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Everything posted by IntoAnother

  1. Cough cough. Once the nomination is rescinded, there is nothing else going on. Nothing to discuss. Unless you are a jackoff on crack. FTFY
  2. Welcome to the boards, I would recommend purchasing comics of characters that you thoroughly enjoy and to not be greatly concerned with the future value. If they go up in value it's a win, if not you still will have a great collection you can continue to enjoy. If it's mainly about collecting as an investment I'd say invest your money elsewhere, it's most likely going to safer and less concerning of what the future holds.
  3. If he follows through with a police report, the police will certainly come to his door and the knock will not be friendly. The seller sold the sketched slab for over $500 on eBay. The boardie who got beat out of this book has proof (text messages/emails) from the seller, indicating that the book was owed to him. As the slab has realized a value of over $500, the seller committed *grand larceny*. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/grand+larceny That is not the seller's only crime. By using a mail carrier to ship this slab (stolen property) over state lines, I am pretty sure the seller would be facing two criminal charges. The latter charge is a Federal Offense, if I am not mistaken. If the boardie files a police report, both of the charges would be set in motion, as far as I can see. Finally, if 5 of us report this listing to ebay as suspected stolen property, the seller will get his due deserts from not only the criminal and federal offenses...but he would just about certainly be kicked off of eBay. resurrected a weeks old (and settled) matter to give bad legal advice? Were you too busy to comment then because you were building another 40 foot fire moat? Total CAK move. I have no reason to believe the "CAK moves" such as these are nothing more than pathetic attempts of getting attention. It is absurd to believe one person can continue to be so clueless on occasion when he is extremely cunning in the area of trolling. I don't find it likable in the least bit when people intentionally play the airhead card either. It's as annoying as the trolls and I'm not buying it.
  4. Thank you both very much. I saw it and couldn't pass up this copy. Powell truly is one of the few creators who's work stands out amongst the crowd to me. I hope you both find copies as well!
  5. If you want one they can be found. It's just a matter of how much are you willing to spend to acquire one. I would not be alarmed by the second copy that sold recently. I personally have no reason to believe counterfeit copies are being sold, but that unfortunately doesn't mean it's not a possibility.
  6. A while back my wife asked me what book(s) she could get me for my upcoming birthday that would be truly special to me. I already knew what my answer would be, but I had no idea if they were going to be a possibility. Once again the boards came through. I am extremely grateful for MetalPSI and Peasofcrap for playing such pivotal roles in what will truly be one of the most memorable birthdays I have ever had. My wife is as grateful as I am for being able to give these two books to me. Thank you both very much!
  7. After being on my list for quite some time, I am very happy to have recently added this upgraded copy to my PC!
  8. I don't see why being a variant matters if it is heating up. But the market has chosen many times, a book that has the desired artwork, with he lowest print/distribution run usually wins. (Now I don't need an education print/distribution, we already covered that garbage on the last few pages.) Show me a regular cover that is heating up, and get it posted rather than being so down on the hobby with the woe is me, the end is nigh, et tu brute . It's getting old. I don't ever find what RMA says as being down on the hobby. I find his words the words of a realist with a great deal of experience. Personally I feel more people should listen and learn rather than hyping the days away. I'll tell you what is hot. This trailer holy smokes. The X-Men are still around?
  9. I don't see why being a variant matters if it is heating up. But the market has chosen many times, a book that has the desired artwork, with he lowest print/distribution run usually wins. (Now I don't need an education print/distribution, we already covered that garbage on the last few pages.) Show me a regular cover that is heating up, and get it posted rather than being so down on the hobby with the woe is me, the end is nigh, et tu brute . It's getting old. I don't ever find what RMA says as being down on the hobby. I find his words the words of a realist with a great deal of experience. Personally I feel more people should listen and learn rather than hyping the days away.
  10. They would fit in one of the current cases that are available, certainly one of the thicker ones.
  11. The last time I spoke with a few individuals from CGC it was relayed to me that they do not grade copies of Thorn due to not being able to authenticate them. This however may change, only time will tell but as of a few months ago they said they have no plans to grade them.
  12. CGC does not grade copies of Thorn: Tales From the Lantern.
  13. Okay...How about Travis Willingham then? 6'4" 35 years old. Youngest of the bunch and he already does a bunch of voice overs for cartoon characters like Thor...and he looks like he can relate to the Comic Con crowds as well?
  14. I'm kind of hoping for an unknown actor to get the part now. Someone who can truly make it his own with little to no history in my mind of his other roles. I even feel that's more plausible than a "star" making an attempt to outdo Patrick. That can easily come off as forced when these situations occur with replacements.
  15. I loved Patrick as Tick, but I am okay that he will not be returning. Especially if it means the show will still be made! Personally I feel he is the reason the previous live action series is such a cult classic. With the exception of Batmanuel, I felt the rest of the supporting cast could have been cast better, especially Arthur. I'm excited about the two actors that have been announced already. I already feel they are upping the ante of the cast and appear to be going younger and fresher. With that in mind I'm not sure Patrick would have meshed well with a younger cast. Patrick has a very strong personality in many of his roles. Someone who does not have as strong a personality may wind up being the perfect balance. Amazon has been producing some extremely good original shows. I have no doubt this will be anything less than spectacular!
  16. This has turned out to be such an incredible day!
  17. I love your energy. You should bring some of that to the other 'greatest threads' too. I Miss Dave Stevens O'Barr's 'The Crow' Love Thank you I do love looking over the Dave Stevens thread with admiration even though I never got heavily into his series. Dave was an incredibly talented artist and was a great loss, his work is absolutely beautiful. Oh I'm hoping to post something in the Crow thread I've been after for quite a while real soon!