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Robot Man

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Posts posted by Robot Man

  1. Patsy's all the rage now. Al Jaffee's work was great and established the character, at least for the first half of the run. Al Hartley's work as the cover artist for the remainder of the series was merely meh, imho. A far cry from the gorgeous art he did for Atlas on their earlier romance books.


    But this book...this book is something else entirely




    Morning Dr. I believe you were the one who asked me for Patsy's at the Yorba Linda show. I don't believe I had any you needed. I was against the wall next to Carbo. Too bad we did not meet "officially". I always like your posts.






    I love this. You have great taste in art.




    What did he paint on? Some kind of art board? Or is it canvas? The surface looks very smooth?


    I hope you didn't buy it from Theo...


    He didn't! lol


    Canvas backed by board. The apparent smoothness is probably result of heavy gesso used to prep the canvas before oils were applied. In places the oil paint is actually quite thick (white streak on window).


    Both sooo nice Cat! If they were both priced a dime and I only had one dime I think I've give a slight edge to the Schomburg.

  3. The only issue of this title that I ever bought. Most of the time I read

    them for free in the Barber Shop...I guess these were considered more

    mature...along with FIELD & STREAM and The POLICE GAZETTE.






    My mom would have probably torn mine up if I ever got caught with that,

  4. How does CGC recognize Kansas City books? I don't believe they are marked and were found by the Thompsons so long ago. I didn't think they even documented them. I think I might have a Capt. Marvel that I got in a trade from Don Thompson a hundred years ago at San Diego con I believe.


    I started a "type" collection like Strawman years ago but kind of gave up when I couldn't find (or afford) many of them.


    Now, I pretty much go for the ones with distinctive markings (Larson, Okajima, ect.)


    I do have a Famous Funnies can't remember which issue off the top of my head, that I have the Lost Valley, Mile High, and Central Valley copies of. Would like to find more copies of that issue I don't have.


    I'm a big fan of markings and names myself. I really don't have much interest in owning Mile High/Church copies that aren't coded, as I love those markings and "Larson" so much


    every g.a. collector i know prefers the markings. in silver, however, i think they differ. for example, those guys often have disdain for a dennis-signed winnipeg, seeking a "clean" copy instead. not me--gimme the name.


    Given how distributor markings were so prevalent, I think GA folks welcome the markings as a part of the history of the book. While the markings are fine, I really enjoy the pedigrees with a history to them. Church, Okajima, Recil Macon, Crippen all have great back stories to go along with good-to-great quality books. While I love the Central Valleys for their beautiful white pages, the ones with the store stamps are the ones that I consider the coolest.


    On the other hand, the SF/O'Reilly books have lost some of their allure to me given the increasing appearance that the story behind them was made up. They are lovely books and a joy to see, but knowing they might have been puffed up a bit with an urban legend diminishes the value I would place on them.


    I agree with you Cheetah but no matter what the "story" is those books can be breathtaking. I've only got a few and they all have the stamp on back. I remember finding a few up in the bay area not noted. When I saw the stamp on back I got a little weak in the knees. Too bad about the bad press on them...

  5. Here's a grouping of my copies of the St. John covers from Nov '32 to May '33. The first four illustrate Kline's Buccaneers of Venus, the last two Williamson's Golden Blood.


    The May '33 issue is a transitional on from a design perspective. It's the last issue with the red masthead, and the first issue with the new title letter design.






    Man, those are purty! And your sig line too! When I finish my comic collection, I'm going after more pulps!

  6. Oh boy, I'm going to go out on a limb here. I was always the guy in high school who stood up against the bullies who picked on the snoids...


    Yeah, Theo is alive and well. I see him from time to time at toy shows and flea markets. He is definately a unique guy. But this hobby has always been full of weird people and big egos. He has always been a little different. He has bought things from me and tried to sell them for an outrageous profit. (After grinding me down on price). I laugh at him and tell him he is crazy. He always wears a crazy sailor hat and I razz him for that. I say nothing here that I wouldn't say to his face. He is always very friendly and one of the most passionate collectors I know. We have both talked about coming over to see each other's collections but have had a hard time getting it together. (I hear that in addition to coin op machines, he has a knee dropping art collection)


    I have heard a few stories about his dealings maybe true, maybe not. Coming on a public forum smearing somebody's reprutation without substantial facts to back it up is pretty cowardly and totaly with out merit in my opinion.


    Is he crazy or eccentric? Sure, but aren't we all to the general public? No crime in that. How many of you have actually met or talked to him? I'm sure a few of you have and I know have their own opinions, many rightly so. He's not my best friend and I don't defend his actions either way. But I don't like the lynching mob mentality. You all have a right to your opinion and so do I. He has never burned me or misled me.


    I have asked him why he doesn't come on the boards? This is a perfect example why. Can't say I blame him. Too bad, because he is a very passionate collector and been doing it a long time. I'm sure some of his experiences and stories would be wonderful to hear,,,


    I hesitated coming on here myself for a long time. But I have found this community to be very warm, friendly and welcoming for the most part. As long as it stays this way, I will be here. When it gets ugly, I'm gone...

  7. How does CGC recognize Kansas City books? I don't believe they are marked and were found by the Thompsons so long ago. I didn't think they even documented them. I think I might have a Capt. Marvel that I got in a trade from Don Thompson a hundred years ago at San Diego con I believe.


    I started a "type" collection like Strawman years ago but kind of gave up when I couldn't find (or afford) many of them.


    Now, I pretty much go for the ones with distinctive markings (Larson, Okajima, ect.)


    I do have a Famous Funnies can't remember which issue off the top of my head, that I have the Lost Valley, Mile High, and Central Valley copies of. Would like to find more copies of that issue I don't have.


    I'm a big fan of markings and names myself. I really don't have much interest in owning Mile High/Church copies that aren't coded, as I love those markings and "Larson" so much


    Throw camp Okajimas in that statement...

  8. Here are the other two "Pauls" I picked up Sunday:






    Now I have 3 Paul books...we should start a "Paul" thread...


    Yeah, the best kept secret in comics for a while. That is some collection. The original buyer sold a lot on ebay so there are a lot floating around out there. I posted a bunch of them in this thread when I first came on. I've got a lot more. Not necessarily "splashy" books but a lot of real cool obscure stuff. I was pretty obscessed for a while when they were first coming out.


    I can relate to the "Paul" obsession


    Give my friend Jim a buzz and he can hook you up with some. Original buyer is tapped out but Jim still has quite a few. He had a whole long box of humor stuff I'd never seen. I got a couple more of those war bond covers like you bought on ebay way cheap.


    (thumbs u


    Bill you might want to talk to Jamie Graham and Harley. They both bought big stacks...

  9. Last year, when I first met Jim and looked at some of his Paul books I wasn't impressed. Most were in low grade. But this year he brought different books...and they were in much better grade...so now I like the Paul books...I wonder what else he has?


    He's got some nice ones. He held back some for later... Not all the "Paul's" are high grade (or marked) but many are quite nice.