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Mercury Man

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Posts posted by Mercury Man

  1. Couple of things: 

    a) Freedom of Speech, yes.  But this is on Marvel's company dime.  He is more than welcome to print out brochures, shout it on a corner, make his own website, or even start his own comic book company and spew this without being thrown in jail.    Still, Marvel has a right to say- ummmm....no we didn't agree to this.   It's out and so are you.   
    Seems very underhanded on the artists part, and written in code no less (I don't read the Koran). 

    b) Freedom of Speech, yes.  But you are not free from public opinion.  Remember the Country band the Dixie Chicks.  Sold millions of albums, went to Europe, and said they were ashamed to be American because of George Bush Jr.  But oh wait.....many of your cd buying clan are hardcore, God fearing Texans, who also vote .  They burned your cd's, stopped going to shows, and your sales went flat.   Always important to know your audience.  

  2. I can just as easily redirect $100 on month from Moderns to Bronze/Silver.    Granted, the hunt is a bit harder, and the better condition the higher the price, (which means less comics), but the catalog is vast.  

  3. 1 hour ago, fastballspecial said:

    I will try number 10 and 2. What Marvel doesn't understand is that they need to regrow the X-men universe slowly. You don't just throw 10 titles at the wall and hope one sticks, but that's their philosophy.

    Really Old Man Logan is the one I want to really get if it stays in the future universe Id like to see more of that universe.


    And hasn't this been Marvels problem for awhile-  TOO MANY TITLES.  We don't need 10 X books (2 of which ship twice monthly).  

  4. 20 minutes ago, Ken Aldred said:

    Herb Trimpe and John Severin made a great penciller / inker team.

    I struggle to think of anything on the same level for Rob Liefeld?

    But he co-created Deadpool, and that is all the new fanboys care about. 

    1. Culture
    2. Books
    3. News

    Marvel VP of Sales blames diversity for falling comic book sales

    'People didn’t want any more diversity, they didn't want female characters out there'


    The title says it all, and is another reason the current people at Marvel need to go away!   Diversity is not killing sales, FORCED DIVERSITY is.   Why the white man genocide?  How many characters that have been around for 50 + years do we have to sit here and see written out, all in the name of a social agenda?  The demographics of the country may be changing, and the demographics of comic book readers may be changing, but where is the study that shows that the new generation of readers demanded more females, more minorities, and more 'insert sexual preference here' characters?!?!   Evidently they didn't if the books aren't selling.    Do this:


    1) Less titles.   You don't need multiple Avengers, & X-Men titles.  

    2) Develop the great minority/female characters you have.  Cage, Ms. Marvel (white, muslim pick one), Black Panther, Storm, Sam Wilson.   What about Sunfire?  He has history in the Marvel Universe, write him to relevance, get rid of Cho.  Why did they kill Rhodey Rhodes?   These are just examples. The list is pretty large. 

    3) Bring back the real Cap, Iron Man, Thor and Hulk.  Bring back the Fantastic Four.  

    4) Get some better writers, and restore the order.  Marvel is so convoluted right now.   Keep the talented artists you have, and bring back some of the heavy hitters you haven't had for awhile. 

    5) Be accountable, and admit you made mistakes, not the consumer.  Maybe even drop the price from $3.99 back to $2.99 (DC can do it) or even $3.50.  A small gesture, but maybe former fans will take notice. 


    End Rant

  5. 10 hours ago, kevhtx said:

    Who told you that? They said last year was his "last year" of doing cons too. I think they use it as a marketing tool. But, who knows. At some point, it might be true. Last year, at NYCC they marketed it as "Stan's last NYCC". He was going to be limited to west coast only, but that hasn't happened at least as of yet.

    They said the same thing about Orlando Mega Con-  Last year was his "LAST FLORIDA APPEARANCE".  Then he is on the guest list for 2017.   I don't blame the conventions, it's probably his handlers doing this.   Or maybe he is just bored and wants to get out more.   Or maybe he just like's to keep up with buying all the Modern variants, and needs the cash xD

  6. "Fawstin pointed out the irony in Marvel's transfiguration, noting that in their attempt to tell politically relevant stories, Marvel completely ignored the most politically relevant villains of the real world--jihadists. Instead, they choose to virtue signal by having Muslim superheroes talk about peace and 'get out the vote.'"

    That's a really interesting quote taken from the first article link by Kav.   Captain America, Superman etc. were punching the Japanese & Germans in the 1940's.  Hell, Cap is still punching Nazi's in 2017.  But we haven't been given the stories of them fighting jihadists.  Is it a fear thing, or a SJW thing, or a Liberal thing, or do they feel these would just not make good comic stories? 

  7. 56 minutes ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    No doubt it will happen soon. He is the worst editor in chief Marvel ever had! Even Joe Q and Jim Shooter had a better vision of what Marvel was. Think about this for a minute.

    Marvel is the king of the movies, and when fans go want to buy those characters they see on the big screen they got the unknown legacy characters.

    This was Marvel`'s chance to introduce new readers because of the movies. A once in a lifetime opportunity and Alonso did an epic fail.

    Benefit of the doubt question:  Was it all him, or were higher powers (cough- Disney- cough), pulling his strings?    

  8. 3 hours ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    Sales are way down,so who do we look at? We look at their leader Axel Alonso. His vision doesn't seem to working. 


    No, it's not.   Look at February-   Only 5 of the Top 20 books were Marvel titles, two of which were Star Wars, two were Inhumans vs. X-Men and the third was Amazing Spiderman.  

    Meanwhile, The Avengers was 53, Totally Awesome Hulk was 121, Captain America Sam Wilson was 122.  

    Why is Avengers-their hot movie property, so low in sales, and it's clear the forced 'Legacy' characters are not working.   Alonso should be clearing out his desk. 

  9. I assume we are talking about Marvel and DC.   I like keeping up with the heroes I grew up with.   Daredevil is tolerable.   Amazing Spiderman, Steve Rogers Captain America, not so much.    It gets increasingly hard to pay for Modern books given what Marvel has done.  DC is better at this point.   I didn't buy one new release today, nothing on my list.