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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. Has anyone gotten an actual name from the seller? Has it been mentioned in any of the videos? I didn't see it in the videos I watched.
  2. I wasn't bickering. I was apologizing for possibly being wrong, dork. Where have you been, anyway?
  3. What are you talking about? Why would you quote me and what reason did I give them to shut this thread down?
  4. I don't know why we are getting hung up on whether or not CGC opened the inner well in the re-slabbing process. I don't think anyone overtly claimed that they did not, and it's kind of immaterial to the overall issue. Some people claimed that they did not, but it was fairly early on in the discussion when we were focusing on just two books. The ASM #252 that got reholdered as an MJ insert and with a new custom label and the NM #98 that got reholdered with just a new label. This has gone way past that now, and if I was wrong I'm happy to admit it.
  5. I've been friends with Kenny for what, 15 or more years and he doesn't even respond to me. He's absolutely slammed.
  6. Oh, they'll be going after this guy, that's for sure. This is fraud on a grand scale and it may be jail time depending on the extent of the fraud. By the looks of it we're well into 5 figures territory and who knows how high that number goes? I still am.
  7. I don't know. FF books soared in the last few years. I don't really look at the recent pullback since 2021 as an indicator as that's more of an economic pullback than one that's strictly hobby-centric.
  8. Isn't a large portion of the controversy rooted in them having a problem calling them X-MEN? That's what I heard, but haven't looked to see if it was true.
  9. I wonder if Tarantino realizes that scene was originally set up by Miller's DKR? His using the Letterman reference tells me he must as it was a Letterman look-alike in the comic book.
  10. I saw Drive in theatres when it came out and it was incredible. I've rewatched it more than once. I agree, his range as an actor is really amazing. My favorite Gosling movie is The Nice Guys. I can watch that over and over. He's absolutely HILARIOUS in that movie. And this is coming from someone who couldn't stand watching him when he was younger. For some reason I just couldn't get into him early on, but he's really developed into a great actor. I agree with Tups, the MCU needs an anchor or a linchpin for it's universe and it's floating aimlessly right now.
  11. My ex was right, it's a good movie for dads to see with their daughters, and that might be the best demographic for this movie. It does really held shine a light onto how some women feel in society. The problem is that it doesn't represent all men or all women while pretending it does. Just to double back on this discussion, as I'd forgotten about this thread until @The humble Watcher lurking bumped it: I saw it a month ago with my 2nd oldest, who is 26 and she thought it was cute but the message was silly. My youngest was supposed to join the viewing but she couldn't make it so I finally had a conversation with my youngest about the movie about 2 weeks ago, who is 22 and she actually thought the movie was "dumb" and "extremist" - those were her actual words. And she used the extremist word TWICE for emphasis. She's very mature and strong for her age and she felt the movie was talking down to her. I haven't spoken to my 3rd daughter about it, but I think she'd feel the same way based on what I know about her, so that pretty sums up that all the women in my family (including my ex) that think this movie was either immature, dumb or extremist. Take those reviews for what you will, but I think too many people have women pigeonholed into roles, like this movie for example, and are actually doing the very things the movie seems to try to call out society for doing.
  12. My son has seen it (he's a real intellectual) and I'm looking forward to watching it with him. I've actually been waiting for some time.
  13. Gee. What a nice thing to say about one of your former customers. Maybe if I had spent more than $450, you could manage to be a little more polite? Dude, if your funny bone is malfunctioning I can't help you with that.
  14. If I understand your point correctly, it doesn't matter who the owner of the book is any more than who owns a car if the car is in need of a recall. If there's a recall on a car, the recall gets fixed regardless of who the owner is. The recall is linked to the VIN, not the customer. This book's history is linked to the cert number and that will be enough for them to investigate what happened along the way.
  15. @skypinkblu Many of us have Jim's Paypal address. So that you don't have to answer a zillion messages, can you verify if it's the same as the one he's used previously as I have emails from him going back a decade and longer.
  16. I'll bet you $100 to your favorite charity that CGC won't put an MJ designation on a book that didn't have one before without inspecting the book. In conclusion, I haven't changed a single one of my germane points. You just misunderstood them, so I think YOU need to get YOUR facts straight before you muddy the discussion next time.
  17. I think I've gotten at least 4 or 5 CGC 9.9s on vintage books since 2018 (and they were submitted with 9.9's in mind). How do you prove that the number of 9.9's has dropped as a fact? I'd love to know because that's useful info.
  18. OK, but it's not personal. It just wasn't clear to me what you were saying. Correct. If they regraded the book, it's very unlikely this book gets a 9.8 which leads me to believe it wasn't regraded. It depends on what you choose on the form. If you tell CGC that you think they made a mistake and missed the MJ insert, they won't technically regrade it as though you were paying a grading fee.They'll treat it as an internal error and reholder the book with the correct designation, but I am fairly certain if you notify them that they made a mistake and missed the MJ insert, they will inspect the book to make sure the MJ insert is in there before designating it as such. If you JUST send it as a straight reholder, say, telling them that the slab cracked when they returned the book to the submitter, they would just replace the holder. You COULD possibly even request a custom label I suppose, but then that still doesn't explain how the MJ insert designation got added to the new label because that's not a "straight reholder" procedure. The sticky part in your theory is how the MJ designation got added. It doesn't make sense that they would just add the designation on the new label without looking inside the book to verify it was there. I suppose it's POSSIBLE that they just forgot to look at the book for whatever reason, but it just sounds unlikely to me. In order to add that new MJ designation, I believe someone, somewhere inside CGC (likely a grader or pregrader) would have to check for the MJ insert before labelling it as such. Could they have caught the MJ designation and missed that it was a fugly 9.8? That's possible I suppose...but again, weird to me because I believe it would need to at least be a pre-grader inspecting the book for the MJ insert (counting pages) and so it seems unlikely. I don't think they would just have someone working in encapsulation do this work. Someone in encapsulation may not even know what an MJ insert is. It is a bit confusing because there are multiple combinations of possibilities, but I think we're on the same page now, aren't we?
  19. As someone who submits WAY more books than the average Joe, I can say that this view is not correct. I've received 9.9's when I expected only 9.8's, and I've submitted books in the hope of 9.9's (and expected them) and only got 9.8s. So they HAVE handed out 9.9s when the books deserve them. Remember, these graders are also comic fans and if a book is exceptional, they will notice it just like any of us would. That's been my experience.
  20. That is more unlikely than CGC allocating even a single thin dime to investigate. Dude, why are you always so negative toward CGC? Did they spit in your cornflakes? CGC will absolutely investigate someone that is defrauding the company and imitating or mucking with their holders, and I'd bet the reason they're quiet is because they're investigating. I've been a part of some of these investigations.
  21. There are two problems with this theory. 1)We've already seen other books from this seller that have been tampered with, that didn't have a custom notation which leads us to believe that the custom notation wasn't the loophole (or at least the only loophole) and 2) how did CGC get notified that there was an MJ insert in the book unless someone brought it up to CGC's attention?