculation. Until you can PROVE that a guy is trying to generate interest to unload his stockpile then I don't see the point in bringing up that argument. I see it here all the time and without proof it just seems like another way to try and denigrate a competitive arena for discussing comics. The writer of that article admitted in the past to contacting ebay sellers after completed sales and offering more money for books that had already been sold, telling the seller to cancel the original sale to cut out the original buyer. CBSI isn't all bad but it has its share of trash just like this place. Nobody here complained when CBSI ran a Dell'Otto spec article & checklist which helped all of the variant prices go up Sure they did. Read the Dell'otto thread. Apparently Dell'Otto isn't the same artist he was a few months ago looking at prices. Wonder where all those true fans went. $10 books went up to $300 books seemingly overnight. Some of those books have since retreated to more sustainable levels (Original Sin #2 and 7), some have held steady (Winter Soldier #1), and a couple have continued to rise (X-23 #1, Avengers Assemble #10). All par for the course. -J.
  15. HG had to move up, based on LG pricing over the last year. I think the prices for the 9.8's are doing more of the pulling than the prices of the lower grade copies are doing the pushing. Interestingly , comiclink is responsible for 3 of the 5 most recent highest sales. Not to be reflected in GPA, natch. -J.
  16. Now that's getting close to AF 15, 4.0 territory (at least for the two sales on the year so far.....). The 9.6 copy on C-link is up to $8200. -J.
  17. No, it's not the all-time high in the grade. But it is well above the recent trend. The recent high is $11,000 and there's been another 9.2 sitting unsold at Metro at $11,000 for a few months. Everything else is lower by a fair bit. GPA 9.2 sales over the past few years (back to that outlier GPA high) look like this 2015 (3) $11,000Hi $8,500Lo 2014 (7) $10,000Hi $7,300Lo 2013 (2) $7,522Hi $6,550Lo 2012 (6) $8,801Hi $6,591Lo 2011 (4) $12,100Hi $5,150Lo Nearly 12,000 is well above the recent trend. Which, I knew, since I follow this book pretty closely. I bid aggressively, but not "win at all costs" aggressively. The 2011 sale was double the low from that year. Crazy result which is probably why it still hasn't been reached since. As for "buy the book not the label..." if it includes ignoring the pedigree status of the book (which it seems like it does), I'll have to respectfully decline your advice. I like pedigree books! I have fun chasing them! It makes the hobby fun for me. If you think it's dumb, duly noted. I've been here a long time, I've heard the same thing about pedigrees from a lot of people And really, for what it's worth, I was "buying the book" here as my goal for my DD collection is 9.4+ Thing is, I know how fresh the Don and Maggie Thompson books are. I own a bunch of them. So... I bid on this book. It's a much nicer looking copy than many 9.4s because of the preservation. You won't win this argument. Don't waste your energy. He's stating his personal collecting preference (as are you), so there's nothing to "win". Rob, I never said chasing pedigrees was dumb. It's not part of my wheelhouse, but I don't tell other people how to spend their money. I chimed in because of what I felt was a hyperbolic statement that (all) pedigrees "demand a 20-100% premium". This is demonstrably not accurate. Going back to this 9.2 Daredevil 1 sale, you cite the GPA highs and lows of 2015 for the 9.2 grade. However there are in reality only 3 sales in 2015 in that grade and each is greater than the last, with the last being the sale of $11,000. That $11,000 sale was nearly a year ago, and is only $950 less than the sale of this "pedigree" copy. That difference in price, even if taken at face value alone, is only 7.95% higher than the prior sale from a year ago (a far cry from 20-100%), and even that nominal price differential can just as easily be (and in all likelihood is) attributed to price inflation benefiting from the well received and successful launch of Season 2 of the show on Netflix (as well as typical price inflation that might have happened even without the show). But again, I don't think you or anyone is "dumb" for going after what they like. Whatever floats your boat. Happy hunting ! -J.
