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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Its hard to even wrap my brain around the series of events that must have taken place. 1. Why is the fed ex guy telling them what is in the package? 2. Why would they listen to the fed ex guy about what is in the package" 3. Why would they not look at the name on the package? 4. Why upon immediately opening the package did they not realize they made a big mistake and this is clearly a customer's package? 5. Why did they throw out the packaging? 6. What exactly were they going to do with this package? 7. Why didn't someone realize it might be for the guy who was frantically looking for his package and that they signed for, but the package disappeared? Not a chance in hell I would keep using this location.
  2. I only use them as a last resort. Let's just say the buyer protection left something to be desired when I needed it.
  3. Its true. A very important judge told me that. Was this at a work release hearing? I was golfing.
  4. I think the lesson here is never offer a partial refund on a graded book. You are just asking for trouble.
  5. Its true. A very important judge told me that.
  6. This is a ridiculous level of incompetence.
  7. I figured out the problem. There is a contest going between CGC quality control and the group that maintains this forum. Whoever does a worse job gets a pizza party.
  8. R Type was one of my favorites. Spent so many quarters.
  9. I only played a few times. I wasn't very good at it.
  10. Yep. They used to have big monitors all around it so people could watch. That and Space Ace.
  11. I just had a flashback. My grandparents had Wizard of War in their basement. Spent many many hours playing that.
  12. That's what I get for not noticing it. That was a good deal. Might as well post away. You know people will check out your thread.
  13. It doesn't really matter I guess. Either way I just can't make the leap that it would be considered part of someone's collection. And I honestly have a hard time seeing how anyone would be excited about it other than from a purely investment perspective.
  14. I thought I remember from when this first came up that you don't actually own any part of the asset. You only own a something that represents a percentage in the value of the asset. But maybe I'm wrong in that. If you replace the word collection with investment or portfolio that would make sense to me. And of course option B would be worth more. But on the other hand option A you would still have that money or it would be invested in something else.
  15. Personally I wouldn't consider that fractional share in the #1 as part of my collection. It would be an investment, but I don't really own any part of that book.
  16. Sure. Not all assets are equal. Depends what kind of price point you are talking about. One 8K book vs. 8 1K books. Maybe they appreciate the same. Maybe not. $100 slice of a key vs. something else. who knows. But you also have the downside of the partial share in that you don't have direct control.
  17. I don't think anyone would argue against diversifying your investments. You just have no need for fractional shares of a comic to do that. In the examples you have been giving you are basically saying if you put all of your money into one expensive comic vs. a much smaller amount in a fractional share that the expensive comic is much worse since you can lose a lot more. You appear to want to way oversimply what you are presenting to make it appear one option is clearly better.
  18. Those other things could also lose money. And instead of spending $100 in a fractional share you could spend $100 on a comic worth $100. I just don't see how buying a fractional share of a comic somehow reducing your risk of losing money,.
  19. This argument seems a bit odd to me. If you don't have the money to buy the book so you instead buy a fractional share, you had zero chance of losing the entire value of the book. In both examples you are losing 100% of what you put in if the value drops to zero.
  20. Mental note - never ever submit two different printings of the same book at the same time.
  21. This has to just be a plan to get everyone to leave, right? I have no idea how much they pay to keep this thing going, but they are getting ripped off.