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Everything posted by IntoAnother

  1. I hope you get the page buzz. I always treated these situations on a case by case basis. If the item is easily obtainable I would have done as you did. Most likely after the same duration of time had passed, if not sooner due to the lack of response. Yet on harder to find, or one of a kind items like OA I am more prone to let more time pass or disregard messages not being responded. With the hope of actually getting the item I really want, but I wouldn't have let it gone much longer than it already has. Sometimes sellers just don't value communication and timeliness but do wind up sending the item out at some point.
  2. eBay If eBay it eBay is eBay related eBay then eBay by eBay all eBay means eBay post eBay your eBay Amazon eBay related eBay issue eBay here eBay. eBay If eBay it's eBay not Amazon related eBay then eBay I eBay suggest eBay searching eBay other eBay avenues eBay for eBay an eBay answer eBay. Can you repeat that please? I'd be happy to repeat it for you... eBay If eBay it eBay is eBay related eBay then eBay by eBay all eBay means eBay post eBay your eBay Amazon eBay related eBay issue eBay here eBay. eBay If eBay it's eBay not Amazon related eBay then eBay I eBay suggest eBay searching eBay other eBay avenues eBay for eBay an eBay answer eBay.
  3. It's been quite some time since I last updated my notifications but I believe once you are on the notification settings page you can adjust this. Someone with more notification settings experience may need to chime in though.
  4. eBay If eBay it eBay is eBay related eBay then eBay by eBay all eBay means eBay post eBay your eBay Amazon eBay related eBay issue eBay here eBay. eBay If eBay it's eBay not Amazon related eBay then eBay I eBay suggest eBay searching eBay other eBay avenues eBay for eBay an eBay answer eBay.
  5. * This thread has been created to house any eBay related questions, issues, or updates in Comics General. Yes, any eBay topics you wish to discuss are welcome!
  6. Phew! I was worried for a minute I wouldn't be able to find your copy. Luckily you were kind enough to let everyone know you'd be placing it on eBay and have a eBay link in your sig line!
  7. Awesome. Like I said I was not aware of what specifically (if anything) lead to its seemingly prompt uptick in interest. I agree it is a very high quality book. Looks like a win for CBSI. I am still not hearing a lot of examples of how they manipulate the market for their own personal advantages. To me I simply see a lot of entrenched, long-term CGC people taking shots at a decent group for no reason. I'm not hear to defend them at all but I have seen this happen hear from time to time and there's no reason why people here shouldn't respect other communities who post about comics. A win? I provided one example, did you look into it? All I am doing is reporting information that has been relayed to me by multiple sources. It's done quite a bit around here about other sites as I'm sure you've seen. Yet for some reason the CBSI crowd is among the most defensive bunch I've come across. I'm not sure if that's because they are the only ones present being discussed, if they are guilty, or if they have some speculating street cred thing they are trying to protect. My respect is always given to those who do positive things for the hobby. I personally just don't know of anything positive CBSI has done but I'm also not familiar with the site other than what is told to me. If that site is so absolutely amazing and always first to report home run speculations why do any CBSI people come here?
  8. I am well aware you are a Trey/CBSI groupie. This isn't about playing favorites or picking sides, it's about helping protect the hobby. I have zero reason to communicate with you as you will defend that site no matter what is staring you in the face. I already told you in the other thread I did not want to communicate with you. As you can see in my post above, that has not changed. Yet you once again felt the need to send me that picture. I honestly can't tell if you are trying to be funny or if you are suggestively implying something else by sending me that picture. I do not like you in any way. Now please leave me alone.
  9. Why not. Everyone says whatever they want around here. Doesn't matter if it's true or not anymore. There's a difference between a know-it-all constantly barking at everybody about how they shouldn't ever attempt to estimate a book's print run, and someone repeating unfounded rumours that are potentially libelous. -J. Don't assume what I'm talking about, it's wasn't the RMA situation What I assumed is that you were deliberately cryptic with your statement for a reason. I therefore filled in the blanks as I saw fit. -J. Have I ever said anything when you and him were going back and forth? I don't remember . It just seem to be good form to circulate that kind of rumour without any basis or evidence, especially without the other party here to respond or defend themselves. The tie in to estimating print numbers was simply my attempt to draw a distinction. -J. An example was asked for Jay, so I gave an example. I stated very clearly that I was unaware if it was true or not. It really isn't that difficult to verify as true or false if anyone cares to do so for themselves. One can ask Matt Rosenberg how the WCNGH SDCC variants were sold and why he decided to limit the WCNGH NYCC variants. You'd be very surprised with just how much information some creators become made aware of. I don't suggest anyone to stop with just that though. Keep going and look at early sales. If you are knowledgable enough of who is who you'll put two and two together real quick to decide for yourself if anyone from CBSI assisted in manipulating the market for this book.
  10. Awesome. Like I said I was not aware of what specifically (if anything) lead to its seemingly prompt uptick in interest. I agree it is a very high quality book.
  11. I am well aware you are a Trey/CBSI groupie. This isn't about playing favorites or picking sides, it's about helping protect the hobby. I have zero reason to communicate with you as you will defend that site no matter what is staring you in the face.
