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Posts posted by Cocomonkey

  1. 19 hours ago, thehumantorch said:


    Elric! I really need to get around to picking up the Elric/Moorcock books...somehow, I skipped the "get the comics" stage here and just went from a near-complete set of Moorcock novels to a few pieces of Elric/Corum OA...

  2. On 5/1/2018 at 9:58 PM, Artboy99 said:


    How much do these tend to go for? And is there a range of years that they were made, or has it just been continuous (I can only seem to find '75-'82, then '86, then more recent years, doing a quick search online...)? I have the ones for 1976 and 1977, though I can't recall where I picked them up from, but I've thought about trying to make them a set...

  3. 1 hour ago, Rodey said:

    Didn't someone post here (or maybe I saw it someplace else) that Feige said he doesn't plan on introducing Adam Warlock until GoTG 3 (and that wasn't set in stone)

    I think Feige has said that Warlock would be introduced, if anywhere, in a Guardians movie, and Gunn has said that he might(?) introduce him in GotG v3, but that it wasn't definite? Just that Warlock did have a place in the cosmic MCU.

  4. Only the greatest Avenger of all...

    Image result for marvel deathcry


    If they're moving away from Thor, I would say Hercules would make for a good replacement there. Though it may seem a bit repetitive from how they handled Thor as a character.

    I'd love to see Captain Britain and Excalibur, personally. Longshot and Dazzler. Oooh, or a Twilight Zone-esque What If? anthology show...yessssss.

    At this point, in a world where Cloak and Dagger are getting a TV show, it almost seems harder to come up with characters not getting adapted...

  5. 17 minutes ago, AGGIEZ said:

    I'm thinking we see him surface in the Captain Marvel movie, just before IW2...where he comes in and helps save the day

    Not sure if this works, timeline-wise. GotG v2 took place in 2014, and Captain Marvel is supposed to take place in the 90s. I could see it as a mid- or post-credits scene, though--Danvers gets the pager message, and at the same time, Warlock breaks out of the cocoon and pulls a "Come with me if you want to live," and the two rush off to Earth for Avengers 4.

  6. 1 hour ago, OrangeCrush said:

    I asked this in the other thread in spoiler mode and haven't had a response. Just wondering if anyone knows what happened to Valkyrie? Wasn't she on the ship that Thanos attacked at the very beginning? They never showed what happened to her. 

    Thor's distress call said that about half of the Asgardians managed to escape the ship. It isn't explicitly stated anywhere, but the general assumption seems to be that Korg and Valkyrie were among those who managed to get out before the rest were killed and the ship was destroyed.

  7. Here's what I couldn't figure out after seeing it on Saturday...

    Thanos pretty clearly phases Banner in the Hulkbuster armor solidly into a cliff face. Like, 85%+ of the way into the wall, so that most of what's not rock is probably just the front paneling of the armor. After that, he doesn't appear in the fight again. Presumably, because he's now doing his best Mount Rushmore impression, while being dead in a cliff. But after everyone vanishes, he's there in the final shot, standing around in the armor again, like he and the armor weren't just merged into a rock wall.

  8. With the second Venom trailer's baffling pronunciation of the word "symbiote" (and I know it's technically acceptable, but it still sounds awful), it got me thinking...

    What comic-related name/term did you always pronounce one way in your head, only to find out it was pronounced differently later (through an adaptation, or learning the generally accepted way)?

    For example, as I grew up reading X-Men comics, I always pronounced it "Mag-net-o" (because, you know, magnets and magnetism). Only to find out with X-Men: TAS that it was apparently "Mag-neat-o"

  9. 19 hours ago, Maverickcomics said:

    It was obvious we would not reach an agreement on the whole lot but I managed to talk him into letting me cherry pick at 200 a longbox.? I was more then happy. He eventually caught on that i knew what I was doing and cut me off. 

    Last weekend I got back down there and tried another offer on the lot to no avail. He said he turned down 60k which is total bs. So again I picked around 10-15 longs for 1500. 


