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Everything posted by dannyboycheapyboy

  1. I would include Douglas Comix as part of the record-related giveaway, UG category. Good observation, the list continues to grow. About "Song of an Aeropteryx and "Aero into the Aether". It's funny that you should mention 2 titles that I always wanted (because of the unusual covers), but have never seen come up for sale in the few years that I have been collecting. I would love to get my hands on those. Would you sell me your copies, so I can determine if there's a relation to records? Another possible, record-related UG: Breezy Stories. Although I do not have it, wasn't it released to promote an album by someone named Danny O'Keefe?
  2. Another item that I own, but forgot to consider or even remember. The record that came with it should have been a big clue! Thanks for the nice catch, Dan And the mention of a record, reminded me that some copies of Barbarian Women 3 came with one. I do not have record player, so I do not know what's on it. Is it music based?
  3. This was probably discussed somewhere/sometime before, so bear with me if it was. Are there any other album-related, UG comix promotionals besides the following: 1) Grunt 1 and 2 2) Scratchatune Comics 3) Weard Comics 4) Adventures of Kaptain Kopter & Commander Cassidy in Potato Land (not in Kennedy/Fogel, but I first heard mentioned by brotherj) Were they all inserted with the album? There was also some UGish, concert/band/fanzine band based material: 1) Hollywood Fats 2) Pink Floyd 3) Rolling Stones 4) Tales from Dr. Feelgood 5) Rock Horror
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reddy_Kilowatt Even has his own Wikipedia page!
  5. That did not take long! The only public service characters that I am familiar with are Smokey the Bear and McGruff the Crime dog. In Canada, back in the 70s we had Elmer the Safety Elephant.
  6. I did notice a couple of recent sales of "Tales from the Ozone" at prices that made me wish that I had patience before buying my copy. Nice snag. One of my favourite UG covers. My copy is a higher grade raw that I haven't risked reading. I am curious is it explained by an inside story who the central character is on the cover? I never knew until recently (about a month ago), when I spotted him on another comic cover. Does anyone else know the name of this 50s giveaway educomic creation? Maybe it's an American thing and everyone else knows and I should be embarrassed!
  7. That's some pretty interesting material. For $15, I would have also tried picked it up! Bigger question: if the print runs were limited, why wouldn't books like these be considered UG comix? These publications: 1) published in a comic format; 2) contain an UG subject, hard-core sex, probably to the point of probably being prohibited at the time and usually required secret publishing/authorship; 3) pushed boundaries; 4) had a do-it-yourself attitude, where if you felt strongly enough about publishing something you could, since the standards for art or writing weren't exactly high; 5) were not meant to be taken seriously, but instead spoofed a naughty aspect of our lives; 6) had a golden age in 70s. What's the difference between these materials and accepted UGs like "Blown Away", "Paper P*ssy" or "Good Jive Comix"? Is it just because they were sold in porn shops (I assume) instead of head shops? I forget who made the comment (pity), but I was reading a quote from a well known UG (publisher, artist or collector), where they did not consider Cherry Poptart as a true UG. That person did not give its later publication date as the reason, but because other than the first issue, (in their opinion) the series was mainly commercially developed to make money. Is that the guiding rule? If the entire series was published in the 70s, I would consider it an UG pub.
  8. Hey Joe, you left out the best part. Your pamphlet was written by "Mary Jane Superweed" and published by the "Stone Kingdom Syndicate" of California. I would buy one!
  9. Hello ripb, I really do not know how to post images on this forum. I also do not own a scanner and would have to use the one at work - a bit of a pain for me. I will instead provide links to examples that are currently available on-line: 3) Bizarre Comix (1970s-1980s) is essentially a 24 volume, reprint anthology of bondage comics from the 50s-60s. Mainly highlighting the work of Nutrix comics and Eric Stanton. A little weird and tame by today's standards, but definitely had an influence on S. Clay Wilson - Domatrix pirates etc. I believe the first 8 volumes had more than one printing. https://www.google.ca/search?q=bizarre+comix+belier&biw=2102&bih=957&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD8tmOp_3OAhUM54MKHatGD5cQsAQIMg&dpr=0.65 6) Randy Crawford's Nice Day Publications, I assume grew from Crawford's Kennedy listed works: Archie, Conan sex parodies and Nice Day Comix (1974). He seemed to publish dozens of sex related digests in the 80s-90s, under his Nice Day/Lil'/Dirty Comix banner - sex spoofs of Teenage Mutant Turtles, Joan Jett and even some sex toy catalogs. Anything to pay those bills! https://www.google.ca/search?q=bizarre+comix+belier&biw=2102&bih=957&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD8tmOp_3OAhUM54MKHatGD5cQsAQIMg&dpr=0.65#tbm=isch&q=%22nice+day+comix%22&imgrc=VFQg4iMO9JKiKM%3A 10) M'Gurk's Sex Primer, a two volume set (more than one printing) of adult sex humor. It's readily available but often overpriced: https://www.google.ca/search?q=bizarre+comix+belier&biw=2102&bih=957&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiD8tmOp_3OAhUM54MKHatGD5cQsAQIMg&dpr=0.65#tbm=isch&q=%22M%27Gurk%27s+Sex+Primer%22&imgrc=gs5g6oXqEhB03M%3A 11) RE Inc. published dozens of adult humor books in the 70s and 80s, that really remind me of the material in Good Jive Comix. This eBay seller has about a dozen titles currently up for grabs: http://www.ebay.com/sch/m.html?_odkw=&_ssn=syottoys&item=322248082143&_osacat=0&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_from=R40&_trksid=p2046732.m570.l1313.TR5.TRC3.A0.H0.Xadult+comic.TRS1&_nkw=adult+comic&_sacat=0 Hope this suffices.
