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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. That's where the problem lies if I don't trade I either have to sell for a loss or wait till it reaches a price where I can make a profit on it. But if you trade, you end up with more comics that still aren't money. And there's at least an even chance that the new ones could be exchanged for less money than the old ones. So stop trading. No, really, stop it. Money can be exchanged for goods and services. Try it, you might even like it. Haha I know what money can be used for but you have a point unless they are liquid comics.
  2. isn't being unemployed and on government support enough conditions to constitute "needing the money quicker"? Ok. You get to make your own decisions man because it's your life, and you're the one that has to live it. But here's a story that might resonate with you. I moved to a new country more than a year ago, and spent the whole year job hunting with no luck (not speaking the language severely limited my job opportunities and expat work restrictions meant getting a low paying job was not an option). My family was able to get by month-to-month thanks to my wife's job (which was why we moved here), but after 12 months things got tight and to make ends meet you know what I did? I sold some of my comics. Some books I got market value for them (yay!) Some books I tried to get market value for them, but when I had no takers I dropped my price, and then again, and then again... until someone bit. So on some books I lost money (vs original paid, or vs what I thought the market value was), but money was what I needed so I went from having zero dollars and a comic book, to having some dollars and no comic book which was a better situation. Is my situation (no job, sitting on assets, needing $$) the same as yours (no job, currently on government support, sitting on assets)? Well that's for you to decide. I think you need to be selling those comics. (notice I did not say trade) Thanks I like stories and yes I'm in a similar situation to yours. i did notice you said sell instead of trade.
  3. That's where the problem lies if I don't trade I either have to sell for a loss or wait till it reaches a price where I can make a profit on it. Sell for a loss man. Get cash back and just be sure you're buying books you can profit on with the cash you got back. You can't move forward unless you accept the loss and move on. Everyone loses on something. Being stubborn in this situation is only hurting you further. Here's my advice: 1) Throw every book up for auction. Start and end it on a Sunday. 2) use that cash and go hit your local stores and buy books that your local shops have priced too low. Not every sale has to be a home run. Go in the local shop, find some books priced at $20-$50 Cdn and see if you can sell them for $20-50 in US dollars. Say for instance you find a DC comics presents 26 for $50 Cdn in your shop. Buying it for $50 in Canadian and selling it for $50 usd will make you - $50usd x 1.40 = $70cdn. You've made $20 on one book by taking advantage of the weak Cdn dollar. Do that a few times over. I've put up all my biggest comics not all on ebay though but you have a point I should take advantage of the weak dollar as often as I can to recoup what I've lost.
  4. That's where the problem lies if I don't trade I either have to sell for a loss or wait till it reaches a price where I can make a profit on it.
  5. I'll check what I put trade as I think my jla ng I believe.
  6. I've lowered my prices on everything except for one comic and your strategy I'll go over again. As for taking a break I will once I sell my comics but I'm focusing more on getting a job. I've made money losses but if I made these ones they'd be substantial.
  7. I'll just throw my 2¢ in here but it seems to me that if there is a continuous theme to the advice you are being offered --- it is not to trade. I've noticed it too at the same time I've also tried to trade here and it didn't work out, neither does selling so what do you suggest? Tbh I do make mistakes but once I clear this trade up I'll try here should someone be interested.
  8. That's one of the things I keep in the back of my head and most of the smaller comics I have are what I bought in Canada. How I do transactions on Facebook is exactly how you describe it except for trades I just buy insurance. Think wanting to trade here would amount to anything? Trade wise? Insurance won't protect you if the book is delivered to them and they don't honour their part of the trade. At least if you use my method PayPal will refund your money since they didn't honour their half of the deal. Ok I understand the protection so in using paypal would it kinda a cash plus trade? or some kinda deposit just in case?