    Least you got the 2nd batch of cherrypicked boxes for cheaper than the first batch...if you keep going back periodically, maybe you'll eventually get it all at a decent price :bigsmile:

  10. On 3/30/2018 at 1:03 PM, the blob said:

    Am I wrong, or did NYCC seem to have a few more comic dealers this year?  I did not spend as much time there this year as past years, had a lot of stuff going on that weekend. Missed sunday entirely.

    Kind of hard to tell, but yeah, it seemed like there may have been a few more this year. But it may have just been because part of Javits was under construction, so everything felt a bit crunched--that could've given an impression of there being more comic dealers..

  11. 11 hours ago, wombat said:

    I used to have going to SDCC on my bucket list. Not anymore. I've read enough negativity about it. At this point I couldn't even imagine spending all that money before I walked in the door that I could spend on actual comics. 

    I still have it on my bucket list (my biggest blocker has been that my job is somewhat seasonal in its insanity, and the highest peak of craziness hits me at the end of July...). But just once. I know it isn't about the comics as much anymore, but I just want to enjoy the experience at least once, see the cosplay on the floor, attend some screenings/panels, all that jazz. I've done NYCC 7 of the last 8 years (and don't plan to stop attending) and have watched that become less about comics and more about everything else, and I've come to keep enjoying it (possibly even enjoying it more now) by just accepting and rolling with that. I hit up more panels, see more screenings, and sweep through the comics area in between those as often as I can (panels = nice breaks sitting down and resting...). I wish it was still more about the comics, but then it wouldn't be the draw that it is.

    ...it also helps that I can usually barely scrape together a $3-400 budget for myself for spending at NYCC each year, so spending too much time in the vendor area outside of the bargain bins tends to just be a bit painful, heh. Until this year, when I hope my X-Men 1 fund will finally hit its target goal...:wishluck:

  12. 10 hours ago, Bomber-Bob said:

    What did the notes say ? If you submitted the books, you should get the notes for free.

    I submit through my LCS generally, would that still get me notes? Or at that point, would I need to pay for them?

  13. Just got these back recently...sent them in not because of the movie hype, but because I've always had a fondness for the title, and these have been on my mental list of books to send in for a while. Pretty sure I picked them both out of dollar boxes--sadly, the days of finding it there are likely gone, heh. Wish I'd grabbed more of them when I had the chance, now...



    I was a bit surprised by the spread. I knew one copy was better than the other, but I didn't see them as being that far apart. (I was also hoping the 9.2 would inch a little higher.)

    Oh well. Guess if I had a better eye for it, I'd still be in the March Madness :bigsmile:

  14. 1 hour ago, F For Fake said:

    I will say, as a regular dollar box diver, that while I don't EXPECT the books to be bagged and boarded, it does make browsing easier. If you're a dealer with several dozen dollar boxes, no, it wouldn't make any sense to go back and bag and board a lot of the books, considering that most of them are completely worthless. But when flipping through, I will carefully flip over every bagged and boarded book, whereas the "raw" books tend to clump together, get damaged, are yellowed, etc so it's easier to just pass them by. Sometimes it'll be nicer stuff and it's worth the time to look at each book, but for the most part it's not worth the time.

    As for ordering them, no, I see no purpose in that. The whole point of dollar diving (aside from the cheapness, naturally) is the thrill of discovery. It's panning for gold. I actually really enjoy the random nature of having no idea what to expect in each box.

    50 minutes ago, 1Cool said:

    I see a lot of people looking thru $1 boxes with want lists so I'd think those people would be more inclined to grab a stack of books if they are in order.  

    I'm definitely somewhere on this spectrum. If I see dollar boxes that're bagged and boarded, I'll probably look through most or all of it. If it isn't, but it's sorted at least by title or letter, I'll go through just for my want list, so just 1-2 titles/letters. If it's totally unsorted or sorted at too high a level, though (like company), I'll probably pass them by unless it's just a single box or two, or in a situation where there may be anything in there (i.e., flea market or garage sale). I understand that it may not be worth the time/return to bag and board dollar books, but I already see them as more likely to have condition issues if they're loose, and to sort through 10+ boxes of loose, unsorted books just to find non-key run filler, or worse, to find out that there aren't any for the title(s) I want, or not any of the ones I need...I find myself more likely to just keep walking. But that's just me.