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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. Totally agree. This instant gratification world doesn't work for comics.You have to earn your stripes first( time,experience etc.) Gabriel as others have stated,you can't just make a million dollars in sales. You have to learn the market ,and believe me that's not easy. Gain knowledge, make contacts with others. I have been collecting comics for over 40 years, and I wouldn't want to be a dealer. I understand but I the same time I don't like it I never said it would happen overnight but I'm slowly learning if there's anything I hate it being forced into something whatever it applies to I just shut down. Then that is your issue, and not others. So do not take it out on them. Recognize that you are acting as you usually do and change that behavior pattern. With regards to your trade...he did not force you to make the trade. He appears to have forcefully encouraged you to complete the trade that you had already agreed upon. You didn't like it but placing the onus on him for being upset when you attempted to renegotiate, although you admit that you would not renegotiate the price downward had the comic decreased in market value, is wrong. You didn't like YOUR prior decision with regards to the trade and attempted to place the blame on him. You have to own your mistakes, not try and transfer blame or pass them along to the next mis-informed person first chance you get. Otherwise you will go nowhere, personally and professionally. And if you have a learning disability then you know you have to compensate for it. Get compensating! (thumbs u Yes I realize it's a mistake I made and when it was pointed out to me I corrected it as for my learning disability I'm not even sure what I have because the psychologists don't know either but it has adhd like symptoms.
  2. when I trade I do it can make a profit from the comic but making sure that we are both satisfied with the deal the difference this time was my acting before I thought about it and when I realized that I tried to back out when I saw I made a bad deal. On consignments after I sell my comics that will be my primary focus since I won't have to lug around my own comics from place to place.
  3. I'm still looking for a job as I haven't found one yet. I add the handling charges since my dad told me too. I do want to have a regular job or more accurately I want to be my own boss and I don't want to enjoy comics as a hobby until I have the financial freedom to do so later on.
  4. I see what your doing and the answer to that would be no I wouldn't credit him $100 for it. What I am "doing" is showing you integrity. I had a long advice response typed, then realized you will not heed it. Good luck to you. I thought you were doing something where you use reverse psychology on me.
  5. I heard people give me different answers as to what inventory turn times should be and I don't know what to believe anymore I've had a answers of a week's time all the way till a years time. Buying and selling comics for a profit isn't easy. There's a lot to it and a lot of specialized knowledge that comes from experience. For keys you're gonna have trouble buying them for a large margin unless they're embedded in a collection of junk books. I often buy keys at close to market and turn them around for a 10% margin or hang onto them until the market value increases. I picked up one SA key at the Calgary Expo this year that I sold 15 minutes later for a 5% margin ($100). Your business model should take advantage of the Canadian to US exchange rate. Buy in Canada and sell into the US. As far as your board sales threads you shouldn't give up. Put up good scans, grade tight, toss in freebies, and just smile and joke back if people post 'nice comic' or whatever. If you offer decent tight graded books at fair prices you'll soon earn a strong reputation. When you make a deal on Facebook or wherever stick to it. Don't try to change the conditions down the road. Your reputation online is everything. Wait to discuss price and details until you have the book in hand. Lastly, take a holiday during the Edmonton Expo or Calgary Expo and come check out one of these shows. They're pretty close to you and they're both great big shows. I think you'd enjoy meeting our group and possibly learn a few things. And there are a lot of decent comics for sale in the room. I agree my mistakes early on was to buy in American dollars and overpay for the comics.
  6. I see what your doing and the answer to that would be no I wouldn't credit him $100 for it. Then why would you think he should give you more? If someone pulled that on here, they'd get skewered. Not sure why you continually get the benefit of the doubt. My thoughts as to why he should give me more is because the value of the comic went up while his didn't. I don't ask people to give me the benefit of the doubt unless someone is saying I want to scam them which I don't. I admit my mistakes and I do my best to learn from them. And if the book had gone up a month or a year later would you have expected him to pony up the difference? When you agree to a deal, you agree to a deal. You live with the consequences of the deal that you made. When you change the terms of the deal after they've already been agreed to it does look like a scam, and it looks like you don't have the integrity to stick to the terms of the deal that you agreed to. If you come up on the wrong side of the trade, which you clearly did here, you take your lumps and learn from it. But learning from your mistakes doesn't seem to be your strong suit. I know I told him the that I realized what I did after he told which he said basically the same thing and I need to make mistakes more than once to learn from them as odd as that sounds. Why? because I have a learning disability and when I make a mistake I forget it which is why it needs to happen twice or must be something big for me to remember it.