  9. Very good notes by revat here - so many items can go into how to price. Not just the elements he stated - but there are also many selling styles. I have a basic ebay seller subscription. Included - I get 200 free listing a month - and they send LOTS of offers with more free listings. For non "hot" books (raw) - I have a set strategy below guide that I list them to (sometimes a little less for less desirable series or lower grades). I have many books in the pipeline - and I take a patient approach. When first listed - BIN only. Sometimes I will message over an offer to someone who expresses interest. After 1-2 months - I add in make offer - maybe lower the price. Ebay allows for me to be patient (as the relisting is free) - so I am. Every so often - I look over things and drop prices on books that might be stagnant. Sure - I have some books out there for many months - but I have been very busy lately with outside interests so I do not need to chop margins just to ship more books. I get a fair mix of newer and older listing sales - and can easily throttle up my sales if I wish by slashing prices. The key for this strategy - is to know that you will have to wait some time for many of the books to sell - and you do need to keep listing options (you should not just throw up 200 books and not refresh stock). This strategy does have longer term risks - I do have a lot of stock from some great collection finds. But I am not churning through it quickly. If prices go through a big drop - I lose the potential profit that I have now. I also have to limit new buys - unless I want to add in a storage locker (and this increases that risk of a market correction). Others - (and especially those who do this for a significant % of their income) - will churn through books a lot quicker and for less profit per book. They may make 20% less per similar books than me - but they run through 5x to 10x the stock I do and have a far greater "income". The challenge for them - is to keep finding new stock to churn through at a reasonable buying price. As for selling locations - the unfortunate nature of things is that ebay is probably the best place for you. With facebook (and PAYPAL) - you will get some protection - but there are more general risks. Ebay has the largest set of customer eyes out there - so more chances to get a sale. Selling on the boards is great - but sometimes tough to manage. I see people with dozens of books or more in a thread. This can take a lot of time to figure the logistics for invoicing and sales. Works for some - but I would rather have ebay handle all of that for me. The buyers here (generally) are also VERY educated and VERY picky. This is not a bad thing - but the majority can and will analyze buys and not pay a premium. They also - generally again - also have (or do not want) the books that are more common or in the grades a lot of us find in the while (VG to FN silver/bronze non keys as an example) - have to be significantly discounted to move. With what's mentioned I'm doing what you're doing as in listing on BIN and waiting for those comics to sell unless I need money quicker I'll take a loss on it.
  10. That's one of the things I keep in the back of my head and most of the smaller comics I have are what I bought in Canada. How I do transactions on Facebook is exactly how you describe it except for trades I just buy insurance. Think wanting to trade here would amount to anything? Trade wise?
  11. The trade is still being worked on. Make it your last one (trade) for awhile. I re-read this entire thread the other day. Can't even tell you how many times people advised you to put trades on the back burner and just sell your inventory. That's what I'm doing but nothing is moving yet. Well - can be many reasons for that - but realize that even if priced fairly, some books will move slower than others. A quick analysis for you on your ebay sales - ASM 300 SS - triple signed You have this listed at 850 - with 35 shipping to US. 2014 average - 450 last sale 650 (november) You are looking for more than 20% over last GP sale on a book that dies have some specific demographics (people have to want SS - and really would want that set of sigs. Also - there is a 9.6 out there for $150 more with no haggling. This is a tough one to move quickly. To move quick - price at 650 - and be willing to take 10% off. If you want to wait it out - price at 750. Astonishing tales - this is a much better price point when looking at GPA - but the demand for the reprint of a movie hyped book from a secondary line (meaning not like a FF or Avengers) - is not great. Once the movie gets closer - this may have some interest - but you are really competing with the original (there are WAY more copies of MSH 18 out there graded and for sale). Han Solo variant - can get a 9.2 online for $100. If yours are that low of a grade - either auction to try and get a pop for being somewhat rare or sell outright for 50. JLA1 coverless - this is a tough sell as coverless books are NOT in demand. BATB 28 (which is the most desirable JLA key) - best cover-less price recently was 275. There is another CGC coverless on ebay for less than yours and many non graded that have sold for under 50. At a minim - price at 250 to get under the other graded offering on ebay. When pricing bigger books - you have to look at your goals (sell quick, wait it out, little of both?) - -- but also look at all data. Pay close attention to what similar books have sold for - if they sell a lot - and what similar books are listing for. Most of the time - I can list slabs (the better ones that are $150+) at a premium to GPA - but still be under any other listings. all $$$ in USD I know it may put you at a point where you are taking a loss compared to what you paid - but we all have this happen occasionally. If you get into a mode of better decision making - then it works the other way and you can be more of a strategist with listings to maximize profit. For now - would seem to make more sense to get the books off the ledger and free up the cash. And as others have said - I would avoid ANY facebook transactions. That is really the wild west of sales and trades - and really has little to no protections. great post. It should also be noted that just because GPA is something or even past ebay sales are something or auction hammers are something, doesn't mean that you should be able to expect anything remotely near those prices. Many of those sales are made by well known sellers with lots of well-known feedback and regular buyers (and other connections), as well as well known auction houses, with a very big reach. Add to that that you're in Canada. Add to that that you're publicly airing things out here. And you're pretty new. And....good luck. I agree it's a lot of obstacles for me to overcome I'm working on that I'll see if I can work on having someone to ship comics to in the US. One of my many mistakes it that I overpaid and when I was selling I excepted to always get top price which I know is not that case.