  10. Those two hobbies being collecting undergrounds and dropping acid? No comment! But, I have a question about a third collecting area that I was thinking of exploring, but do not know too much about - earlier adult/porno comics (pre Eros and 90s). I am aware of things/titles like: 1) Tijuana bilbles 2) San Francisco Ball 3) Bizarre Comix (Belier) 4) Gasm magazine 5) Rump magazine 6) Randy Crawford's Nice Day Publications 7) Peanus (Classex Publications) 8) Gwendolyn booklets 9) Sweeter Gwen 10) M'Gurk's Sex Primer 11) adult books from R.E. Inc 12) Penthouse Comix 13) Hustler Comix Could someone suggest other titles/publishers in this vein that I should keep an eye open for? Or suggest a website or book that has an overview of what's out there?
  11. It's a case of when two hobbies/collections intersect. I was going through some boxes that contained old books that I had picked-up over the years. One of which is called the "Book of Acid", written by Adam Gottlieb in 1975. It's basically an underground pamphlet on how to clandestinely produce LSD, using cultures of fungi as your starting material. I had picked it up at least 20 years ago and really have not looked at it since. Besides a drawing on the front cover, there are a few pictures within of various lab set-ups. I just noticed today that the illustrator was Larry Todd and published by Kistone of Marijuana Multiplier fame. I until today I had never known that Todd had produced a small series (over 7 different pamphlets) of this type of pub. with Gottlieb, let alone that I had bought one over 20 years ago.
  12. Hey Felix, Looks like you Snatch 3 could be cropped image, which leaves me wondering: is it a first printing? If it is, would you mind posting an image of a typical blue/black lined, inside page bottom? And a comment on how many pages have the line? The reason why I am curious, is that I have copy of one the lamer first printing. Where maybe only 5-6 pages have a partial blue line - the smallest one would be about an inch in length and the largest would just sketch a little over half the page. The page tops look as if torn/trimmed by hand. Please share, Dan
  13. I tend to see (or only notice) the a lot hard-to-finds being offered at (IMO) too high of a high price and never really selling. I won't pick on anyone, but how about a Fair copy of Ric Sloane for $945! Maybe two or three times a year there is a nice vein of interesting items that come up within a series of low reserve auctions. But as those sellers run out of items (on eBay: reddog and bigboppershopper), it is a long while before another seller takes their place. I would have thought there would be more of those "hippies (or the wives/children of) cashing out" their collections. However, I do find that there is a lot more smaller groupings of 5-25 items coming up on eBay this year. What I have really noticed this year, is the inconsistent pricing/auction price realized, especially with the not-freakish-rare keys - Ozone, Zap1. Those items are all over the place at auction, but generally seem to be coming in at well below book. I have only been collecting for 2-3 years, so maybe these trends have always been around.
  14. I know that's it not an underground comix, but would anyone have more info about 3R Cosmix: Armageddonquest by Ronald Russell Roach? In 1972, he contributed a story to the UG comix Spaced Out. I tried his website and e-mailed him, but did not get any response. The last posting was from 2012. In true UG form, he self published in batches of 20-50, his adult themed, Armageddonquest serial novel in a series of 8 hand made, B&W digests under his 3R Cosmix publishing banner. Has anyone ever seen one of those? The series was then picked-up and reprinted by Starhead Comix/3R Cosmic (starting in 1984) and in a similar size and format but with Starhead appearing on the lower cover as an overprint. Does anyone know the print size/rarity of those Starwind reprints? And in the 90s the series was reprinted or continued first by Starhead Comix and then by Sirius in color. Oddly, that is the only time the series it is mentioned in Fogel. Is it in Overstreet, which I do not have? Any info would be appreciated.
