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Everything posted by B2D327

  1. Add gopackgo19795 to the blocked list. Had a hissy fit because I wouldn’t accept her offer. Proceeds to whine about politics like she knows me. Easily avoided headache.
  2. I’ve heard it referred to as “grandma’s hugs” but I guess that would depend on what grandma smells like
  3. Remember that gag doodle on a ton of books that have passed through my hands over the years so I’m pretty desensitized to stuff like that but geez this would cause quite the uproar nowadays
  4. Your email client may have detected it as spam 🤷🏻‍♂️
  5. Without giving too much away (just in case 😉, you never know who’s seeing this), eBay will contact the seller should suspicious activity be detected where the seller would be able to recuperate their account and what the fraudulent listings are/were. In the event the scammer changed payment options to a traceable financial institution, this too would be seized and info sent to the proper authority
  6. Another Z fighter made it to my door today. After watching a few review videos, glad I stayed away from the knock-off market and what to look for in the version 1 and version 2 models. These seem to be the best quality in the scale not to mention the sculpts and poseability…yes, I’m a plasticrackhead 🤣
  7. It’s not only about the gullible, it’s also for the seller who’s account has been hacked. I’m sure you’d appreciate the help too if put in that situation where you’d have to undo the damage done to what might be your main source of income and reputation.
  8. You can also use the “Help and Contact” menu at the top of the page to report it as a stolen account. In this case, the sellers account name is “fogmodels”
  9. Here we go again. Help me get rid of this type of stuff by going into “sellers other items” and reporting as many as possible https://www.ebay.com/itm/fantastic-four-5-/304374028789?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fantastic-Four-1-CGC-5-0-OFF-WHITE-WHITE-pages-THE-Marvel-Silver-Age-Key-/304374028254?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0
  10. I believe sales belong in the “mixed age” thread in the marketplace
  11. These goodies came in today including the Spawn pre-orders. Cy-gor’s head must’ve popped off in transit but I popped it right back on. Pretty beefy figure.
  12. Time is a man made construct. Besides, we’re all sleeping until Morpheus finds us to offer “the pill”.
  13. I also have an elderly friend who forgets their account password every couple of years and has to start a new one which means having to add friends again. It seems like this was the case recently so I accepted and they reached out to me through messenger with a “wave”. I replied as a courtesy and they began a conversation with the normal pleasantries but then took a strange turn. They began telling me of some great program for retirees and where to sign up, etc, etc…immediate red flag. I looked up their profile and saw they only had one other friend, an elderly woman who also luckily, had not set her profile to private. Because of this, I was able to communicate with her and also the friend who’s profile was being mimicked to let them know what was going on. They both thanked me for making them aware and probably saving them from buying into some scam that would’ve emptied their bank accounts. There really are some people out there.
  14. You hit the nail on the head.
  15. I really dig Kelley Jones’ take on Bats. His style fits that dark theme so perfectly
  16. Just to add, hobbies are (supposed to be) an escape from the reality of shady individuals waiting to take advantage at every turn. You’d think collecting what most consider “kid stuff” would afford one the opportunity to let their guard down and enjoy something without greed poking it’s head in and sour someone’s faith in humanity. Is nothing pure anymore?
  17. I’ve loved this stuff for as long as I can remember so whenever things like this pop up, I’m happy to add them to my collection