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Everything posted by IntoAnother

  1. Good points all around buddy, everyone should read your reply for sure. These books could crumble, or skyrocket, or lay dormant, no one knows. But I think these are the ones in the MA least likely to take an utter nosedive. If it were me, I'd swap out the WD 100 for Danger Girl #2 Campbell Ruby Red Variant. But I can assure you the cover has nothing to do with it. Jerome Thank you Jerome I really like the significance of the Ruby Red, but if I'm not mistaken that may fall in Copper Age. Its from '98 IIRC. Jerome Definitely a modern, hard to find, and on the pricey side, but I didn't include it because it doesn't really fit the "modern variant" mold, in that the only difference between the covers is the colouring of the title lettering. -J. Oh it fits... Variant = a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.
  2. Good points all around buddy, everyone should read your reply for sure. These books could crumble, or skyrocket, or lay dormant, no one knows. But I think these are the ones in the MA least likely to take an utter nosedive. If it were me, I'd swap out the WD 100 for Danger Girl #2 Campbell Ruby Red Variant. But I can assure you the cover has nothing to do with it. Jerome Thank you Jerome I really like the significance of the Ruby Red, but if I'm not mistaken that may fall in Copper Age. Its from '98 IIRC. Jerome You are right Jerome, it was released in 1998. For some reason I had it placed a bit earlier in my mind. I'm not too sure of its FMV but I would guess it would fall somewhere on this list.
  3. Good points all around buddy, everyone should read your reply for sure. These books could crumble, or skyrocket, or lay dormant, no one knows. But I think these are the ones in the MA least likely to take an utter nosedive. If it were me, I'd swap out the WD 100 for Danger Girl #2 Campbell Ruby Red Variant. But I can assure you the cover has nothing to do with it. Jerome Thank you Jerome I really like the significance of the Ruby Red, but if I'm not mistaken that may fall in Copper Age.
  4. If this thread is to celebrate these books that is one thing, but some things stated can be very misleading. These books are definitely not among the most sought after books in the modern age. Several of them have a smaller print run or harder to find in the desirable 9.8 grade that drives up the price but that in no way means they are among the most sought after. This is clearly indicated when you look at how few people bid on some of these books in auctions compared to the truly most sought after modern age books. It also may be beneficial to readers to state how each of these books are considered first prints. It is wrong to give the impression to people that the values of these books are not only secure, but also have a strong chance to continue to rise in value, those are completely unknown waters. Several of these books I absolutely love even though I do not own any of them. I support whatever people want to collect so this is not an attempt to bash these books. I just feel it's best to be very clear and point out that it is a very real possibility that these may tank in the near future along with several other books we collect, but that's just the reality of our hobby.
  5. This thread has been created to house any eBay related questions, issues, or updates in Comics General. Yes, any eBay topics you wish to discuss are welcome!
  6. I have not been paying extremely close attention to this book but I was quite surprised to see what several copies have been selling for lately. It just struck me as odd to receive the bump it's received recently after all this time and after several seasons have aired. The recent 9.8 black label sale on eBay stuck out to me the most, that one seamed really high, even for an outlier. I'm sure some others here have a much better understanding of the fluctuations this book receives from one season to the next. Hopefully they can chime in because I'm also curious of it's recent sales history.
  7. Front Row: Awax, MetalPSI, Jsilverjanet Back Row: R--, S--------, H----------, G----- Hoping I'm one I'm actually flattered
  8. Front Row: Awax, M-------, Jsilverjanet Back Row: R--, S--------, H----------, G----- Hoping I'm one (You're the old dude )
  9. Front Row: A---, M-------, J----------- Back Row: R--, S--------, H----------, G----- is it because I'm short?
  10. Front Row: A---, M-------, J----------- Back Row: R--, S--------, H----------, G-----
  11. I agree Swick, he should have went forward with the purchase of the remaining book. Yet if I was the seller I would no longer want to move forward with the transaction due to how the "buyer" began the transaction, one headache would be enough for me.
  12. I can't imagine DC or Marvel would tolerate the common delays that have occurred with several Image titles. It may be known within DC and Marvel that you either produce or you are out of the job. That's a motivating fear that may not come with independently owned titles.
  13. I wouldn't have been able to resist it even if I tried, it was love at first sight. All three of these books easily rank among my absolute favorite books in my collection.
  14. That sketch is awesome! Thank you for sharing the story behind it, I always appreciate hearing things like that. I'm happy it was such an incredibly memorable experience for you, that's just so cool to hear.
  15. Thank you guys. I know all of you can appreciate how extremely happy I am to finally be adding this one to my collection!
  16. The Tick #1 CGC 9.8 SS Ben Edlund One of Four 9.8's, Single highest SS copy The Tick #2 Without Die-Cut CGC 9.8 SS Ben Edlund Single highest graded copy The Tick #4 CGC 9.8 SS Ben Edlund One of two 9.8's, Single highest SS copy (Many thanks to Erik B, PeasOfCrap, and seanfingh!)
  17. I said I like it when it goes off topic! I definitely appreciate all the information you post Awe, as well as others. Especially when it's about books most people are not looking to flip or a series most people don't know or care for. You do a great job mentioning books that have risen in value naturally due to its content. I always like discovering new series I may enjoy anyway I can.
  18. So if a discussion starts in this thread in regards to the print run of a specific variant that is being hyped/flipped or whatever certain individuals complain. Some of them even go as far as humping the button because they say it is off topic. Yet a topic that is not about a specific modern heating up such as purchasing at conventions is discussed and apparently they have no issue. I can't help but wonder if that is because a off topic conversation about buying at cons won't hurt anyone's profits on a certain book that is being "discussed" here. This is just an observation and not towards anyone in the current conversation. Personally I enjoy it when threads are open to being slightly off track when it is relatable to the main topic. I just find it odd that the usual complainers are not speaking up about this being off topic. Perhaps they are taking notes.
  19. I can see your point (and Robert's) that as long as you quote GPA accurately, there is no problem. I would say, though, that if you know there is a recent CLink sale at a much lower price or other recent sales in higher grades at lower prices, then I think quoting GPA becomes questionable. After all, what's the point of quoting GPA in a sales thread? Presumably the point is to argue that the GPA values quoted reflect current FMV in order to put your asking price in context. If, in fact, you know that GPA does not accurately reflect current FMV, then I think the more forthright approach is to avoid quoting it. I agree that if the information a seller is providing is not the whole truth and the seller knows this due to the books purchase history, then the truth that works in the sellers favor is best to be left out. It is on any buyer to do homework when buying a book but I feel the boards hold a higher standard and I appreciate that. For example, If I see a book that I have been looking for that doesn't surface often and see GPA quoted that assists a quick sale, I may take that information as fact and pull the trigger faster out of fear of missing the book. That is a example that may not come up often, but even that being the case I do not see it as an acceptable practice.