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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. To be fair, its also not practical to deal comics when you don't have any money, don't have a huge collection to begin with, don't have a ton of comic knowledge, and very little business experience and education, very few comic connections, don't live in America, and live with your parents. So I would say moving around a bit frequently is much less of an issue. If one has to take into account all these, he would never start to do anything. You do not amass comics knowledge in a day, you can’t have business experience unless you haven’t managed a business of any kind before, and same goes for every kind of education. I also can’t see what the fact of living with someone else (in this case, his parents) has to do with this. Of course, living on your own and having an office or studio might help, but as far as space goes I believe most people (and even some dealers) live within familiy situations. I trust Gabriel won’t turn off any job while he is dealing with comics. I am not sure about love for the books, as most dealers started as collectors so I see attachment and love for the books as a possibly important starting element, but I appreciate his perseverance which will always pay in the end. (thumbs u Thanks, yes I would never turn down any job that I would be offered while doing comic books it'd be foolish for me to do so before my situation stabilizes and in the meantime I have time to learn about this business. Also I do see the need to have some sort of space for my comics because right now they are in the same room with me and I persevere because I'm tired of giving up if that makes sense.
  2. That's what I'm trying to change and I only have one consignment sent to me so far I'm just really surprised that the seller has so much trust in you considering all of the red flags (no job, moving from place to place, no track record, etc.). So am I but he said he started from nothing and someone gave him a chance so he's doing the same with me.
  3. That's what I'm trying to change and I only have one consignment sent to me so far
  4. To be fair, its also not practical to deal comics when you don't have any money, don't have a huge collection to begin with, don't have a ton of comic knowledge, and very little business experience and education, very few comic connections, don't live in America, and live with your parents. So I would say moving around a bit frequently is much less of an issue. That's almost right...I don't have a job but I do have health coverage for everything but prescription drugs and I don't leech off my dad since he lost he's job and he's on ei as is my mom which means he doesn't make as much so I pay for more things than I used to before. You sound like a good kid but how will an unemployed kid with very little knowledge of this hobby help with his unemployed parents? You should probably just find a job and worry about selling books later. Set your priorities man. Thanks my priorities are to find a job first but while I'm waiting for callbacks I don't see why I can't sell my comics in the meantime I'll kill two birds with one stone making extra money while looking for a job. Yes I don't have lots of knowledge of this hobby but that's what I'm willing to learn.
  5. I'm not taking any offence to this it's great to hear constructive criticism. Right now I'm thinking of presenting the idea to him nothing more. I do have a general idea of what I want to offer as my consignment terms
  6. New Consignment It's a restored af15 9.0 restored and I get to sell it for my client and he says if I sell him this he'll give me more to sell yay. My problem is people don't want to ship these high value comics to me so should I offer to pay half of the insurance and shipping for it to be shipped to me?
  7. To be fair, its also not practical to deal comics when you don't have any money, don't have a huge collection to begin with, don't have a ton of comic knowledge, and very little business experience and education, very few comic connections, don't live in America, and live with your parents. So I would say moving around a bit frequently is much less of an issue. That's almost right...I don't have a job but I do have health coverage for everything but prescription drugs and I don't leech off my dad since he lost he's job and he's on ei as is my mom which means he doesn't make as much so I pay for more things than I used to before.
  8. To be fair, its also not practical to deal comics when you don't have any money, don't have a huge collection to begin with, don't have a ton of comic knowledge, and very little business experience and education, very few comic connections, don't live in America, and live with your parents. So I would say moving around a bit frequently is much less of an issue. That's a lot of things you mentioned but they are all true and I'm willing to learn it and one of the reasons I try so hard is because my parents have made successful businesses and I want to do the same thing as them even though I'm at a disadvantage.
  9. My parents lost their jobs so I needed to move with them and help them out.
  10. Thanks for checking it out and yes I don't have a job and with the nm 98 cgc 9.6 comic I sold I was able to buy 6 comics action comics 242 being one of them and it's low grade.The detective comics 140 is a comic that I have yet not bought but it's cheaper as it's the Canadian version of it. No jobs aren't to difficult to find it's that they say I don't have too much experience. I would never use credit in my situation because that would only make it worse like you said but I'm working on getting a job, selling comics, finding comics for people, looking for a place and worrying about my health at the same time but thanks for the encouragement
  11. Today's Thoughts have to convince my friend to change it to paypal payments Milestone reached I've had my first person do a time payment with me which I'm excited for
  12. Don't let her do it she'll want you to sell the collection next
  13. Today's thoughts yes I may actually own a tec 140 and he's sent pics as well
  14. Seem to me everyone can spot this one as the first to say. Yes, it is, but I'll be honest to say it is in low VG cond. That Is all I can say, this thread here isn't the place to do. fair enough check your pm's
  15. Todays thoughts I finished listing the comics on ebay hopefully one collection deal works out I've been told to try things out of my comfort zone so I'm trying a golden age horror comic Deals I'm working on 2 collections wwbn #32 3.0 adventure comics 260 6.5/7.0 strange tales 126 detective comics 140 action comics 340 vault of horror Today's purchases action comics 242
  16. Today's Thoughts I'm going to sell my nyx and doc strange 169 and see how that goes working on about three collections hopefully one of them wok out I'm going to buy my last couple of comic and see how my situation goes I need a haircut my hair is getting in my eyes also I need to replace my junky laptop eventually Today's purchases Star wars #1 Adventure comics Thoughts and Plans I'm working on three collections and one of them I'm on the stage of buying it has good key issues so I hope I don't mess it up I'm also going to sell some of my bigger comics because I'm also buying bigger books haha I have my eye on a nice copy of adventure comics 260 other than the copy I bought and I won't raise my hopes and I'll think of it as gone or a super raised price and as soon as I get the chance list all my jla #1's on feebay
  17. Thanks I only mentioned the comic book related jobs because of the journal but I'm taking any job I can to pay the bills like you said