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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. None of the issues in my photo there are numbered, so your instinct is good. I'll save the rest for the journal post and will flag you when it lands.....
  2. Here are my old Spidey MJI and NDS summaries. I never found an ASM #124 myself and #105 and #298 were widely agreed as to not exist:
  3. Try to encourage him to use the litter tray in future.
  4. He looks like he just caught his knackers on a stray Mylar edge Jim
  5. Well, there was this one time when he was on this planet a long time into the future - he'd crashed his rocket - and the place was run by apes and such. He had to wear a little thong like Tarzan used to and say things like "Get your damn hands off of me you filthy ape". Anyway, cut a long story short, turns out it was a post apocalypse Earth and he found half the Statue of Liberty on the beach. He was pretty cut up about it, pounded the sand (@lizards2) and said "Damuallltahell!" in a really dramatic way. In a later film some other bloke blew everything up again so that was pretty much it for Earth.
  6. Thank you for that excellent response Qalyar! I've been gathering a copy here and there, and plan to put a journal entry together at some point. Here's The Frightened Bride, along with several other new ones which I will scan and post in the journal entry. I'll see if I can contact Michael Carroll too. It would be nice to document them more fully than the current GCD record. It's clear there are a good few more than ten Here's another that I do have scanned, also not on the list:
  7. That drove me nuts the last time I looked Reggie I never found it in any of the obvious titles. If it was printed, it's tucked away somewhere unexpected...
  8. My prediction is that a lot of lovely looking people (and the odd rough one, for the character roles) with lovely lives and lovely bank balances will pat each other on the back in a grand show of self satisfied loveliness. One or two of them might attempt a stirring speech about the world and maybe offer to house a Ukrainian woman with a child. But only a nice looking one, mind. Hardly any of them will offer to block book a hotel to house a whole load of them, despite taking home the odd $10M pay check every few months. They'll certainly encourage us too though, collectively. Once the people we all know have finished being surprised, some other people behind the scenes that we don't know will also be surprised and will thank some other people that we don't know and say that they are the best person who ever lived and that they love them. We may miss them doing that though, as we pop to the kitchen to make tea, or fast forward if we're watching on catch up. At the end, we will have a quick run down of the unimportant awards and a film that no one has ever heard of will win something. The films that every one liked throughout the year won't win anything.
  9. Hello Qalyar In typing that, I've only just realised that you're Qalyar, and not the 'Qaylar' that I've been saying in my head every time I've seen your board name for the last two years. I was Googleating 'Streamline' and came across your post. What more can you tell me about the Streamline Pictorial Romance books I wonder? Did you get the 10 issue range from the GCD, or is there a list of them somewhere hidden away on the interweb?
  10. Good point, Pie. You hear that @Poekaymon? You're rubbish at complaining, mate
  11. In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
  12. The bit I don't like to see is when people post pictures of awful looking slabs on the forum, and then say that they were effectively told to lump it by CGC's customer service rep, if only as an opening gambit. That's not good.
  13. Yup. What would you prefer though, if it were you running it - reasonable policy and lots of money, or unreasonable policy and lots of money+
  14. There are copies with it out there Albert. Len was a bit hit and miss with his stamps. I snagged my eighth Gunsmoke Western #58 recently, as it had one of the nicer stamp placements that I had seen (the cover is too busy for a clean shot, alas) Here we go, one with, one without:
  15. They look nice. I'm still waiting for Davros... And bring back the Voord!
  16. It doesn't look like a magazine holder to me, if I compare it to another copy (as best as I can given that one is a flat scan, one an angled photo). The label data distancing all appear to be equal so it seems that the book is just as far to the right as possible within the holder. I wonder if @eWolverine means that his book is in one of the deeper, annual sized holders? The shadowing might indicate that. I had a regular sized book in an annual sized holder once and I didn't like it at all as it looked wrong - the book looked like it was swamped in it.
  17. It's a shame to see that customer services are still pushing the 'normal and acceptable' line after all these years. I wonder why Rebecca did not go on to offer you a reholder if the rings were excessive, as they have done in the past? It's almost as if CGC are trying to force a faulty product on you, isn't it, making you out to be the bad guy for complaining. I've always thought, if Newton Rings are normal and acceptable, why do we never see any in CGC's advertising, or see them mentioned on the website? This is an old argument of course, but is it right to trumpet a 'crystal clear display' and 'superior optics' on a visual medium product if a 'normal' part of the production process can generate the appearance of an ugly oil slick on your book? It isn't is it. And seeking to avoid responsibility is shameful, isn't it. https://www.cgccomics.com/grading/holder/
  18. Never go with the obvious, Rich, if you can help it. He'll know what I meant
  19. Put your arm out in the sun for a while. Red is the first ink to fade, I'm told.
  20. I like the eBay emails that commiserate for your missing out on Gorgo #5, tell you not to worry because they will help you find another, and then proceed to offer up listings for coffee makers and car parts as potential substitutes.
  21. Maybe they were remaindered copies to start with. Or value wasn't uppermost in the compilers mind at the time, if they removed the covers. And the books may not have held the value they do now, at the time they were bound. Nice though, isn't it