  12. You know one of your favorite sources of information is a card collector who got into comics because of DC's 3D cover marketing gimmick, right? There is a difference between noticing an existing market trend and creating a market trend by selling the internet on a book through blog posts that may or may not use accurate information as a reason to "invest" in a book. Got any examples of this from CBSI? Monstress. That book was out a month and found for cover price on eBay before a posting on CBSI got people interested. I'm not familiar with what specifically (if anything) lead to Monstress heating up. Yet it did pick up rather suddenly weeks after release which is not typical of a book that slowly heats up due to a growing fan base. I will admit I am not very familiar with CBSI but I have heard stories about CBSI members, as well as other speculation sites manipulating the market. One story stands out to me that may be very easy to verify or dismiss by someone who knows who's who or possesses search capabilities greater than my own. An individual told me that the We Can Never Go Home SDCC variant that had a limited print run of 50 copies (if I'm not mistaken) was mostly purchased by a few CBSI members. It was said that they quickly placed a few copies in auction and bid them up by one another with no real purchaser of the early copies placed in auction in order to create a market price they wanted. To be very clear, I do not know if this story is true. I wanted to share it as examples were asked for. Yet again, I am sure with the limited print run of the WCNGH SDCC variant it very well may be easy to either verify or dismiss.
  13. Credit to CBSI on that one Why is anyone deserving of credit other than the creators? Sorry I'll fix it... Credit to CBSI for recognizing that this book might see increased interest on the back issue market based on the contents. This is a forum about comics that get hot and sell at auction no? I'm sure the creators got plenty of Kudos from fans and coworkers when the book came out. I personally didn't feel your post needed to be fixed. It just strikes me as odd to see speculators take or give credit in regards to a certain book or character. To me any work deserving of credit was done by the creators, not some speculator who stated some early or first appearance may heat up soon. That's like shooting fish in a barrel nowadays. I don't visit any spec sites so I can't comment on who said what and have zero favoritisms in regards to any spec sites or groups. As Awe has pointed out the said credit may be fitting for a thread such as this though. Just seams weird to me is all. Hey man can't a kid be a speculator and a collector? I just don't like seeing someone post something here as if they were the first to mention it. Don't deny that many, many people who frequent these types of communities love to be the first to mention a book. There's nothing wrong with it and I don't think we need to give specific credit to a person or page just don't act like you discovered something when the info was clearly gleaned from another source.
  14. Credit to CBSI on that one Why is anyone deserving of credit other than the creators? Sorry I'll fix it... Credit to CBSI for recognizing that this book might see increased interest on the back issue market based on the contents. This is a forum about comics that get hot and sell at auction no? I'm sure the creators got plenty of Kudos from fans and coworkers when the book came out. I personally didn't feel your post needed to be fixed. It just strikes me as odd to see speculators take or give credit in regards to a certain book or character. To me any work deserving of credit was done by the creators, not some speculator who stated some early or first appearance may heat up soon. That's like shooting fish in a barrel nowadays. I don't visit any spec sites so I can't comment on who said what and have zero favoritisms in regards to any spec sites or groups. As Awe has pointed out the said credit may be fitting for a thread such as this though. Just seams weird to me is all.
  15. Both. The Darkseid war One Shot really helped Grail's 1st, and if you read it, Jessica Cruz's trifecta 1st appearances too. They are moving now on the hype, but will they maintain? In regards to the book you posted, logic was used I feel and people termed it "pump and dump". Seems to me like those people are salty about not picking it up/thinking of it first, before it got hot. It happens to us all at some point. I have a right to draw conclusions using context clues. X-23 is a Hot item right now, assume every one of her key books will be affected by more exposure to her. Someone else connected the dots, and resulted in the rise of a few of her key's. If they lurk without posting or discussing, then they aren't excluded from buying into the hype. I also highly doubt they never sold a single book, nor ever offered a trade/did a trade for a book(s) they wanted to have and used one they didn't care for so much to offer. It's in the nature of this hobby to buy, sell and trade your way to a complete run/collection. Not at all, and I know a shill when I see one. Lots of people here do it. Even though I understand RMA's valid argument on the variant print runs, I loathe the way he tries to impose his knowledge upon others in a extremely condescending manner. We get it, he is mostly right, I just got sick of seeing him use the same long winded responses to berate people to see his way, and baits them into a 5 page debate about a good rough estimate when in the grand scope of things in the variant market. Sue me for ignoring a guy who acts like a .
  16. In regards to the book you posted, logic was used I feel and people termed it "pump and dump". Seems to me like those people are salty about not picking it up/thinking of it first, before it got hot. It happens to us all at some point. Why do you assume people "are salty about not picking it up"? A large number of collectors here only observe threads such as this out the love for the hobby and enjoy watching all that is involved. Yes, a large number of board members are collectors who do not have any interest in flipping, some members have also never sold a single book. You stated that you have been away from the hobby for nearly twenty years but continue to make assumptions about other board members and have no issue ignoring the experience of others when it comes to print runs. It's truly baffling.
  17. Credit to CBSI on that one Why is anyone deserving of credit other than the creators? You disagree?
  18. Credit to CBSI on that one Why is anyone deserving of credit other than the creators?
  19. Please - no Will Smith joining in to sing. Seams more fitting for a closing credits song than a theme song.
  20. +1 It truly is fantastic. Thank you for posting it Vic!