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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. That sounds familiar. I remember there were NOT a lot of booths with single digits Action Comics in them. I did see one, however, that caught my eye. I recall it having maybe 3 single digit Actions (including an 8). More impressive was I believe this booth also had at least 6 copies (probably more) of Superman #14. If memory serves me right, that was "New Force". I think I remember saying to myself, "I need to look them up online and see what they have". If that was your booth, it was the most impressive one I saw!
  2. Booth 1006. We only make it out to the West Coast once every 3-4 years lately so we're hoping lots of people stop by and say hi! Do you make it to the East Coast shows? Baltimore or NY? we have a big set up at Baltimore (filter usually not in attendance) and we do a nice booth at nycc (gator/filter combo) Rick, I usually attend Baltimore every year (usually Friday evening before the big weekend crowds). I have probably met you and don't even know it. Forgive my ignorance, but what is the name of your "set up" (company)? I am hoping to make it to Baltimore again this year, although I believe it is Labor Day weekend and so I may be off somewhere with the family. Would like to be able to stop by your booth and say hello.
  3. Booth 1006. We only make it out to the West Coast once every 3-4 years lately so we're hoping lots of people stop by and say hi! Do you make it to the East Coast shows? Baltimore or NY?
  4. Ryan, That is awesome. When I get back to the states, I will have to see if I have the page that panel came from. Chances are I do, however, I can't be sure until I look.
  5. Thanks Rich for the kind words. Your signature line is so awesome it would make you the Grand Marshall of this thread. Thanks Keith. I have been blessed to come across some nice books through out the years. I have been more blessed to come across the kind people on this board.
  6. WOW! I did not even know this thread existed. I am looking forward to looking through many of the pages of this thread when I have more time. For now, I want to thank Kinzebac for bumping this thread, thus allowing me to see it. I also concur that one should never be ashamed of a book, just because the condition may not be as high as they want it to be. I think that AC15 looks great. The cover is complete and you own an Action from the 1930(s). You should be proud of that. Don't make excuses for the book, just enjoy it. I recently bought a B&W copy of "If the Devil Would Talk". It was not the highest graded copy I have ever seen (it was the one that was in the recent comic connect auction), but I am thrilled to just own a copy. If someone else doesn't think it is awesome, well that is their problem. Thanks to Ryan for starting this thread. Great idea. Speaking of Ryan, look at what he started this thread with. One beat up page from an AC1. He was not ashamed of that; he was proud (as he should be). Way to go Ryan. As for me, now that I know this "club" exists, I hope my sig line will allow me a "membership". If not, then perhaps, if anyone has an interest, I can dig out the #11 - #24, when I get back. (warning, my photography skills leave a lot to be desired).
  7. the 10 and 13 have great cover content, but Supe is drawn too small on those covers. If only he was larger like on the 7. The train on the 13 is great though. Unlike the early Actions, the Batman has a much larger drawn presence on the Pre Robins. The 10 and 13 is an early concept of a Superheroe flexing his superpowers. I haven't seen a 10 unrestored in the public market for a while and didn't a 13 poor recently sold on Heritage for almost 15K? plus the 13 supe image is just a mirror image flip of the 10 pose. The 10 is much tougher overall than any of the early action supe covers. Yes, a no back cover 13 went for $14k+ recently on a Sunday HA. I tend to agree with Ben on most of this. I like covers in which the character "pops" out. On the AC10 and 13, Sups is drawn rather small. With that being said, I prefer the 15 cover to either 10 or 13. Of course #7 beats all three and #1 is in a class by itself. The problem with looking at a #1 is determining whether you like the cover for the art (scene) or simply because it is an AC1. Being as it is impossible to look at an AC1 and not see it as just that; an Action Comic #1 (first appearance of Superman, most valuable book, etc, etc), I think we need to refrain from lumping it in with the other covers when it comes to ranking. As for me, my favorite Action cover of all times is #2. No superman, but the characters are big and pop out at you. As I look at the cover, it seems to tell a story of its own. I am sure I am in a BIG minority on this opinion, however, that is just one of the things that make comic collecting great; everyone's taste can differ and yet we can appreciate what others admire (without always agreeing with the other person's exact taste).
  8. I think what he is saying is that the "voters" need to have a definition of what the burden of proof is in order to determine whether one should vote yes or no in these situations. In this case, if the burden of proof was 70% (just an example), the rest of us should think about what munkalunk did, review the information that came out, and then determine if that reaches the burden of proof for the HOS. Exactly. One member suggested we could not vote in favor of HoS, because the accused did not admit wrong doing and thus there is room for doubt as to their guilt (I am paraphrasing significantly - but I believe that was the intent of what the poster was saying). So my question was how certain do we as board members have to be that the accused is "guilty" or "innocent" before placing our vote. This is an entirely different question than whether or not one believes the offense (if committed) is worthy of PL or HoS. So first the burden of proof of whether an offense occurred (or knowingly occurred in this case) must be established. Once that is done, IF a member believes the burden has reached the specified threshold, then the member can go on to weigh whether or not the action is worthy of PL or HoS.