  15. He told me that he planned to go this year and was packing to do so, as early as a month ago.
  16. You're right Joe. I did read something like that a few years ago. I thought it was on comixjoint.com, but it is not. I tried to find that source again, when I saw that Dan F. still had it listed in his new guide (with NM copies going for $10!) and I wanted to make sure that it really wasn't known in the market. It probably was on a long gone forum. Too bad. I tried to contact the editor/publisher, but could not find his contact info on-line. He seems to share his name with a Christian comic publisher. I selected to not contact that person, it would have been too weird for me if it wasn`t him. I did the next best thing and contacted Brad Foster who replied: "Ah, "Faeire Star" #2. Yeah, I kind of remember that. Was so pleased back then, going to have a long strip printed in a comic that was "almost-an-u.g. commix!" I remember waiting and waiting for it to come out, sending letters now and then to check, hearing about how it would be "any day now". But, it just never seemed to have happened. The publisher vanished, as far as I can recall, without a word. Every once in a while I saw something that made me think it -had- been printed, but never could track down any copies myself. At this point, I don't think it was printed, but still ends up on some lists of zines from that era. I think you'd be safe to mark it off your list of items to look for. One of thousands of projects that got "just this close" to print, but then fell through. Heck, getting your email, I looked at some old lists I have here where I would keep track of things I had sent out for various publications, and over the decades there are now hundreds of pieces that are evidently still out there, stuck in file cabinets, drawers, folders, boxes, or whatnot, waiting to see print, and probably never will. Such is the small press!" It's funny that Kennedy had very specific info on the artists involved, number printed, cover price, number of pages, price, publication date etc. and it probably never went to press. Who`s going to tell Dan Fogel that he sold the only known copy of Faerie Star #2 for a paltry $10!
  17. Disclaimer: the scope, depth and the amount of correct information in Kennedy always has been a little bit scary to me. What a feat he and his contributors had pulled off is a little amazing. That being said, the one entry that always bothered me the most is for Faerie Star 2, published in 1979 by Moon Productions. It's one thing to juggle the print run order of a key underground like BA #1, but to state that something had a run of 2,000 when it clearly had a major production issue is just weird. I have never seen the image of Faerie Star 2 posted, have seen a single copy for sale or recorded as an auction record. But it has still made its way onto to a lot of want lists, the Headcomix wiki and into the most recent Fog (and at a really low price too). Could someone please sell one of their extras to me, I will pay triple the list price
  18. Hello felix the cat Your copy of Feds is real nice. Just curious what would hold your copy back to a CGC 6.0? The front looks to be 9.0 or higher. Is there some hippy related staining on the back? Just wondering if I need glasses.
  19. This may have been discussed in this or another forum before. Does anyone have a theory about why entry #732 is missing from the Kennedy Guide? Even though it is noted in the Head wiki guide, I just noticed it today! My theory: #732 was accidentally deleted during editing and once contained the info for Richard Stoner's 1975 mini, Figments. It is just too odd that it would have not been noticed and listed by Kennedy. Just putting 2 and 2 together. And what's up with Kennedy's inability to properly list the guide in proper alphabetical order? Is it because his classic was complied at the dawn of modern, computerized, pre-press editing and he chose to stick to hand written notes?
  20. I have having to locate or buy underground items that I do not know the relative rarity of. Kennedy was in contact with Artie Romero prior to publishing, but for whatever reason some Artie Romero/Everymen Studio material was either not listed or the print size wasn’t disclosed. I was in contact the main man, Mr. Romero himself and he was able to fill in some holes for me: Equalizer 1A 500 Equalizer 1B 500 Everyman Catalog '79 350 Everyman Flyer 1 3000 Everyman Flyer 2 3000 Everyman Flyer 3 3000 Everyman Flyer 4 4000 Everyman Flyer 5 4000 Everyman Flyer 6 4000 The flyers were originally published in 1972 for the NYC Creative Convention. Many copies of the flyer series were destroyed when the remainders were recycled in 1982. Horrible Misunderstandings 1 (pink variant) was not produced by Everyman Studios. Artie Romero suspects that these were issued by the co-editor Roger May. Platinum Toad 1 150 Realm 1 150 Realm 2 200 Realm 3 300 Realm 4 500 Realm 5A 1200 Issues with the print run size still remaining unknown/forgotten: All Color Litho Toons (Society Cartoon Cubist Dada) Beware the Mysterious Fotato #1 Horrible Misunderstandings 2A Horrible Misunderstandings 2B Platinum Toad 2 Platinum Toad 3 Platinum Toad 4 If you should have anything to add, please fill us in. It would be appreciated. PS thanks Artie
  21. I would anyone be able to help me out with avoiding some data entry? If anyone has an Excel (preferred) or Word based listing of the entire Kennedy inventory (by number and title), I would really appreciate getting a copy. Just drop me a PM. Please and thank you, Dan