  7. Totally agree. This instant gratification world doesn't work for comics.You have to earn your stripes first( time,experience etc.) Gabriel as others have stated,you can't just make a million dollars in sales. You have to learn the market ,and believe me that's not easy. Gain knowledge, make contacts with others. I have been collecting comics for over 40 years, and I wouldn't want to be a dealer. I understand but I the same time I don't like it I never said it would happen overnight but I'm slowly learning if there's anything I hate it being forced into something whatever it applies to I just shut down.
  8. I see what your doing and the answer to that would be no I wouldn't credit him $100 for it. Then why would you think he should give you more? If someone pulled that on here, they'd get skewered. Not sure why you continually get the benefit of the doubt. My thoughts as to why he should give me more is because the value of the comic went up while his didn't. I don't ask people to give me the benefit of the doubt unless someone is saying I want to scam them which I don't. I admit my mistakes and I do my best to learn from them. And if the book had gone up a month or a year later would you have expected him to pony up the difference? When you agree to a deal, you agree to a deal. You live with the consequences of the deal that you made. When you change the terms of the deal after they've already been agreed to it does look like a scam, and it looks like you don't have the integrity to stick to the terms of the deal that you agreed to. If you come up on the wrong side of the trade, which you clearly did here, you take your lumps and learn from it. But learning from your mistakes doesn't seem to be your strong suit. I know I told him the that I realized what I did after he told which he said basically the same thing and I need to make mistakes more than once to learn from them as odd as that sounds.
  9. yeah I've come to realize that as well as my ultimate goal is to be my own boss and be self employed I will take courses to help me learn that and I'll have to read the info above to sink in I don't think anything anyone is telling you is truly sinking in. You lack the knowledge and experience that is necessary for you to be successful. Taking a course in school or reading the messages posted is not going to get you there as quickly as you think it will. You should cut your losses and dump the junk that is tying up your money. If you need to take a small loss to move your merchandise then do it. If you really want to turn over your inventory then you need to take the emotions out from the sale. I tell my managers that in regards to the dead inventory sitting in their stockrooms that they need to "convert to cash". You can probably do the same with books that you're having a challenge with selling. Once you purge your "sell box" then you should probably focus on lower priced books until you understand the business and attain more knowledge about the hobby and the books you're purchasing. I do listen to the advice of what's given to me but my comics that I own are a mistake that I made and I own up to that. I never attached to anything I have because I want to sell it nothing more and I don't want to take a significant loss on my collection so I will be stubborn in that regard and only take a loss on a few comics while waiting it out and selling them for profit but I will not make this mistake again.
  10. I don't consider myself a dealer yet and I'll probably never own a physical store because I don't want one or see the need of it for a long time. I don't want to collect for fun I want to make money with this and when I have a decent amount of money then will I only collect for fun and my thoughts on long term investments is I've been doing it all wrong all the current comics I have a "long term investments" and it's not going well so far.
  11. Ok your right as to my buying on impulse and me needing to write stuff out before I do it. I will change what I do after I sell the comics I have I'm thinking of going a different way to make more money so I'll be doing consignments but nothing is set in stone
  12. I see what your doing and the answer to that would be no I wouldn't credit him $100 for it. Then why would you think he should give you more? If someone pulled that on here, they'd get skewered. Not sure why you continually get the benefit of the doubt. My thoughts as to why he should give me more is because the value of the comic went up while his didn't. I don't ask people to give me the benefit of the doubt unless someone is saying I want to scam them which I don't. I admit my mistakes and I do my best to learn from them.
