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Everything posted by uchiha101

  1. For $11? For 191 dollars Nice pick up. That's almost half price compared to last sale and I'd have definitely pulled the trigger at that price. Good seller so no chance of scam? - 325 was the last on on ebay ( not recorded on GPA) - still not a bad deal on paper if all the information is correct. Yes all the information is correct and I'll upload pics in a bit Have you received the slab or are the pics just the images the seller gave you? Hard to believe that snyone woupd sell a 181 cgc ss so cheaply. It's a 180 CGC 5.0 SS and he sent me pics of the slab
  2. OMG I never saw the consignment thread before :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm dying here, my eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard :roflmao: :roflmao: I totally forgot about his consignment thread. That comment about his "morale compass" was hilarious. I actually thought that comment was by another member (the one people called a hero) but totally forgot it was Gabe that wrote that. Honestly speaking not many people would do as I did I'm not sure anyone would do as you did. Are you talking about all the threads I make or the wallet thing? I'm talking about offering up your 20% cosign service when you were new here. The new plan is to still accept consignments and then consign those consignments to the LCS at 20% of sell. Or even 25% if you want to get greedy. I'm down. What's his commission? I was running with the original 20%. So 20% to the LCS and 20% for Gabe? That seems totally fair. No 20% just to me that's what it was.
  3. For $11? For 191 dollars Nice pick up. That's almost half price compared to last sale and I'd have definitely pulled the trigger at that price. Good seller so no chance of scam? Yes he proved to me that the comic is his and I paid with goods and services just in case as well. Services? Ha ha not those kinda services.
  4. OMG I never saw the consignment thread before :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm dying here, my eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard :roflmao: :roflmao: I totally forgot about his consignment thread. That comment about his "morale compass" was hilarious. I actually thought that comment was by another member (the one people called a hero) but totally forgot it was Gabe that wrote that. Honestly speaking not many people would do as I did I'm not sure anyone would do as you did. Are you talking about all the threads I make or the wallet thing? I'm talking about offering up your 20% cosign service when you were new here. The new plan is to still accept consignments and then consign those consignments to the LCS at 20% of sell. Or even 25% if you want to get greedy. No it's not. That wasn't even a plan of mine to begin with.
  5. OMG I never saw the consignment thread before :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm dying here, my eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard :roflmao: :roflmao: I totally forgot about his consignment thread. That comment about his "morale compass" was hilarious. I actually thought that comment was by another member (the one people called a hero) but totally forgot it was Gabe that wrote that. Honestly speaking not many people would do as I did I'm not sure anyone would do as you did. Are you talking about all the threads I make or the wallet thing? I'm talking about offering up your 20% cosign service when you were new here. Yes you're right about that.
  6. For $11? For 191 dollars so apparently no self control or budget anymore You have a pic of the book? - might not be a bad deal at first look - but there alwayss seems to be something - does it have MVS? - is the case cracked? - CGG? Is the grade really 5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,, Agreed, at first blush this seems like a good pickup, but I'd like to hear some details. What would you like to know?
  7. For $11? For 191 dollars Nice pick up. That's almost half price compared to last sale and I'd have definitely pulled the trigger at that price. Good seller so no chance of scam? - 325 was the last on on ebay ( not recorded on GPA) - still not a bad deal on paper if all the information is correct. Yes all the information is correct and I'll upload pics in a bit
  8. For $11? For 191 dollars so apparently no self control or budget anymore When has there ever been any of either? I said that I still follow the budget but I make a exception if I sell a comic or some video games I buy what I made money with and if I don't have money I save up.
  9. For $11? For 191 dollars so apparently no self control or budget anymore You have a pic of the book? - might not be a bad deal at first look - but there alwayss seems to be something - does it have MVS? - is the case cracked? - CGG? Is the grade really 5.0,,,,,,,,,,,,, There is the mvs stamp, there are no cracks and yes it's a 5.0 SS. I'll try to get the pics
  10. For $11? For 191 dollars Nice pick up. That's almost half price compared to last sale and I'd have definitely pulled the trigger at that price. Good seller so no chance of scam? Yes he proved to me that the comic is his and I paid with goods and services just in case as well.
  11. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery" I checked dictionary.com and it gave me a different answer but was talking to 1cool about assuming that I didn't check and just blurted out whatever. So you checked dictionary.com before posting your sentence (highly doubt) and it gave you: "co-sign [koh-sahyn, koh-sahyn] Spell Syllables Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com verb (used with or without object) 1. to sign as a cosigner. " Yes that's the definition I got, so I became frustrated because I couldn't find the same thing the other boardie showed me http://lmgtfy.com/?q=consign I like that thanks and that's what I was looking for.
  12. For $11? When the collecting community finally determines this is the true first appearance of Wolverine, this book will explode. That won't happen but a lot of people argue over it.
