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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That is cool. As the Lion implied, CGC would struggle to slab that book with the fold open as the overhang would just get crushed as the book moved around in the inner sleeve. But you could ask CGC to slab it with the fold closed up? That is how it naturally came off the presses after all. The miscut is the salient feature of the book, so having the fold up would visually accentuate that. Some would find that silly of course, but not everyone thinks the same way, do they Eitan. And it would be cool to see how it came back. Something different.
  2. I did a little more digging on this, to see if I could find arrival stamped copies for the other April 1963 issues. Not an exact science, as I've said, but quite interesting I think if we assume that the 15c variants hit shops at the same time as the regular priced copies. Here's a B&V #88 with a January 19th date... ...a Fly #25 with a February 10th... ...and a Mad House #25 with a cool January 31st (my birthday): Add those to the two examples in the quoted post and we get: Betty & Veronica #88 (stamped 19th Jan) - 15cv Archie's mad House #25 (stamped 31st Jan) - no 15cv The Fly #25 (stamped 10th Feb) - 15cv Laugh #145 (stamped 13th Feb) - 15cv Archie #136 (stamped 26th Feb) - no 15cv So maybe Archie's Mad House #25 exists.....?
  3. I've added five more since my last post - here's the latest confimed list: Life With Archie is now complete:
  4. Did you like the pre-score opening scenes Bosco? And where do you rate it among the five?
  5. I forgive him. I've never owned a brown suit in my life! Dances a bit like I used to, though.
  6. I haven't read all the thread entries, but I like the old style, busy comic covers of my youth like these, that tell a story arc: 176 - Crikey, is that the Goblin in silhouette? He's killed Flash! 177 - It is Gobby! 178 - He's put Aunt May in hospital! 179 - Silvermaine's turned up! 180 - There's two Goblins! They're of their time, charming, colourful and (to an early teen), exciting. What do these tell us? Not a lot. Some are OK, some less so. I don't mind a nice 'picture' cover like this: I like that. It's certainly better than this: There's good and bad in all the eras, but I prefer the comics of the 1950s-1980s overall, as that was the time, for me, when the medium was at it's best and most relevant. It's all been done now. There's nothing new that can happen to Spidey, or that can be done to him or his cast of characters. Everything that was ever great was in those early years. A bit like everything really.
  7. On a different note, could this cover chap be any more Andru/Espositoey if he tried?
  8. Thanks for diving in Grottu I think the two copies above are examples of different ink strikes - I don't see any evidence of sun fade, as the reds and yellows are still vibrant on both, as they are in the copies I have posted earlier This one is clearly a sun affected copy though - to the left you can see how it has affected all colouring. We seem to have three groups of books in the thread so far: Sun fades Colour variations Colour variations with bonus subsequent sun fade DC's do seem susceptible to purpley-grey blues though, don't they....
  9. That's a similar ink variation to some of the DCs I've posted Kev
  10. When I started the thread, my intention was for us all to post books which are 'oddly' similar, in the sense that they are not obvious homages, swipes or copies. I was looking for books that had a similarity that was likely unintentional. Look at these two books below. Have you ever wondered why Flash was in such a cack-handed pose on the cover of the King Comic's Flash Gordon #10? He looks like he's put his back out, and is struggling to move. But now we can see why, as the pose is a direct swipe of the Fantasy Reader that preceded it: Our cover girl takes up so much space on that cover, that Flash had to bend down to fit in. So here, the similarity is deliberate. Flash was copied. So it is not 'oddly similar'. There are no hard and fast rules of course - people are free to post what they like, and I've posted some fairly obvious swipes myself, but oddly similar books like these two below will get a special nod of appreciation from me:
  11. Nice post Reggie. I think it's the opposite side (to Notre-Dame) that Ross depicted - the stepped side with the path going under the bridge as in this photo: In that, I see the buildings that Ross depicts, and how the elevated perspective in his drawing might bring them into play.
  12. Indeed. To be fair though, how were they to know that some of that old carp would one day be worth sixty bazillion quid. Or thereabouts.
  13. They wrote romance stories about forum moderators?
  14. I get periods of buffering several times a day, every day, for anything between 2 and 5 minutes. And sometimes on this website too. Every other website I open while it's happening is fast and problem free, indicating that it is probably a CGC site thing. That said, I assumed it was just happening to me, as my middle name is lucky and the few times I have mentioned it, no one else piped up. It didn't even make it onto Mike's list of site issues (wherever that went). I've sat there several times today, wondering if what I had just typed would land, be saved in draft on refresh, or disappear. So you're not alone. To be fair, most of it was horse manure though, what I typed, so it wouldn't have been the end of the world if it had gone missing. Oh, fair enough, it was all horse manure then.
  15. It's the researcher in me. I can't resist trying to piece old snippets of comic info together, even if I don't actively collect the books in question. All good fun.
  16. There's a copy of TLP #3 on eBay as follows: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/353673660295?hash=item525897c787:g:3EMAAOSwVMlhQNuo The story 'Hotel Week-end' is, according to the GCD, a story in TLP #3 (a match!) and Teen-Age Romances #29, but by Magazine Management, not St John: Your book has TAR #28 in it @zzutak - is it definitely a St John story? Why would a 1955 Magazine Management book be in a 1953 St John TLP?
  17. I love a mystery Doc, and the link came up while I was Googleating. It's great isn't it that there are people out there who put these things together and then share them with the world
  18. When I was a kid Kev, the owner of my local comic shop in Barking - Rodney's it was called, presumably because he, the owner, was called Rodney - used to slap massive marker pen prices on everything. He'd hold about twenty comics in one hand, then rattle off the prices with a flourish. To my untrained child's eye, it looked like there was a method to his pricing, rooted in a deep understanding of market values. Now I'm older, and looking back with wiser eyes, I realise he was completely winging it and just putting 6 on everything.
  19. Apparently, 9d was too much for this seller so they added a lower price. It's very subtle though. Can you see it?