  13. My plan was to sell it at it's peak to make the most money like you said and this was a deal on facebook not in person. My reason for making that trade was black mail he said if I back out he would post in the facebook groups that I'm a scammer. I do have gpa which is why I wanted to keep and sell the asm 129 for a good profit. The deal went down something like this because I posted that I bought a asm 129 and was excited Him: "hey you have a asm 129 cgc 9.0 right?" Me: "I don't have it yet but I bought one why?" Him "I have a ba12 about a 9.4 raw" Me: "ok show me pics" (he showed me pics and I didn't agree with his grading so I asked if he wanted to do a cash plus trade deal and this was when gpa on the asm 129 was 1075) Him "what do you think?" Me: "I don't agree with your grading because your overgrading and over valuing the comic as it's raw" Him "ok how about this? the ba12 plus 300 cash?" Me: "that's sounds fair when I get it I'll let you know" Him: "cool" (the comic now arrived) Me: "ok I got the comic and since the value of asm 129 went up would you add 100 bucks? because if not I'd like to keep it since it will go up in value" Him: are you backing out of the deal? you said you agreed and now your backing out of it?" Me: "The values of the comics aren't even anymore so if you can add a little more cash we can still do this" Him "No what I gave you is fair all the dealers I went to said this is a 9.4 without a press" Me: I don't want to lose money on this trade" Him: "You won't trust me" Me: "I don't want to do the trade if you won't add some more cash to your part" Him "If you back out of this deal I'm reporting this to all the fb groups that you tried to back out of a deal and scam me" Me: "I didn't scam you and we didn't fully agree on the trade" Him: " I don't care you went against your word and you are trying to scam me now" Me: Fine! I'll do the trade ok?" Him: "good" (keep in mind I asked him to do the extra cash part when then comic's value was at 1225 and I would take a little lower yes but I'd still make a decent profit on it or so I thought) Said it before, That bolded line is my mistake? so what should I have said? It's not what you should have said You shouldnt have shipped the book. Period. Even with $100 kicker you were begging for..... there is not enough of a profit margin to make this trade worthwhile With the 100 more I was asking I would have made a profit I'll explain I bought the comic for 950 and I though his ba12 would be worth around 750 so that would mean I need to cash at least to make a profit on it and I said I wanted 300 so to me that margin of profit would do well for me since it's a quick sell now to where it was worth 1225 his comic is worth around 750+300 cash this is where I said I don't feel I want to trade it but if he put in extra 100 I'd do it and take a bit lower profit on the comic so taking that into consideration it would go like this I paid 950 for the asm 129 his comic is worth 750+400 cash = 1150 1150-950=200 profit for me as it would be a quick sell and easy to move it Am I reading it right that you and this guy set up a trade: Your ASM 129 for his BA12 + $300. Then, once you got the BA12 (and presumably the $300), you asked him to kick another $100 on top of it? Is that correct? yes that would be correct And you really think that he was in the wrong? You accepted his deal and then wanted him to give you more on top of it? As others have said, I don't think this is your thing. But, if you want to keep on pushing on then, as others have said, you probably would be better served scaling it back to small books until you figure out how this works. In terms of how he forced me into the deal yes he was wrong on that regard and yes I did want more on top of because the value of the comic went up.
  14. I see what your doing and the answer to that would be no I wouldn't credit him $100 for it.
  15. My plan was to sell it at it's peak to make the most money like you said and this was a deal on facebook not in person. My reason for making that trade was black mail he said if I back out he would post in the facebook groups that I'm a scammer. I do have gpa which is why I wanted to keep and sell the asm 129 for a good profit. The deal went down something like this because I posted that I bought a asm 129 and was excited Him: "hey you have a asm 129 cgc 9.0 right?" Me: "I don't have it yet but I bought one why?" Him "I have a ba12 about a 9.4 raw" Me: "ok show me pics" (he showed me pics and I didn't agree with his grading so I asked if he wanted to do a cash plus trade deal and this was when gpa on the asm 129 was 1075) Him "what do you think?" Me: "I don't agree with your grading because your overgrading and over valuing the comic as it's raw" Him "ok how about this? the ba12 plus 300 cash?" Me: "that's sounds fair when I get it I'll let you know" Him: "cool" (the comic now arrived) Me: "ok I got the comic and since the value of asm 129 went up would you add 100 bucks? because if not I'd like to keep it since it will go up in value" Him: are you backing out of the deal? you said you agreed and now your backing out of it?" Me: "The values of the comics aren't even anymore so if you can add a little more cash we can still do this" Him "No what I gave you is fair all the dealers I went to said this is a 9.4 without a press" Me: I don't want to lose money on this trade" Him: "You won't trust me" Me: "I don't want to do the trade if you won't add some more cash to your part" Him "If you back out of this deal I'm reporting this to all the fb groups that you tried to back out of a deal and scam me" Me: "I didn't scam you and we didn't fully agree on the trade" Him: " I don't care you went against your word and you are trying to scam me now" Me: Fine! I'll do the trade ok?" Him: "good" (keep in mind I asked him to do the extra cash part when then comic's value was at 1225 and I would take a little lower yes but I'd still make a decent profit on it or so I thought) Said it before, That