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Everything posted by MustEatBrains

  1. Oh Jeez, didn't know this would cause such grief for some folks. As requested I removed the list I posted. I was just responding to Stuporman's original post and just sharing what I had. Will keep the sharing of that info to PMs in the future, if at all. Stuporman, you quoted my original so should probably remove that post as well. Peace out!
  2. May I ask what I did to be put on your list? Or was this a holdover copy from my original thread, where CAL was putting people he just didn't like from this board on the "master list"? Really, it doesn't matter, as I don't buy comics anymore, but it does possibly show that a "master list" can be flawed. -slym About 15 are from me with first hand experience, the rest from this fine place(Think I saw a post a while back with a list that I used, probably the one you referenced). I do agree that there is certainly potential for these lists to have flaws. You can buy from me anytime though.
  3. Bought a slabbed WD book from me. Great communication, quick pay. A pleasure all around to deal with. Solid citizen.
  4. WD 100 Hero Initiative. Been a want for a while happy to have snagged a copy.
  5. I thought this was a political thread started by Donald Trump...
  6. Why 238? Has there been any hints of hobgoblin? Is a solid copper key IMO. Speculation wise I would not count out hobby in the reboot. There's a bit of meat on that bone that would play well in the reboot.
  7. I'd personally grab a ASM 238 and NM 87 in 9.8. Think you could score both for around $900.
  8. Here's one: players_ dugout Bought a raw Saga 19 RRP that was a NM+ Shipped in one of those flimsy USPS envelopes. Books was taped between 2 pieces of cardboard. e-mail seller pictures, crickets. I neg him and low and behold he tells me he will file a claim but needs photographs of everything. I tell him again that this should have been sent more securely. He insists it was packed secure. Wrong. I will eat this and hopefully he learns a lesson here. Serves me right for buying a comic from a guy who deals in sport collectibles. Never again. Book went from a NM plus that I would have subbed to a VF- at best. For your view pleasure: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/MustEatBrainsNow/image.jpg1_zpslam0k1rv.jpg http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/MustEatBrainsNow/image.jpg3_zpslkpqblzx.jpg http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/MustEatBrainsNow/image.jpg2_zpswezk58vv.jpg http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/MustEatBrainsNow/image.jpg4_zpsn1fdufmi.jpg http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm183/MustEatBrainsNow/image.jpg5_zpspq3r2qpp.jpg
  9. You should compensate the seller in some way for his trouble, if he is agreeable. He lost x amount of time marketing his book due to you not completing the transaction you committed to. Not sure the cost of the book in question but you should go out of your way to make it right with him.
  10. They always email me a tracking number by the end of the day that it is marked "Shipped" Do you not get that email? nope...what is the subject heading on the email you receive. I searched and I've received nothing. Wonder why they don't attach a tracking number to your invoice info online. I'm guessing 8 days from shipped/safe date is getting close to panic time...unless it hasn't really been shipped. My direct sub has been in shipped/safe for the last 5 days. No email with tracking etc. Haven't subbed directly in many years so not sure if it is the norm. Just sharing as you are not alone.
  11. I have no sympathy or empathy for the "buyer" on this one. If you can read the PM (and know the buyer will see it as being read) it only takes 2 seconds to tap out a reply with a "ok" "done deal". So not worthy of even being discussed on a probation thread. Sour grapes.
  12. Why post the pms? According to buyer seller requested buyer confirm, potential buyer did not confirm, maybe not in a timely enough fashion. Seller moved on to next buyer. Lesson for me if I ask buyer to confirm I'll give a time frame to do so. CYA Not much to see here IMO
  13. First time buying from Dale. Nice books, good pricing, fast and secure shipping. Will buy from again. Highly recommended.
  14. This happens because most scanners use a CIS sensor and will only scan anything pressed right up on the glass. A CIS sensor lacks the depth of field required to scan a comic inside a slab which is lifted a bit from the glass when placed in the scanner. The best scanners to use for scanning slabs are any scanner with a CCD sensor which is capable of scanning items that not only press against the glass but also slightly off the glass as well. I found a really good article that discusses the differences here: http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/mag/artjan13/dw-scanner-type.html Great info.. Appreciate the response!
  15. Anyone use an HP Envy 7640 series? Seems to work fine for raw books however scanning slabs always comes out a bit blurry. If anyone has any tips on settings or ways to improve the scan on slabs with this one would be appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Low grade but absolutely thrilled to have found one for sale... First Zombie in comic book!
  17. Congrats! Any pics of this stellar find at the LCS? We like to look at pretty pictures. My LCS owner is a bit more astute and I'd never be so lucky to find these there.
  18. The books were great, some felt they were a bit to Tolkienessqe. Terry Brooks' magic kingdom series was good as well. I remember getting so caught up in the Shannara books as a young teen. The initial show, IMO was so so but has potential. The actor playing Allanon is solid I liked him in Spartacus. Game of Thrones is in a league all it's own and this one seems a bit geared toward the vampire diaries crowd.
  19. I'm out for now.. Sold my SS copy to a fellow boardie. Will be looking to re-enter this exclusive club in a few months with a blue label...
  20. Sometimes I come here for my daily dose of comedy.. This place is a clown show with Mr. Dutch the newly annointed MC. Keep the hits rollin!
  21. It's a strange story, when he is buying and selling other stuff in between. Usually that sort of story would be attached to financial pressures. But if he was active financially in the interim it seems like the most likely cases would be: -actually forgot, and hiding it -lost the book, and trying to find or replace it -double sold the book, and trying to find a replacement. Actually, he made reference more than once that the book was sold too cheaply (auction result) and that the buyer got a great deal, etc etc. Basically, it was a very thinly veiled allusion to having seller's remorse, thinking the book should have sold for more, and being in no hurry to give the buyer the book he consented to sell him. He mentioned more than once being willing to refund the seller. Sold a book too cheaply (by his estimation), dragged his feet making broken shipping promise after broken shipping promise, and then offered money back. Of course he offered money back. The media mail was the final poke in the eye of a self-absorbed seller, with a case of severe sour grapes, willing to let his admittedly "vaunted" selling reputation get pilloried for a $60 slab. Yup.. Probably hoping the seller would forget, go-away etc so he could "crack open the slab and resub since it should have been a 9.8 anyway" or was it a 9.9?
  22. Rage fest I've got it saved What's missing? Yes please...if it was interesting please send it via PM. I need some excitement in my life I saw it, loved it. The best part was CAK statement that he would have paid for priority but since he got flamed here (by folks other than the buyer) that he had enough. Now the buyer gets to suffer even more because of "us". Makes perfect sense now..