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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. You're saying you understand my threads? Hmmm. I'll have to try harder then. That there is a bona fide FF printing error. I had one years back when I collected Spidey misprints. One of the few books I ever found for pennies at a fair and sold for mega pounds. Well, about fifty quid as I recall. I'll hunt down the scan. Here's an old favourite from the PE files, just to show that you're not alone Robot: More in here....
  2. You're welcome Dena. I know you'd do more if time and resources allowed. Good luck with the projects.
  3. Talented isn't she - her Mum lives just down the road
  4. There's one or two pence Marvels that I still haven't manged to find decent images of for the files and this kid was one of them: Was....
  5. So it's your fault... Tread carefully Robot. You can get in a lot of trouble around here for posting print ratio theories based on country size I've not detected anything concrete myself, no, although I have seen a few T&P stamped #72's in my time - made more noticeable due to the stamp positioning, probably. I'm sure I upgraded my cents copy because of it, back in the day. Jesting aside, I quite like some of these cosmetic differences between the originals and UK reprint titles. Good spot Robot Different Spidey head position too...
  6. Regular readers will know that we do like a printing error. Anything out of the ordinary gets the GMAIL vote. Step forward Romantic Story #52: It’s a cents priced, UK stampless copy but we don’t care too much about that kind of thing anymore here at Brent Towers. It makes cents to pay homage to all Charlton comics of a certain era regardless of their monetary persuasion. Here’s what it should look like: Now, under normal circumstances I would pass off such a copy as likely to have been sitting in a damp environment for a while with the ink transfer that you can see having come from the cover of whatever issue was sitting on top of it. Marwood on the other hand would just read it. But look more closely and we can see that, apart from being sideways, the intruding panels appear to be those of an interior page: How likely is that I wonder, a coverless sideways comic sitting on top of our RM#52 in a state of close, moist, lengthy proximity? And then there is the not inconsequential fact of the transferred image being present in reverse (in true Marwood style, if anyone had noticed): So much more likely to be a printing error, no? The transferred image doesn’t appear inside by the way, even though the lady does look similar to one of those in the story. But that’s not uncommon, for early sixties Charltons. Same girl, different hair colour. Like Romita Gwen and MJ. Similar thing going down on the back cover too: Those characters look familiar don’t they…. Anyway. Very odd. Very Charlton. Very good
  7. Morning A nice package arrived today from Pat with this lot in it: It's a lovely thing isn't it, a gaggle of Golden Pence Keys And very uncommon to find them in such bright, clean shape too. A few more ticked off the list and a few upgrades. What's not to like. I'm not far off a full set now of pence copies and the continuing absence of those issues missing within the potential date run are more or less now cast in cement as gaps by design. Normally when I say that a new one appears. Wouldn't that be lovely See ya.
  8. Two new Barbie's popped up in my pre-set eBay searches - one of each title: A largely uncollected comic character, hence the lack of available copies, but nice to see two more after such a long wait, especially a 'Fashion'. And their placement on the chart - slap bang in the middle of what could have been gaps by design - gives renewed hope for all the other surrounding issues. 1,308 confirmed APVs @nesqrick2 (my sole interested follower)
  9. Paging @Get Marwood & I Yorick, could you post the actual books you are referring to? I understand why The King of Australia flagged me (cheers Andy) but my own Miller investigations have focussed primarily on the 1959-70 period so I don't have much to add here I'm afraid. Information about Miller is fairly scant but it wouldn't surprise me to learn that he had bent the rules given some of the practices at the time I've read about (he was taken to court a time or two I believe - I'm looking into that as we speak to try to prove a certain scenario which I will post about if the National Records Office ever reopen). Or it could be a mistake - dates are often wrong on books around this time. In general it's very difficult to research these things as there is so little to go on and everyone involved is either dead or uncontactable (I tried to get some Miller info via the Alan Class route but stopped when it became clear that he had little to impart). Add to that the extreme lack of physical comic examples and it becomes a frustrating pursuit. In respect of the original thread heading - "Are there pence titles for GA Books" - I have a folder populated with various examples which imply a price variant scenario. For me, there are two scenarios - books that were reprinted after the event with UK prices added (Reprints) and books which may have been produced at the same time, and in the same place, as the home country priced originals (Price Variants). Take this example - is this an example of an early "UK Price Variant"? I had a nice PM discussion with Goldust Andy about it a while back and he was quite informative @goldust40 - maybe he has more to say about Miller too. I have other such examples of books produced by Bell Features but have never managed to buy any of them to make a detailed comparison. Gold has never been my forte though, so hopefully someone else reading will be able to add more. I'd love to see the books in question though.
  10. What I meant by that @Diaolos is that, if you are concerned about desirability, then the Canadians often have dirty / stained back covers which the lack of print magnifies. I've owned three or four copies in my time and some had quite presentable front covers but quite ugly back covers - here's an example: You can see that there is a stained central area which the white edging exacerbates (and which your copy appears to have to the front, hence the request for the back cover scan). And of course any dirt or soiling will be magnified on a blank cover. So if the copy you are considering has similar back cover issues, you may want to hold out for either a US copy which disguises it.......... ....or a Canadian with a blindingly white back cover (which I have seen and which would carry a premium I think, accordingly). There are a number of considerations in play here - do you like variants, in which case the Canadian copy will appeal, do you like resale potential in which case it may appeal if it is in the uncommonly type of high grade that could attract those who seek them, or do you just want a nice copy in which case only you can decide what you are happy to buy and for what price. There is no guide for the price differential that I am aware of, just recent sales figures on eBay and other such tools which indicate what collectors are prepared to pay. Those who appreciate variants may pay more, those who don't will likely want to pay less. It's a lovely book to own either way, US or Canadian. Good luck
  11. The Canadian variant is much scarcer - only 64 on the census vs 1,759 US copies. If this book is really high grade, and perhaps could top the census, it could be worth more to completist collectors than a US equivalent grade. Both are first printings, both are desirable.
  12. They went to the same school and studied the same course as Daredevil ('how to jump around skyscrapers all the time and not plummet to your death')
  13. Nice set. I had a few of the Spidey Class books - here's another comparison set (no UKPV for #69 alas): It Chorleywood. Anything between 5 and 10% of the cents run seems to be the guiding belief. Nobody knows for sure though, and it probably changed as they gained popularity anyway.
  14. Not my copy, but that's a cool stamped cover isn't it: If only they'd had the balls to die cut the corners
  15. Another bonkers sale price for a brace of gloriously tatty '67 remaindered annuals:
  16. Miller would never have stooped that low.
  17. They don't exist Stephen, the shilling labelled books in the ad on that back cover - they're mock ups. The books that came to our shores were cents copies with T&P stamps.
  18. What those 3 books are Stephen are just late 1967 cents copies with what looks like one shilling stickers on them - probably just mocked up for the purposes of the advert. T&P were saying they were available from newsagents but in practice they would be cents copies with T&P price stamps (the only true DC UKPV date ranges are the ones documented in this thread): I thought it was interesting that T&P were clearly saying 'come and get em' while some collectors recollections have indicated that they couldn't order them and 'got what they got'.
  19. Thought I'd finally found the missing #13: So was the image wrong, or the title.....