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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. People with real cahjones (like me ) have no problem discussing anything with anyone, anywhere and this forum is my favorite forum by far but unfortunately, it doesn't allow conversation of everything people may want to talk about so that's why there are limitations here.
  2. I think we should get CGC to scan the internet to keep us all safe. Seriously. Nearly a year ago I got a 3 week vacation for saying 'or elsewhere' about in a vague reply about posting things in other places and now we're all out discussing it in detail here. Steve, I think you need to chill out. And if anyone has a problem on 'another forum' or elsewhere then anyone is free to join the discussion elsewhere. But this witch hunt is becoming ridiculous and asking for some sort of protection by moderators over here about what is being posted elsewhere is about as far a reach as anything I can think of. What's next? Cruising ALL other forums looking for stuff to post about here? If people want to have a discussion you can either join or ignore. Outside of that, it just becomes something ridiculous.
  3. I don't watch much hockey and yes, he was on the short side but every time I saw him hitting someone he was grinning like it was Christmas.
  4. This book, Daredevil 7 8.5 ow-w is PENDING. Just an FYI, we completed this deal and everything went fine. I sent payment via wire and I got my book as advertised. The book was sent registered mail and that takes a bit longer to ship but everything was perfect. Thanks Steve!
  5. Yes. He was an enforcer for the Leafs but what really was interesting about him is when he was fighting he always looked like he was smiling on his wedding day. He was one tough dude.
  6. This thread is like that famous Christmas 'dumpster fire' dinner get together that everyone remembers. Everyone shows up dressed nicely and it all seems polite and friendly enough to enjoy our dinner but by the end of the dinner you're wondering why nobody is planning on coming back next year. The only thing missing is the romantic element to this story.
  7. What's funny, is that is how all the cool kids also customized their comics back in the day. I also had fun creating mash-up covers. When I was studying the original MMC logo from Timely I noticed that each title logo was slightly different from issue to issue, which led me to believe that for the earliest issues they may have hand drawn them, accounting for the variation between them before they standardized the Marvel Mystery Comics logo after the initial dozen issues or so. This sort of lends some evidence that they didn't even expect these magazines to last very long in publication, because they were literally just winging it and throwing stuff out to see what would stick. Today, if a publication comes out they've probably got a plan for a print run for several issues and would have had logos standardized before the first issue was released. Back then it was the wild west. Wild stuff.
  8. I put zero value in 'offers' on sites. I've put in an offer on several sites only to have it accepted right away, making it seem like the standing offer on the sites were just shill offers placing a floor on the book. Until a book sells, asking prices and anonymous offers are completely meaningless to me.
  9. People discuss things. Some do it via PM and some do it elsewhere. I don't have a problem with discussions as long as they're respectful. I didn't get a warning. I was making a post, posted an explanation vaguely referencing about talking here 'or elsewhere' and my intent was to diffuse arguing, then the thread was locked, after which I saw that there was a warning in the thread somewhere prior to my post (as happens on here) and when the thread was locked I could do nothing else. I'd even quote the post for transparency but it's all been scrubbed (not even in my 'removed posts' section') After the thread was locked, I messaged CGC mod11 to explain that I wasn't even talking about other forums because I had a feeling I was going to be moderated for something that I didn't feel was worth moderation and CGCmod11's reply was one phrase: "or elsewhere" and nothing else. I took that reply that the phrase was not to be used. And then got 3 weeks. It seemed excessive considering how benign the post was and how vague the phrase was, but I took my lumps. Welcome to my world. ------------------------------------------------- I don't get upset at people mentioning me. I only dislike when people make things up out of thin air, so we agree on this. I don't like rumors either. And to be frank, I hated having to even post what I did last week but it is an inconsistency I don't understand. It may have been better to have brought it up in the Moderation Action discussion thread but it hadn't crossed my mind at the time. I certainly didn't mean to cause a dumpster fire here over a perceived inconsistency. I've already agreed in the spirit of friendship to make my posts less wordy (but that's something I've wanted to focus on for a long time anyway so it just spurs me on) but when I don't want to see anyone's posts, I just ignore people that annoy or irritate me. I don't think me asking someone else on the internet to 'stop' is really my place to do to anyone.
  10. Are you saying I should have anonymously hit the notify button?
  11. There are obviously some good people there and not so good. I looked a few times because I was curious, but as much as I think Ditch (who certainly is one of the good ones) tries...the fact that people can sign up under any name and bash people who they don't even know does not make it a place I want to spend time, so I don't. Amazing how Casey can call someone a POS (illegal in terms of service here) Even more amazing is how you can both talk about Ditch's forum openly now but in March, when we were talking about other places people were posting, I got reprimanded and a thread was locked because CGCmod11 (I think that was you Sharon) told me I was promoting other forums by saying "or elsewhere" and that post led to a 3 week strike. But yeah, let's hear from all the good boardies who dislike me how I deserve all my strikes. Just amazing.
  12. It was tragic. It was apparently a really, really nice sandwich. The boards were saddened by the senseless waste. That was me. It was my first time at SD and there were rumors that the sandwich turned into Godzilla or something similar. Thankfully, we managed to subdue it and everything ended well. Can you believe 2010 was over a decade ago? WTFred?
  13. News agent? I'm only 51, I first spotted them in local comic stores in the 80s. But yeah, it would be even cooler to see them on the newsstand and comb over them.
  14. Because it's non-stop? Just like your 'that's what *** said" posts? And now you're following me and dragging it all over the boards incessantly? First in the WC and now here? That post wasn't meant for you. Kav is indirectly chastising me all over the CGC boards currently.
  15. Imma just say that for a noob, you sound like a veteran. Carry on!
  16. OK. I know you're busy so I wasn't sure if I should tag you in it or if someone is actively checking this thread. Thanks!
  17. Look, the old star rating system for the boards is back again!
  18. Tell me more! Is there any more to the backstory? Was he commissioned by Stan? Fascinating stuff!
  19. Can someone explain why this keeps appearing and disappearing in my notifications bar? Stay up to date Push notifications allow us to keep you up to date on what's happening, even if you're not browsing the community. Your browser will shortly prompt you to accept notifications from us.
  20. Oh, DON'T get me started! I can point out the thousand times it's been done among seasoned veterans here. I'm willing to give noobs some slack until they being understand the culture here before they start being slagged.