  18. thats a garbage book, nyx 3 is the book to own. Its the X-men 201 argument. It will hold a value. It will be around a $20 book for awhile maybe even bump a little higher as NYX 3 keeps climbing. I am not sure this is a Retcon. To date I have not heard a definitive answer concerning this comic and if Marvel has ever explained. I have a vague memory of Wizard discussing the book but beyond that who knows. People like to discount the importance of this comic and yes no one should ever try and sell it as the first appearance of X-23 but it sure seems like a key book to me. As far as Earp, it's on the wrong channel. Put it on AMC and see what happens. ...except if a person actually read Wolverine 80 and is familiar with Laura's actual origin (of her creation) , they would know that the "X-23" on that test tube is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with her. -J. Yeah but no, cause if you JUST read the comics you'd have missed the interview with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost where they talked about coming up with x-23. They where apparently sitting around talking when: 'hey whatever happened to that test tube marked x-23.." The idea that this is a coincidence is pretty hard to fathom, I think...I mean that nothing else happened with that test tube, and that it has the exact same name... wish I could find that article again.... I should have included that as well. When or if we see her origin will either dispel it or add to it. At the time when I read it I thought it was a plant for a later story. Yeah, right. Except ..... It completely ignores facts established in her origin book: a) Her name has NOTHING to do with a sample name. It specifically refers to the fact she’s the 23rd attempt to create a female clone (“X” refers to X-CHROMOSOME, NOT the Weapon X project). b) The sample she was created from was recovered by Dale Rice during Logan’s escape from Weapon X. Sutter recovered it from his corpse immediately after. There’s no evidence that Dr. Munoz was ever involved with the Facility, or that it ever passed through her hands. "X-23" on the that test tube is a coincidence and has nothing to do with Laura Kinney. -J. I read that book when came out I read was reading Wolverine issue to issue back then monthly. Those are my thoughts at the time I read the book. Anyone who read the book at the time would think it was plot for a later time. I am not sure where you sarcasm is coming from, but anyone reading the book at the time would think the same thing. Sure it changed later and probably will change again if she appears in the movie, but at the time I am sure they had a plot planned for that tube otherwise why show it. I think you seem to believe any origins will never change? Again I am not arguing for the book. I am just telling you what readers like me thought when they saw the tube at the time. Have you even read the book? I wasn't intending to be sarcastic. But the logic behind trying to make wolverine 80 a "key" in the x-23 mythos is thin at best, for the reasons already laid out that actually happened in the story line. For someone to come along years after the fact and try to tie that into Wolverine 80 is a ridulous ret-con that is obviously intended to push dollar bin cr@p onto the masses. -J.
  19. thats a garbage book, nyx 3 is the book to own. Its the X-men 201 argument. It will hold a value. It will be around a $20 book for awhile maybe even bump a little higher as NYX 3 keeps climbing. I am not sure this is a Retcon. To date I have not heard a definitive answer concerning this comic and if Marvel has ever explained. I have a vague memory of Wizard discussing the book but beyond that who knows. People like to discount the importance of this comic and yes no one should ever try and sell it as the first appearance of X-23 but it sure seems like a key book to me. As far as Earp, it's on the wrong channel. Put it on AMC and see what happens. ...except if a person actually read Wolverine 80 and is familiar with Laura's actual origin (of her creation) , they would know that the "X-23" on that test tube is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with her. -J. Yeah but no, cause if you JUST read the comics you'd have missed the interview with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost where they talked about coming up with x-23. They where apparently sitting around talking when: 'hey whatever happened to that test tube marked x-23.." The idea that this is a coincidence is pretty hard to fathom, I think...I mean that nothing else happened with that test tube, and that it has the exact same name... wish I could find that article again.... I should have included that as well. When or if we see her origin will either dispel it or add to it. At the time when I read it I thought it was a plant for a later story. Yeah, right. Except ..... It completely ignores facts established in her origin book: a) Her name has NOTHING to do with a sample name. It specifically refers to the fact she’s the 23rd attempt to create a female clone (“X” refers to X-CHROMOSOME, NOT the Weapon X project). b) The sample she was created from was recovered by Dale Rice during Logan’s escape from Weapon X. Sutter recovered it from his corpse immediately after. There’s no evidence that Dr. Munoz was ever involved with the Facility, or that it ever passed through her hands. "X-23" on the that test tube is a coincidence and has nothing to do with Laura Kinney. -J.