  9. Can someone clarify for me what the "burden of proof" is for PL and HOS situations? I agree with Miraclemet that we do not KNOW he was creating the books or knew they were fake, HOWEVER, is 100% certainty the burden of proof the board uses? In law the burden is different for civil than it is for criminal cases, however, in neither case is 100% certainty needed to assign guilt. In civil cases it is usually a simple preponderance of the evidence. In other words something is more likely than not. Maybe a 51% chance that is happened. In criminal cases the burden shifts to beyond a reasonable doubt. What conclusion would a reasonable person arrive at when looking at all the evidence? In this case, would a reasonable person, after reviewing all the evidence, conclude that the seller knew he was selling fakes? In no legal system that I am aware of, is the burden of proof set at the unattainable level or beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am newer than MANY of the members here and so I am not trying to say I know how every case should be handled or that I have all the answers. I am simply asking what burden of proof the board (or rather the members) are expected to use before casting their vote. If the board is to be a "jury" than the jury needs proper instructions before deliberation.
  10. After seeing many of Rick's books go to other board members who were faster on the keyboard than I was, I finally managed to snag a book from one of his recent sales threads. I had the book in hand two days after paying for it. That is FAST service. Rick always has a great selection of books and is a pleasure to do business with.
  11. In 1980 I bought an OSPG. I read it and read it. I remember reading one section called "The 1979 Market Report" (starting on page A-16). In the report the author spoke of the market for "giveaway" comics and talked about a priest who had showed up at the Philadelphia Comic Convention with a brief case containing 6 copies of "Blood is the Harvest" and 7 copies of "If the Devil Would Talk". I immediately wanted a copy of that latter book. Years later I did buy a copy of this book, however, I also learned that there was a B&W version with very few known to exist. The collector in me wanted to one day own one of those B&Ws. I want to officially thank Stephen (eccomic) for posting (in this thread) the link to the copy that sold tonight on Comic Connect. If not for him, it is doubtful I would have ever noticed this treasure up for sale. Stephen did not have to take the time to post that link for me. He could have just moved on and not worried about a fellow board member. Thankfully, Stephen is a stand up guy who looks out for others. I am constantly amazed at the people on this board who take time to answer questions, help others find comics, cheer other members on as they search and bid on a grail, and generally look out for the welfare of other board members. This board is a great place to be. I am thankful and blessed to be a part of it. I hope that I can contribute as much back to the board and its' members as I have received from them. Thanks again to Stephen.
  12. The transition issue, and another book on my Want List... This is one of my all time favorite covers!! Thanks for sharing it!
  13. I debated not including this one, as I already posted it once on the appreciation thread, but when it comes to GGA, this just seems to fit. Sorry for the poor photo quality on this one and the Excitings. I am NOT a photographer (as you can see)!
  14. Well as long as we are showing GGA... I have something "Exciting" to share....
  15. Received two books today that I had purchased from Jeremy over the weekend. He shipped them extremely fast and the packaging was AWESOME. Great communication and no hassles. Thumbs up!!
  16. Well these are two new books that arrived today. They will not be in my collection long, as I bought them as a birthday gift for my brother, but for now they are mine, so I thought I would share a photo (although my photography skills are weak at best).
  17. That is a pretty copy, Jimbo. That black background is tough to keep in great shape like that. Congrats!!!
  18. Tsp99, Thanks for all the info. I did not know about the possible counterfeiting problem or that CGC would not grade them. I am surprised CGC does not have any way to determine authenticity. Thank you also on your thoughts on price. I know that price is determined by the point at which supply meats demand. I agree with you that demand is somewhat low for this item. The problem I see is that supply is also low. Thus driving up the price. Do you know if there is a wide range of grades on this or are the existing copies all pretty much the same (thus making grade unimportant in terms of pricing)? Thanks again.
  19. I have been thinking of posting a WTB thread for a 1950 B&W copy of "If the Devil Would Talk", but I don't want to waste anyone's time if this book is too costly. Usually when I post a WTB thread, I include what I am looking to pay. That way people can PM me if they have something within that range and not waste anyone's time (as I believe time is valuable). The problem with this book is I have no clue what I should be offering or looking to pay. I don't have GPA and even if I did, I am not sure there is any data on this book. I have not seen any sell on Heritage. I could look at the OSPG, but I don't think that would be the best indicator. Does anyone have any experience or knowledge in dealing with this book and can let me know what I should be offering (expecting to pay)? Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer.
  20. What was final hammer price? Baker chalked up that one with all sorts of suspense!! Congrats $911 Beautiful book. Congratulations!!!!
  21. I have a few CGC 5.0 that would make that look like a rag in comparison. Guess 3rd party grading is still an "art", not an absolute.
  22. Made a significant purchase from Todd, which arrived about 10 minutes ago. He was quick to ship and his packaging was superb. Todd provided great communication throughout the entire transaction. I would personally buy from Todd without reservation. Kudos to Todd!!!!!!
  23. I agree with the comments about the recent dialog in this series. It is so bad it is almost offensive. I take that back, it is utterly offensive. I have not read all the pages in this thread, so perhaps this has already been brought up, if not, then can someone tell me how Supergirl got her ears pierced? This series needs new and far better writers.
  24. Although I have already done a number of positive transactions with various board members, I did not know I could start my own "Kudos Thread". Then another member suggested I start this, so here goes. Hopefully, I will be able to figure out how to paste a link to this, so others will know where to find me. Thank you in advance for any positive posts.