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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more. My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal. QUANTIFY YOUR GOALS!!! Don't say "I'll trim my nails more". Say "I'll trim my nails every Monday and Thursday". That way, you can look back after a month and say "yes I definitely made my goal" or "no I didn't make my goal". See the difference? The phrase "I'm working on emotions" means nothing. Which specific emotions are you working on and what exactly are you doing to improve them? In a month's time, how can you tell if you've improved or not? Again, make it quantifiable. Ok I'm working on my emotions of impulses and desperation. I'm improving them but taking a deep breath if I get excited, count to 10 and look at it again Then I check gpa to see if it's a good deal and if I see if I can buy it anywhere else for a better price Finally after I check again to make sure that it's the right comic and grade I buy it. Someone else is going to have to field this for me. I have no words. Yes it's not how you would do things but it how I do things.
  2. Ok thanks. Not to mention poor spelling... If you're talking about how I spell ok it's how I always spell it.
  3. look at the math again- the way you are running your business - they are selling for a loss the MAJORITY OF THE TIME 90% of your hype deals end up with you losing money 90% in school - this would be an A- ....... in losing money Hype books sell - so do others. Ebay --- sales of thousands of comics every day. a couple of books I sold in the last week - green lantern 29 VG 1st etch a sketch guy batman 161 GD the 15 1/2th appearance of bat mite.... X Men 25 FN/VF el tigre baby!!!!!! None of these books sets the world on fire. Nothing special. But they all sold. How long did it take to sell those comics you had? I do not keep track of that in general --- a long time ago I showed you my listing strategy. Basically - I monitor how long a book has been at a given price point. If I feel it has been sitting too long - I drop the price. I track how long it has been since the last price adjustment - not how long a book has been sitting. If you keep the store full up with books - have good listings, grade fairly, price fairly- the sales will come. Before that - you have to make good buying decisions. Well before you list. By full - you need to be able to manage 100+ listings. I sort of do what you do in regards to how you sell a comic. If I comic has been sitting too long, is a chunk of my money or has a price adjustment I sell those first if I can.
  4. So you have a diamond account then Nope dcbs was going to say that. No one should be paying retail for books. dcbs.com preorder your books, get 30-50% off. the downside is you dont get to pick thru a stack of new #1s to find the most perfect condition one. but I've been very happy with dcbs as my preorder provider for about 10 years (at least until I moved to Europe) One of the things I see often happen is they get damaged so what do you do then? Return it and get a refund or credit?
  5. I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more. My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal. QUANTIFY YOUR GOALS!!! Don't say "I'll trim my nails more". Say "I'll trim my nails every Monday and Thursday". That way, you can look back after a month and say "yes I definitely made my goal" or "no I didn't make my goal". See the difference? The phrase "I'm working on emotions" means nothing. Which specific emotions are you working on and what exactly are you doing to improve them? In a month's time, how can you tell if you've improved or not? Again, make it quantifiable. Ok I'm working on my emotions of impulses and desperation. I'm improving them but taking a deep breath if I get excited, count to 10 and look at it again Then I check gpa to see if it's a good deal and if I see if I can buy it anywhere else for a better price Finally after I check again to make sure that it's the right comic and grade I buy it.
  6. So you have a diamond account then Nope dcbs I've never heard of it but do you need to make minimum orders to keep your account active or you order as much as you want?
  7. look at the math again- the way you are running your business - they are selling for a loss the MAJORITY OF THE TIME 90% of your hype deals end up with you losing money 90% in school - this would be an A- ....... in losing money Hype books sell - so do others. Ebay --- sales of thousands of comics every day. a couple of books I sold in the last week - green lantern 29 VG 1st etch a sketch guy batman 161 GD the 15 1/2th appearance of bat mite.... X Men 25 FN/VF el tigre baby!!!!!! None of these books sets the world on fire. Nothing special. But they all sold. How long did it take to sell those comics you had?
  8. I already do that but showering and shaving everyday because my skin becomes really dry and red. Always an excuse for everthing isn't there? No because it's true, so I take showers every second day and use deodorant everyday
  9. Take current top GPA --- offer it to Gabe at 20% more. Think I figured out how this works....... we are in bizarro - world I thought he was joking
  10. Yes I agree most of those comics are movie based books but that's what sells unless it's some key or something scarce. Two of those comics actually got lost that's why you see a zero beside them. I haven't counted my wins but I know that the losses really took out a chunk of what I made.