  12. The trade is still being worked on. Make it your last one (trade) for awhile. I re-read this entire thread the other day. Can't even tell you how many times people advised you to put trades on the back burner and just sell your inventory. That's what I'm doing but nothing is moving yet. Well - can be many reasons for that - but realize that even if priced fairly, some books will move slower than others. A quick analysis for you on your ebay sales - ASM 300 SS - triple signed You have this listed at 850 - with 35 shipping to US. 2014 average - 450 last sale 650 (november) You are looking for more than 20% over last GP sale on a book that dies have some specific demographics (people have to want SS - and really would want that set of sigs. Also - there is a 9.6 out there for $150 more with no haggling. This is a tough one to move quickly. To move quick - price at 650 - and be willing to take 10% off. If you want to wait it out - price at 750. Astonishing tales - this is a much better price point when looking at GPA - but the demand for the reprint of a movie hyped book from a secondary line (meaning not like a FF or Avengers) - is not great. Once the movie gets closer - this may have some interest - but you are really competing with the original (there are WAY more copies of MSH 18 out there graded and for sale). Han Solo variant - can get a 9.2 online for $100. If yours are that low of a grade - either auction to try and get a pop for being somewhat rare or sell outright for 50. JLA1 coverless - this is a tough sell as coverless books are NOT in demand. BATB 28 (which is the most desirable JLA key) - best cover-less price recently was 275. There is another CGC coverless on ebay for less than yours and many non graded that have sold for under 50. At a minim - price at 250 to get under the other graded offering on ebay. When pricing bigger books - you have to look at your goals (sell quick, wait it out, little of both?) - -- but also look at all data. Pay close attention to what similar books have sold for - if they sell a lot - and what similar books are listing for. Most of the time - I can list slabs (the better ones that are $150+) at a premium to GPA - but still be under any other listings. all $$$ in USD I know it may put you at a point where you are taking a loss compared to what you paid - but we all have this happen occasionally. If you get into a mode of better decision making - then it works the other way and you can be more of a strategist with listings to maximize profit. For now - would seem to make more sense to get the books off the ledger and free up the cash. And as others have said - I would avoid ANY facebook transactions. That is really the wild west of sales and trades - and really has little to no protections. Thanks I'm doing a bit of of waiting and a quick sale type thing also usually when I don't want to lose money I try to trade it away but I do know that I'm going to have to take some losses on what I've bought as it's my mistake for overpaying.
  13. I've only done that twice because people ask. I'm flexible as long as we work out a plan where we're both happy. If that leads to more sales sure I can put that as a option.
  14. The trade is still being worked on. Make it your last one (trade) for awhile. I re-read this entire thread the other day. Can't even tell you how many times people advised you to put trades on the back burner and just sell your inventory. That's what I'm doing but nothing is moving yet.
  15. Action comics 15 cover wanted - First wrap and two centerfold wraps.
  16. Fixed that for you. Great set you picked up! I'm surprised how much lego, playmobil and fisher price vinatge stuff goes for.
  17. Haha and to answer your question about facebook it's simple I've posted comics here and they don't really sell I'll try the archie #17 here though.
  18. The government is but now they've given me a 200 dollar limit on extra income which I think is great.
  19. Today's Thoughts Hopefully the ba12 I have moves Plans To sell my ba12 on fb by Monday if not I'll put it up on ebay Sell archie #17 Sell Han Solo #2 action figure variant comics Job plans Get a job I'm also going with my case worker to help me with my resume, interview skills and testing to see what kinda jobs I'm suited for. Also they've given me a $200 dollar limit which I can sell things and be exempt from having it taken away from me.
  20. All the best of luck and doable unless you're looking for certain grades it'll be harder.