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Everything posted by PopKulture

  1. Thanks!! I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I've read scant few of those titles. For me, it's more about the graphic design and their place as cultural artifacts. The ones I have read were almost always later printings or under-copies, and I hate to admit it, I still haven't read anything by William Burroughs. There are also a few hardboiled authors I need to delve into. Hopefully there'll be time enough someday...
  2. Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the hodgepodge. I've had that "Death From Nowhere" for probably forty years, along with the Phantom Mystery "Rocket To The Morgue." Both of those were tough books back in the day when the first Hancer guide debuted. I got my "Rocket" from a guy that used to sell lots of miscellaneous stuff at the local VFW comic shows. He found two copies within a month or two, the only ones he'd seen in many years of junking. The first one went to a good dealer/collector friend of mine, George, and I got the second one not long after. My "Dying Earth" I found in a suitcase under a bed at an estate sale while on my lunch break back when I was painting houses I think the summer after my senior year. Fun memories with so many of those books. One regret from those VFW shows was the time I didn't buy a large box of mapbacks from George. There were over two hundred by his count and he wanted somewhere around a hundred bucks, which was a sizable outlay of grass-cutting money, so I passed. There were so many oddball ones in there that I still don't have. You know how it is: some books you see over and over, and some just don't seem to show up that often. Of course, my perceptions were shaped in the pre-internet days, so the actual scarcity may vary! And please do let me know which covers are by Ray Johnson. I will definitely note them.
  3. Thanks for the kind words. You're right about the photo-hosting sites letting you down: flickr got me once, ipernity has me on the ropes now, and photobucket has wreaked havoc enough here on the Boards. So, yes, it seems it's just a matter of time... Many of my books are regrettably inaccessible at a moment's whim, but luckily I have scans of a few hundred random offerings. I love pouring over the Bookscans database and checking out pictures of books I don't have, but there's something fulfilling about knowing it's your own copy (at least to a greedy little hoarder like myself). If anyone cares to have a look, here's a link. There are a lot of digests mixed in and a few oddballs that fly mostly under-the-radar. http://www.ipernity.com/doc/305029/album/431155 Happy collecting!!
  4. I shouldn't take the bait, but can we lower the hyperbolic rhetoric on all sides of all issues?? And not just us Boardies, but all of us everywhere. It's disingenuous to wield language specifically chosen to conjure and perpetuate alarmism: people are already alarmed enough. You can't seriously believe that the amped-up insufficiently_thoughtful_persons (they are often called "mostly peaceful protesters" if they are burning police stations on the west coast) that stormed the capitol following a guy dressed as some kind of viking-hybrid were actually attempting a coup, do you? There were throngs of protesters who, like many in America on different sides of myriad issues, felt their voices weren't being heard and, in their hearts and minds, held genuine grievance, whether you think it illegitimate or not. Heated crowds are unfortunately prone to mob action and, in the heat of the moment, many of the protesters made a bad decision. To say they went there with the intention of overthrowing the government is absurd. After months of watching civil unrest by people who we heard over and over again just wanted their voices to be heard, they likewise wanted to be acknowledged, and they chose a regrettable path to further those ends where people needlessly got hurt and some died. We can't watch our streets filled with violent mobs night after night and think it will not have a long-term deleterious effect. Nor can we pick and choose which groups are righteous and which are heinous simply because they are more aligned with our personal politics. Call out the foul behavior on both sides. Every time. I've watched social apologists my whole life make excuses for social ills like gang violence and the 9/11 attackers. I'm sure those same people could exercise a modicum of subjective dexterity in their mental gymnastics and afford a better level of understanding of the actual underpinnings of that sad day. Remember, whatever your stance on an issue, it's quite probable that very nearly half the country disagrees with you. That used to be okay...
  5. Yep, I spend endless hours marveling at how beautiful things were once upon a time. Edit: I tried posting some links to some random ephemera, but the images will not appear. It just shows a link to my photo-hosting site, ipernity. Is BBCode no longer supported here? Or might it be on the hosting side? Both services have undergone changes recently, so I can easily imagine either case.
  6. Great result! I thought that lower left FC corner blunting and lower right FC creasing would keep it out of the fine+ range, so kudos! Please let that be the case when my books are finally sent to Sarasota...
  7. Similar situation and outcome for me. It's just not worth the accounting headache and, truth be told, after the state and federal bites, I'd rather just give away my undercopy of Blackhawk 168 for example than to try and sell it for $8.
  8. I'll take Hulk 223, Kazar 3 and Thor 215 at 10% off