  11. He was waiting for this window to buy and he'll wait again to buy more when people will move onto the next comic. He mentioned that the variants will be a good buy as well.
  12. From what I've been told either Halloween or FCBD So either last weekend, next week, the end of the month or 7 months from now? That's a pretty tight window so make sure you sell when the hype reaches its peak. Well I've been told the trailer hits Dec 2nd and the announcement will be either by next week,Halloween or FCBD but he said to buy before this weekend.
  13. Was the Darth Vader #3 only $11, or has that gone out the window already? I haven't been hanging on every post lately, so maybe that has changed... Nope that's the one I bought for 75 dollars but I sold my star wars 1 for the exact price. The most you can pay for a slabbed 9.8 book with a GPA average of around $65...is about half of that i.e. cover price + slabbing fees. Even then, putting that $30+ into slabbing a book that is worth $100 or more is much more worthwhile. I would have paid $35 for that book, already in a CGC 9.8 slab.No more. Your logic of your friend advising you on the the 1st X-23 and 1st Alpha is just not comparable.The Vader book was a hot book about 6+ months ago. SW books are cold and will stay cold intil the next SW movie comes out. When will Alpha ever be tied into a SW movie? This Christmas or the following SW movie in 2018? If the character is used in a movie, at all. If the character is used in a movie, you'll have to wait intil this Christmas or for the 2018 SW movie, to sell the book for a dollar to make any profit whatsoever on it. Let me reinterate that X-23 will be in Wolverine 3 and Alpha...maybe never. DV 3 is a decent book to buy, but only if you can get a solid 9.8 raw at cover price. And in order to take a ridiculous gamble on paying $75 (+ shipping) for a common as Hell modern, you sold a SW 1, which will just about certainly see an increase in price as the SW movie in 2 months comes out. How sharp was the SW that you sold for $75? Odds are that putting $35 (grading/fast tracked fees) into the SW 1 that you sold for $75 would have grossed you $200.....so, theoretically, you lost about $100 from dumping your SW 1 raw at $75...and then you compounded that loss by putting about $100 (shipped) into a pretty cold/common modern that routinely sells for about $65. So you are at -$100 from the SW 1 transaction aaaaaand, tack on another -$100 for the CV 3 CGC 9.8 transaction. Last 2 comic transactions = $200 in the hole. If you insist on "trying" to be a comic dealer, this is what I'd suggest. Do not buy anymore comics for a good while. Sell some books ASAP. Take those proceeds and buy some dry cleaning supplies and a Jumbo Seal 210. Learn how to dry clean & press books, that is the best advice I can give to anyone who wants to make money selling books, who does not have a large bankroll to use as capital. Dry cleaning & pressing does require a metric ton of patience, but learning a trade like this will do you a lot of good. If you had known how to press books, you could have had pressed the SW 1 yourself (while saving $40+ on fast tracked pressing fees and cut out the 1 month pressing service lag time...slabbed the SW 1 and then you may have had a $300+ book in your hands, instead of a $75 raw copy. Instead..............you sold a raw bronze age key in order to buy, what is arguably a waste of money, a $75 ($100 shipped) CGC 9.8 run of the mill modern. I'm going to point out a few things as you did to me. That star wars comic I sold was a 5.0/5.5 raw and with it's spine I don't see it getting much of a grade bump, second I wouldn't want to put any more time and money into that book. The next thing you said was that a[hra won't be in any movies at all or ever. Her upcoming solo movie will be in december and the announcement should be sometime next week and my friend hasn't steered me wrong yet and he was the one that bought those 3 copies for 67 dollars. I have another star wars 1 comic but I'll say this I don't think like you do because if I make a deal I count what I spent and I don't see the future value of a 5.0/5.5 star wars reaching 200 graded imo. Also, I don't count money I haven't spent because I wouldn't have pressed and graded it anyway. Pressing and dry cleaning honestly I'm afriad of screwing up that's why I send the comics to people I trust and I final note I'm going to watch that star wars comics to see who's right. Do you have a link to the SW pics? If it couldn;t be bumped up to a 9.0 or better, than $75 is a good sale i.e. if it was a run of the mill 5.0/5.5 than $75 for a VG/FN is a solid sale. For the rest, see my response below. I am absolutely sure that Gabe does not have a grasp on the comic market, the value of a dollar and (insert multiple other things here). If he actually invested his time into learning a valuable skill, which would benefit him directly, he'd be