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Everything posted by exitmusicblue

  1. That's a great thread. Longest-running thread I have on these boards is in the modern section (Artgerm), hehe.
  2. I think it depends on the property. Batman survived many a lump pre-Nolan (e.g., bat nipples) just fine. Spidey also not dented by dancing Tobey Spidey 3 nor wtf Elektro. But characters who really spiked thanks to film/netflix/etc. anticipation seem most vulnerable.
  3. well said, well said; the first time I took my car to a mechanic... afterwards I swore to myself I'd live with any damage short of half-totalled going forward. Indeed, years later, a decent stranger scratched up the rear of my car while it was parked on the street. Left me a note saying he'd reimburse. Official damage estimate was low 4 figures. I accepted the money, and instead of repairing the scratches, promptly spent it elsewhere (probably OA). }:-)
  4. For your random OA-related thoughts when you can't be bothered to start (or it doesn't merit) a new thread. A recurring one for me -- will I ever find a Simonson Beta Ray Bill page... probably not, damn. His first app. was my first "vintage" comic buy as a kid. Many folks, dealers included, don't know how to price DeCarlo Archie OA properly by era. Collectors are't buying Copper or most Bronze for Silver prices; the art is completely different. Sandman OA... with the new Netflix series, seems poised for further longevity. Shouldn't have passed up on reasonable Kindly Ones OA a few years ago. I loved that story arc.
  5. If someone like that showed up, I'm sure we'd run 'em out of town. And it'd be glorious.
  6. Jim Lee + Jae Lee double trouble: Wildcats page feat. Cyclops, Jean Grey on their honeymoon - https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1667102 Namor page with Cap, Iron Fist, Namorita - https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1667101
  7. That's right, was super familar!
  8. Love it. What's the name of the work?
  9. Ploog, the Hildebrandt bros, even Sienkiewicz tried their hand at some Magic cards. A personal favorite:
  10. Guilty as charged, oftentimes I baaaarely skim through books (esp. dialogue) where I care more about the art than the story... would expect no better no less of the general public. Action pages? They've got a shot with viewers, especially the first instance or three. No one's saying Sandman or Watchmen would be included in a hypothetical exhibition... I surely wouldn't insist, personal tastes notwithstanding. Circus freaks? I'll take it. Bring on the muties!
  11. "Yes, the Disney-Marvel merchant industrial complex that you all know and love started so unglamorously. Well, it still spawned a rabid nerd collector community that you rightfully don't care to meet. Wtf is an exitmusicblue, a vodou. Yet many of you will still enjoy this art more than the deconstructed toilet around the corner with half-eaten banana twirling along its cold seat. Damn, it just blew up." Edit: This is why OA should take over a MoMA some day.
  12. Really, a few? I'd think 1-2 max. : > The point isn't to convert the masses. The point is to be sassy...
  13. Devil's advocate hat on. You know, I actually think an OA exhibition with the most "classic" art -- covers, splashes, panel pages what have you -- would do extremely well at a MoMA or even a grittier museum, e.g. the New Museum in NY. Let's face it, many attendees aren't impressed by / can't recognize the vast majority of art displayed on a given day. Vintage art of Marvel Studios TM heroes, on the other hand, sequential or not... I think a ton of folks would eat it up, and even if not overly impressed, would at least come away satisfied at being able to connect more (historical) dots than before.
  14. Yup, I remember as a kid finding the 1st ed. D&D books in my local library and being stunned by how crappy the art was. Didn't matter.... spent all day poring over 'em. The demons/devils and their leaders stood out. :O
  15. Art + happy news via Sara Frazetta: https://www.comicartfans.com/gallerypiece.asp?piece=1666561
  16. If you have a particular artist(s) in mind, adding their last name should help narrow results.
  17. Yes, an early Magic card... iconic and still effective (not easy to check all three boxes). It lets you search for any card in your deck (library) and place it into your hand. Was a gamechanger back in the day and still can be, though variations have proliferated since. https://www.cardkingdom.com/mtg/3rd-edition/demonic-tutor
  18. Racially our community is quite diverse, both on these boards and on CAF. Gender- and age-wise, I'm afraid not as diverse. It's fine being an asocial (I don't say anti-social) collector. There are plenty as far as I can tell. Humans... different strokes for different folks. I don't think good grape+ape was referring to them as "selfish" as a collective.
  19. You may want to edit the title via the first post for posterity.
  20. ::wakes up tied to a chair in a room with a single lightbulb swinging from the ceiling, as two somewhat mediocre figures emerge from the shadows:: "S... Sal-drawn Daredevil and Cat-Man??" "That's right, chump... how much we worth? How much??" "A... a hundred grand? 500k??" "Not good enough?!!" "800k?? This is just a dream, a bad dream!" "Oh, the nightmare's only beginning for you. Guards, unleash the Boris HydraManticorePegasusDryadMulletedWTF Beast!!" "NooooOooooo...."
  21. Y'all understand that the Cult of Sal is just a well-meaning inside joke, right? Seeing how we carry on, newcomers might mistake him for the second coming or someth--urrk ::silenced::