bolded line is my mistake? so what should I have said? It's not what you should have said You shouldnt have shipped the book. Period. Even with $100 kicker you were begging for..... there is not enough of a profit margin to make this trade worthwhile With the 100 more I was asking I would have made a profit I'll explain I bought the comic for 950 and I though his ba12 would be worth around 750 so that would mean I need to cash at least to make a profit on it and I said I wanted 300 so to me that margin of profit would do well for me since it's a quick sell now to where it was worth 1225 his comic is worth around 750+300 cash this is where I said I don't feel I want to trade it but if he put in extra 100 I'd do it and take a bit lower profit on the comic so taking that into consideration it would go like this I paid 950 for the asm 129 his comic is worth 750+400 cash = 1150 1150-950=200 profit for me as it would be a quick sell and easy to move it Am I reading it right that you and this guy set up a trade: Your ASM 129 for his BA12 + $300. Then, once you got the BA12 (and presumably the $300), you asked him to kick another $100 on top of it? Is that correct? yes that would be correct
  16. wow I really appreciate you taking the time and giving me all this advice I'm going to print this out later 6. Cash flow - there is no magic formula that will help you figure out how long to hold a book. What may be more useful - is to figure out how many books you can list and manage at once. If that number is close to what you have on hand --- then you should not be holding on to anything really. People with large inventories - have a LOT more flexibility than a smaller seller. They can hold higher value books to keep their listing a mix of everything - and have the luxury of holding on to a book in case there is "movie" upswing. But - since they are already selling a lot - they have cash flow and (hopefully) profit coming in. An example from my latest collection buy - I have the top 14 books in the press/slab cycle. They will all do well. When I get them back - I will probably sell of 3-4 pretty quickly. This is to pay back a large chunk of the purchase (and grading) costs. The rest - go in the safe. I have the rest of the collection that I can focus on selling - and still be making a nice profit on those books. I know the books that I will be keeping are stable in price - so there is no need to get them out there (some are keepers anyway). Contrast that to a past discussion of the Infinity Gauntlet slabs that we discussed earlier in this thread. You had ~ 9 of them, 6 were 9.8. Now - if you are holding on to all of them - you are NOT maximizing any level of profit. Even if there is a bump later - selling 9 at once is not that likely - and there are a LOT of these for sale now. Just imaging if the price goes back up 10% - even more will come out for sale. You would be better off having one of the 9.8 and one of the 9,6 listed right now! - sell as many as you can - keeping 1-2 as backup in case of any renewed hype bump. This will get you more $$$ back - that you can use to buy more books - and get them listed and sold. About this point you made I was told 10% of a collection should pay the other 90% and more is that about right? And about the infinity gauntlet #1's can you explain how I'd be making money if I'd lose it? or is it because I have cash flow I can re-coup the losses and make even more money?
  17. yeah I've come to realize that as well as my ultimate goal is to be my own boss and be self employed I will take courses to help me learn that and I'll have to read the info above to sink in
  18. 1) Yes at the beginning I bought before I even understood what that all meant which is why I'm now doing my best to buy before it affects prices. 2) It was a batman 189 and the reason why I was asking more is because that's what my client wants me to sell it for and it was a consignment. 3) With the coverless comics and the jla #1's I bought it was my second purchase ever so I just over paid because I didn't know any better so I have to atone for my mistakes.
  19. I've done 4 trades before this and if benefited both parties this time it didn't but next time I'll be more careful about what I say.
  20. 1) My business is centered around speculation since that's what I've bought and I now need to sell it. 2) I know a graded book is worth more because there is no guessing in the grade plus the cost of getting it shipped there and graded. Is that what you mean? 3)I overprice my comics because I overpaid for them so I'd rather wait I little bit longer and make a smaller margin of profit then take a loss because if I were to do that I'd be sunk before I even get a chance to start.
  21. (ok I gtg pack and ship the comic I sold you guys keep writing and I'll respond later )
  22. That's what I thought too because the sig will take to long plus how long it will take to get graded and pressed will take to long so I'm taking your advice and as soon as I get it pressed and graded I'll do my best to sell it because the suicide squad movie is about 10 months away
  23. my dad told me that as well and I mentioned before my previous mistakes are overpaying so I'm learning to pay less for comics but turn them for a higher profit margin. Ok kid. Good Luck. Sincerely wish you the best. In due course, hopefully you learn to avoid pitfalls. Try to go to conventions and get a feel for the market is my advice. Maybe just build up an inventory and collect and worry less about flipping books until you have more experience I will learn to avoid pitfalls for sure because with all the mistakes I'm making I'm learning from them and the guys on this forum are great with advice and I'm sure you think I'm ignoring what you say but I wouldn't ask if I didn't want to listen
  24. I heard people give me different answers as to what inventory turn times should be and I don't know what to believe anymore I've had a answers of a week's time all the way till a years time.