much better off....than getting second hand intelligence from a friend of his and getting sound advice in this thread ( which several boardies have repeated on several occasions)....he has either been unable to comprehend and/or has just flat out ignored 99% of the advice given in this thread. Dry cleaning & pressing books would have him handling books on a daily basis, he does not seem to be capable of getting/holding a job doing much of anything else.As this would have him around comics, that might be enough to hold his attention and getting those syanpses firing in his ADHD addled brain.I'm not talking down at Gabe, I have ADHD myself but I am productive. Now, do I think he has the patience and mental acuity to learn how to dry clean & press books, to have a good understanding of paper mechanics within about a years' time? No, I do not. I do think it would be possible though, if something like dabbling with comics was able to forcibly re-wire his disordered thinking patterns. Having Gabe grow as a person, which is what happens when one develops a pliable trade skill/graduates college/moves out of their parent's house (among other examples that can be used), is what the kid is in dire need of. Not the endless mental masturbation that this thread eggs him onward with every additional reply. It really is pretty sad, in all honesty. I'll try to find a pic but trust me it's no 9.0
  14. Ok let's go with that then. What will you say if my friend is right then? Because I wasn't doing this on impulse but in trusting his word. Thanks for being here though.
  15. Yes,I do have problems and I've said I'm addressing my emotions. You also say you've seen enough yet all you've seen is my mistakes nothing noteworthy yet. Also if you don't want to buy from me I understand since you all see me as someone not to be taken seriously.
  16. I already do that but showering and shaving everyday because my skin becomes really dry and red.
  17. I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more. My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal.
  18. Yea --- he keeps using his own form of logic to justify the purchases--- just really want to state simply to - that the budget is shot if he does not follow it. I used to see the same behavior from poker playing buddies - who kept playing over their heads. I used to play online a lot- knew a bunch of people who kept trying to move up in buy-ins --- to "get back" losses quicker. All kinds of lame justifications used to justify the poor moves. Gabe somehow thinks he has to jump on every movie bandwagon ( or hint of one) or he will fail. He gets panicky. Feels he has to have the book no matter what, then pays OVER FMV for it. The real truth is that modeling a business after someone like ft88 can result in steady cash - and the ability to build a larger inventory of books. Then when something hits - you might already have the book. Or at least - you have built knowledge and contacts that might lead you to reasonable priced ones to flip. This wasn't a emotional purchase and I buy comic from people but I don't really make contacts because I buy once or twice and that's it, I never consistently bought from one person.
  19. how do you know the sold SW1 was a 5.0/5.5 That's a fair question considering he has not shown an ability to grade books. I'll try to find pics
  20. Was the Darth Vader #3 only $11, or has that gone out the window already? I haven't been hanging on every post lately, so maybe that has changed... Nope that's the one I bought for 75 dollars but I sold my star wars 1 for the exact price. So the pretzel logic is that it's okay to spend over your weekly budget as long as the purchase is funded by a recent sale? No it's not pretzel logic, one of my other problems I've had is buying too much and not selling enough. I will still keep to the budget but I will make a exception if I sell something I can buy something and if I don't sell anything then I don't buy anything but used the money I've saved up. that's called not keeping to a budget - the budget is there for you to make low risk decisions and LEARN not make exceptions when you think paying above GPA is a good idea....... The good thing is he probably won't lose a lot of money on this deal. I will admit to finding it a bit amusing that he insists this was purely a logic based decision, when it is so obviously based on emotion. Why else would he feel the need to jump through hoops to justify breaking his self imposed budget ( to help him learn)? Look at all the hoops he jumps through to justify buying the book in the first place. Well simple put I trust him, he told me about hench girl 1, Thor 133, NYX 3 and 4 and he told me to buy avengers stuff three months before it came out I ended doubling up my money on it.
  21. how do you know the sold SW1 was a 5.0/5.5 The comic looked nice but it's spine was flattened and pulled to one side, I'll see if I can find a scan