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Everything posted by NoMan

  1. you're really gonna make me Goggle Image search Spawn #9? Ok, here goes. EDIT: After viewing cover of Spawn #9: I guess I see your 13-year old point. No pun intended.
  2. Unacceptable. Someone needs to buy my comics in 25 years. Gonna be really mad if they don't. Guess I just should accept they won't. No reason now to not put rock salt in my BB gun and start shooting kids getting near my house/comic collection.
  3. Especially when the Chinese start buying AF15s. Spidey will never die!
  4. Is this a serious statement? Your mother left you those little Home Shopping Club dodads? The dodads were mentioned with specificity in her will?
  5. I'm firmly in the camp of this superhero craze is gonna end, just like westerns. I know this has been discussed ad nausem here so I'll leave it at that. Just trying to avoid doing work here is all. Hope everyone is having a nice day.
  6. who's going to buy my collection when I'm 75 in 25 years or so? We must get the children of today into physical comics. We need to take away their phones or xboxes or whatever. Interest in physical comics must remain at least until I sell my collection for huge profits. After that we can give the kids back their phones.
  7. If you're really, really bored that program was kinda interesting. The host was easy on the eyes!!!! Did an image search of the host, what else has she been in? https://www.google.com/search?biw=1915&bih=875&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=vq99XLCaKomRjwTo_KeICw&q=miranda+kerr&oq=miran&gs_l=img.1.0.0l10.22281.24372..26527...0.0..0.85.416.5......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....0.lnMCc7tbbCo#imgdii=qpcs5xJLQ8rW8M:&imgrc=wwcGPkU9zWRMYM:
  8. Thanks to Greg Reece for taking the time to answer the question regarding your Pawn Stars experience. Interesting read. thank you.
  9. in this insane market I can't afford to sell any of 'em. And the ones I would part with nobody wants.
  10. I recently lost on ebay to someone who out bid me on an item I wanted. Is there anyway to gripe or complain about it or report them to ebay or whatever so as the item can be mine for the cheaper price I bid?
  11. I don't mind speculation-type threads from folks with less than 10 posts if they use ALL CAPS. It really bring home the seriousness of their passing fancy. Now what POS comics from the past am I surprised sells for big money nowadays: 1. Dazzler 1. 2. Rom 1 What POS comic from today do I think will sell for big money in the future? Don't know as time and experience has taught me not to spend money on stuff that's a POS. Except for food. I like some crappy tasting food.
  12. I've been thinking a lot lately about Fawn Hall. Not sure why. Perhaps a comic about her would be worth money.
  13. Here you go. I guess I was that bored. His name is Ralph Whittington. He will most certainly buy your playboys. https://www.youtube.com/embed/qzMdqbzg38A?rel=0
  14. Film maker Jeff Krulik (Heavy Metal Parking Lot) made some kinda documentary about some perv in Washington DC with a huge porn collection. I bet he would buy them. I'd try to find the title of the documentary for you and the guys name just not bored enough. Got laundry to do and have to wash the dog.
  15. GREG WE NEED YOU TO TESTIFY HERE!!! FAKE OR NOT! "You can grade them and I can grade them and it doesn't mean anything in the real world," says the monkey from Pawn Stars. Um, yeah, I think I'd take Greg's grading over yours.
  16. I'll find it on Youtube if I can. I'm that bored and don't want to go to this stupid party my wife is making me go to.
  17. i wouldn't have either unless I was deep into comics.
  18. his store wasn't mentioned. he didn't indentify himself. just some guy selling an avengers #1. (Reece didn't sell, Pawn Stars offer price too low) If he's around these parts, I'd love to hear his story
  19. Greg Reece went on Pawn Stars I believe. Would love to hear his experience in doing "reality" tv.
  20. I could only endure about 65 seconds of the program so I don't know if the guy was happy or not, but one could argue that if he enjoyed collecting the way he did, than who's to say the hows and how much he spent. But I hear you.
  21. I didn't find much of interest at Frank and Sons' auction. There was a dealer or two with older stuff but mostly all I found was modern drek heavy on variant nonsense. And like someone posted earlie a good rule of thumb is if it's on TeeVee, it's fake.
  22. Amazing. Treat people with respect and receive respect. Shocking!
  23. What an interesting couple of pages. Good job, Iceman399. Wonder if this will have everyone and anyone thinking that if you go to the guys across the street for encapsulation and grading than there must be a nefarious reason why.