  13. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery" I checked dictionary.com and it gave me a different answer but was talking to 1cool about assuming that I didn't check and just blurted out whatever. So you checked dictionary.com before posting your sentence (highly doubt) and it gave you: "co-sign [koh-sahyn, koh-sahyn] Spell Syllables Word Origin See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com verb (used with or without object) 1. to sign as a cosigner. " Yes that's the definition I got, so I became frustrated because I couldn't find the same thing the other boardie showed me
  14. I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more. My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal. QUANTIFY YOUR GOALS!!! Don't say "I'll trim my nails more". Say "I'll trim my nails every Monday and Thursday". That way, you can look back after a month and say "yes I definitely made my goal" or "no I didn't make my goal". See the difference? The phrase "I'm working on emotions" means nothing. Which specific emotions are you working on and what exactly are you doing to improve them? In a month's time, how can you tell if you've improved or not? Again, make it quantifiable. Ok I'm working on my emotions of impulses and desperation. I'm improving them but taking a deep breath if I get excited, count to 10 and look at it again Then I check gpa to see if it's a good deal and if I see if I can buy it anywhere else for a better price Finally after I check again to make sure that it's the right comic and grade I buy it. Someone else is going to have to field this for me. I have no words. Yes it's not how you would do things but it how I do things. Please trust me when I say it's not just me. Do a google search for "S.M.A.R.T criteria" as it pertains to setting goals and tell me honestly if your "goals" meet the criteria outlined. You'd be amazed at how effective it can be to structure your goals well. I've read that before Did you think there was any merit to it? Yes I think there's merit to them Then why not apply the concepts to your current goals? A goal is something you should be able to write out clearly and succinctly. I'll check them out
  15. How do you know it was him? The owner of the lcs told me and I just shrugged it off because I didn't really care who bought my comic and then something clicked and I asked him about it. So all in all that was pretty cool if I see him again I want his autograph. Ask the LCS owner to ask David if he knows when the next Star Wars movie announcement is coming. Sure I can do that
  16. I am working on it and since hygiene is something that comes up often I'll address it. I trim my nails more often and I shower more and shave more. My emotions and impulses: I already said that I know look at gpa, triple check before I buy and see if I can get a better deal. QUANTIFY YOUR GOALS!!! Don't say "I'll trim my nails more". Say "I'll trim my nails every Monday and Thursday". That way, you can look back after a month and say "yes I definitely made my goal" or "no I didn't make my goal". See the difference? The phrase "I'm working on emotions" means nothing. Which specific emotions are you working on and what exactly are you doing to improve them? In a month's time, how can you tell if you've improved or not? Again, make it quantifiable. Ok I'm working on my emotions of impulses and desperation. I'm improving them but taking a deep breath if I get excited, count to 10 and look at it again Then I check gpa to see if it's a good deal and if I see if I can buy it anywhere else for a better price Finally after I check again to make sure that it's the right comic and grade I buy it. Someone else is going to have to field this for me. I have no words. Yes it's not how you would do things but it how I do things. Please trust me when I say it's not just me. Do a google search for "S.M.A.R.T criteria" as it pertains to setting goals and tell me honestly if your "goals" meet the criteria outlined. You'd be amazed at how effective it can be to structure your goals well. I've read that before Did you think there was any merit to it? Yes I think there's merit to them
  17. OMG I never saw the consignment thread before :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm dying here, my eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard :roflmao: :roflmao: I totally forgot about his consignment thread. That comment about his "morale compass" was hilarious. I actually thought that comment was by another member (the one people called a hero) but totally forgot it was Gabe that wrote that. Honestly speaking not many people would do as I did I'm not sure anyone would do as you did. Are you talking about all the threads I make or the wallet thing?
  18. OMG I never saw the consignment thread before :roflmao: :roflmao: I'm dying here, my eyes are watering I'm laughing so hard :roflmao: :roflmao: I totally forgot about his consignment thread. That comment about his "morale compass" was hilarious. I actually thought that comment was by another member (the one people called a hero) but totally forgot it was Gabe that wrote that. Honestly speaking not many people would do as I did
  19. How do you know it was him? The owner of the lcs told me and I just shrugged it off because I didn't really care who bought my comic and then something clicked and I asked him about it. So all in all that was pretty cool if I see him again I want his autograph.
  20. This guy gave you the answer Gabe. You mixed up words in your head. There is a person who co-signs for a loan and there is a time when you give something to someone else to sell for a percentage which is to consign a book. Mixing up a word is not the end of the world but a simple google search for your word would help you clear things up. Yet another instance where you have to actually understand what is being said (written) rather then just reacting. No actually this is another instance where you assumed something again, I checked out the word before I responded and was confused why it didn't match what I was thinking. What I view consigns for is a loan for a car, house, school or business. you are joking, right? don't believe 1Cool or Ryan were incorrect in the least...... _____________________________________________ con·sign kənˈsīn/ verb 3rd person present: consigns deliver (something) to a person's custody, typically in order for it to be sold. "he consigned three paintings to Sotheby's" synonyms: assign, allocate, place, put, remit, commit "the picture was consigned to the gallery" I checked dictionary.com and it gave me a different answer but was talking to 1cool about assuming that I didn't check and just blurted out whatever. yau ware tying to stert a bomic consignement busyness seriously - dictionary.com has almost the same definition as I posted...... I'm not that terrible with my grammar and I'll check again can't find it so I'll just agree with you.
  21. So, 81 year old David Prowse bought your mid grade Star Wars 1 That's pretty cool, but I bought John Voight's car I'm serious he's been at my lcs twice but I never knew who he was and yes he bought my mid grade sw 1 which surprised me