  20. thats a garbage book, nyx 3 is the book to own. Its the X-men 201 argument. It will hold a value. It will be around a $20 book for awhile maybe even bump a little higher as NYX 3 keeps climbing. I am not sure this is a Retcon. To date I have not heard a definitive answer concerning this comic and if Marvel has ever explained. I have a vague memory of Wizard discussing the book but beyond that who knows. People like to discount the importance of this comic and yes no one should ever try and sell it as the first appearance of X-23 but it sure seems like a key book to me. As far as Earp, it's on the wrong channel. Put it on AMC and see what happens. ...except if a person actually read Wolverine 80 and is familiar with Laura's actual origin (of her creation) , they would know that the "X-23" on that test tube is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with her. -J. Yeah but no, cause if you JUST read the comics you'd have missed the interview with Craig Kyle and Christopher Yost where they talked about coming up with x-23. They where apparently sitting around talking when: 'hey whatever happened to that test tube marked x-23.." The idea that this is a coincidence is pretty hard to fathom, I think...I mean that nothing else happened with that test tube, and that it has the exact same name... wish I could find that article again.... Yes. Comic book readers read COMICS, not interviews containing unofficial and pitiful attempts at ret-cons by creators that are not recognized by Marvel in any literature , anywhere. -J.
  21. I was the under-bidder. I went to my absolute maximum for that book and someone else wanted it more. I was involved because it's a pedigree copy and wouldn't go near that price for a non-pedigree 9.2, personally. Why? A beautiful book is a beautiful book. I specifically target pedigree copies and, since I'm not along in targeting pedigree books, I realize you have to pay a premium for them. Depending on the dollar value of the book, pedigree copies demand a 20% - 100% premium (cheaper books can generate a higher "pedigree" premium) added: Also, I'm actually in the market for a 9.4, and was only bidding on this (at all) because it's a pedigree. There's plenty of pedigrees that don't get any real "premium" at all. In fact, there's only a handful that really do and that's mostly in the GA arena. -J. My wallet (and GPA) would disagree with you. I've bid on 100s of SA pedigree books and they clearly get a premium over equivalent grade, non-pedigree books. Well this Daredevil 1 "pedigree" that just sold wasn't even a GPA high for the grade, so..... ...buy the book, not a label. -J.
  22. Margot Robbie: The Wolf of Wall Street Z for Zachariah Focus Whiskey Tango Foxtrot The Legend of Tarzan Suicide Squad Megan Fox: Transformers How to Lose Friends & Alienate People Whore Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Jennifer's Body Jonah Hex I get where you are coming from. But I don't think you can even compare the two. Megan Fox always had that feeling of a beauty babe without much acting skills. Margot Robbie seems to have both. Chip may be onto something. If there is a difference , it's decimal points. -J.
  23. thats a garbage book, nyx 3 is the book to own. Its the X-men 201 argument. It will hold a value. It will be around a $20 book for awhile maybe even bump a little higher as NYX 3 keeps climbing. I am not sure this is a Retcon. To date I have not heard a definitive answer concerning this comic and if Marvel has ever explained. I have a vague memory of Wizard discussing the book but beyond that who knows. People like to discount the importance of this comic and yes no one should ever try and sell it as the first appearance of X-23 but it sure seems like a key book to me. As far as Earp, it's on the wrong channel. Put it on AMC and see what happens. ...except if a person actually read Wolverine 80 and is familiar with Laura's actual origin (of her creation) , they would know that the "X-23" on that test tube is just a coincidence and has nothing to do with her. -J.
  24. I was the under-bidder. I went to my absolute maximum for that book and someone else wanted it more. I was involved because it's a pedigree copy and wouldn't go near that price for a non-pedigree 9.2, personally. Why? A beautiful book is a beautiful book. I specifically target pedigree copies and, since I'm not along in targeting pedigree books, I realize you have to pay a premium for them. Depending on the dollar value of the book, pedigree copies demand a 20% - 100% premium (cheaper books can generate a higher "pedigree" premium) added: Also, I'm actually in the market for a 9.4, and was only bidding on this (at all) because it's a pedigree. There's plenty of pedigrees that don't get any real "premium" at all. In fact, there's only a handful that really do and that's mostly in the GA arena. -J. How about the copies with White pages? No "premiums" either. -J.
  25. I was the under-bidder. I went to my absolute maximum for that book and someone else wanted it more. I was involved because it's a pedigree copy and wouldn't go near that price for a non-pedigree 9.2, personally. Why? A beautiful book is a beautiful book. I specifically target pedigree copies and, since I'm not along in targeting pedigree books, I realize you have to pay a premium for them. Depending on the dollar value of the book, pedigree copies demand a 20% - 100% premium (cheaper books can generate a higher "pedigree" premium) added: Also, I'm actually in the market for a 9.4, and was only bidding on this (at all) because it's a pedigree. There's plenty of pedigrees that don't get any real "premium" at all. In fact, there's only a handful that really do and that's mostly in the GA arena. -J.