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Posts posted by Cocomonkey

  1. 4 hours ago, HollyJollyOne said:

    I received a notification today from the last board member standing and his present has been received.

    With that being said, I want to thank everyone for a wonderful Holiday season. This community never ceases to amaze me with its friendship and generosity. It has been a fun time interacting with all of you.
    Hopefully, if I'm needed for next year, I'll get to do it all over again.


    Indeed, thanks! I greatly enjoyed participating for the first time, and I'm looking forward to next year!

  2. 15 hours ago, Ken Aldred said:

    Would a metal bazooka shell simply bounce off Magneto’s protective field, or would it explode, likely killing Cyclops, Beast, Iceman and Angel, and at least severely maiming Marvel Girl, standing a little further back?

    A very short-running series.

    Almost the worst X-Man...almost...

    Image result for the worst x-man ever

    I mean, Jubilee is clearly much worse.

  3. I remember always being confused by this cover, even when I first saw it as a kid...mainly 1) Iceman seemingly throwing snowballs past Magneto, yet hitting his barrier; 2) the fact that Angel has a bazooka (I can't recall, did he even have one in the book itself?); 3) Jean's random "drunken stagger"pose; and 4) where Beast was swinging from with that swing.

    It confused me almost as much as Mr. Fantastic deciding that it was a better use of his powers to stretch and untie himself from ropes on the cover of FF 1 rather than just, you know, stretch out of them entirely.

  4. A couple of years ago, I got an email letting me know that I'd won a CLink auction for a Spider Jerusalem sketch by Darick Robertson that I hadn't even remembered bidding on (though it was only like five days earlier). Pretty sure I'd put the bid down as a "this will probably go for higher, but since I'll never be able to afford any actual Transmetropolitan OA with Spider on it, and I never see Darick Robertson at any cons I go to, this may be the closest I could get" kind of thing. Ended up shocked that I hadn't been outbid, seeing as I'd put a pretty low max bid down. All the better for me, though!



  5. 2 minutes ago, 01TheDude said:

    I think that is the tough part--- finding someone who has similar interests (Modern or bronze or SA) and then characters or series-- and then on top of that high/mid/low grade. Sort of a "need it / Got doubles" list

    Definitely. Some kind of searchable database would probably be best--something a person could search by title and/or book to see what's available, then look more into the offeror to see what else they may have and what they'd want before contacting. Or just a running list of "Haves/Wants" by title, and then contacting that person for more specifics. But with the volume of books that might end up being offered for trade, any route would probably just become seriously bogged down. (And either way, it could be hard to do--I mean, I have non-duplicate/undercopies that I'd be willing to trade toward books I'd rather have, if the right situation arose...but how to advertise that? That becomes more difficult...)

  6. 1 hour ago, 01TheDude said:

    I would like to find other run collectors for certain series and do some trading that helps us both fill out the runs. Hard to do but if we had an area set up for it that would not get over run by sales threads, it might work out. Seems like any time I've mentioned this thought, others tell me that has been tried and it doesn't work or they stopped it due to lack of interest. Now I understand that a large number of the people here are dealers or comic selling pros -- so they probably are not interested in that type of arrangement. For example-- I have several under copies of Strange Tales and am looking for issues I need for the run. Similar needs in Daredevil-- though the needs in both of these series are getting closer and closer to just needing what many consider key books.

    anyway .... it would be cool if you could find others looking to trade books that appreciate the same character/series. Maybe I should try listing this in the WTB section. Not sure. Seems like that forum is over run by people trying to snag keys and super high grade books for pennies on the dollar. Still hurts to think of what I let my FF 52 and ASM 31 go for while I was still a super noob on this forum.

    I could certainly get behind this...I have a number of books (I'd say a lot, but compared to others here, it's probably barely noticeable...) that I have duplicates/undercopies of now, as I've been trying to put together runs, and I'd be happy to trade them (assuming someone else would be interested in them) for others that I need.

  7. I've been putting together a complete Uncanny X-Men run that I'm about 66% of the way through, and have toyed with the idea of picking up other appearances. If I see another book with them in it, I may pick it up, at least if it's SA and maybe BA, but at the same time, that's much less of a priority. I'd thought about putting together an Adam Warlock run and had a list of appearances somewhere, but thanks to the MCU enough of those have become pricier (between Adam's appearances and the overlap with Thanos's appearances) that I've shelved that idea. I've also put together or worked to put together a few other title runs (but not character appearance sets), some of which I've had to break up a bit for one reason or another. I think appearance sets can be more difficult, though, depending on the character. Someone that doesn't get overused too much? Sure. Someone who seemingly appears in 15 books a month? Bit more difficult on the wallet and storage space...

  8. 1 hour ago, HollyJollyOne said:

    It's early enough now that you can alter your submission form if you like. just send a new reply to the PM we are already in with the new form.
    Please do the entire form again if doing changes and send the info. in a reply to our PM and not a new PM or an edit of the old... sorry for the particulars, but it helps with organization if you do it this way.


    Awesome! I'll resend. I was fine with what I'd sent, overall, but realized I probably could've been a little more specific. Especially since I'm newer to posting on the boards, so I don't have as much of a history with the forums or with other posters for whoever was assigned to me to pull from.
