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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Well done Beeman! The book has great, bright eye appeal but has a number of flaws which will likely bring it down to the 3.5 area. It's always difficult to tell from one photo - more would help, especially of the back cover - but it may be trimmed on the right side. The top right looks odd although, again, that might be the photo. It's a valuable book though and definitely worth submitting if that's your thing. If there is trimming though, that will seriously impact any resale value if it comes back from CGC as such (if you didn't already know). Hopefully not - Good luck!
  2. You can't remove a thread once it has posted but you can edit it using this 'Edit' button which you'll see at the bottom of your opening post: Click on 'edit', change the title to 'PGM Batman #5', delete the other images by clicking on the dustbin symbol to the bottom right of each unwanted image at the foot of the editing page: Then just add a back cover scan. Give it a go Beeman, I have confidence in you!
  3. You've got some crackers there Beeman! I believe the rules here are one book per post and I think there's a limit on how many posts per day - 3 I believe. If I were you I would edit this post and start with just Batman #5. Try to add some more pictures, including the back cover, and you'll likely get a lot of answers. Lovely books, and the #5 probably would be a pressing candidate if that's your thing. Welcome to the forum
  4. Ta Have a root around in the Pence Palace of Doom Lou. Proper interesting it is
  5. Cor, look at that. Some cool cover stamps there, including one of my personal favourites the Popular Book Centre Welcome Iron Man 63, welcome
  6. Here you go Lou: This post from the discussion thread sums it all up:
  7. Cheers Jayhawker - no Miller in this one, alas, but fairly expected being a US copy. One day it will surface!
  8. No worries. That's such a hard book to find. I've never seen a copy in the UK, Miller or otherwise
  9. I don't remember seeing the sale? Don't suppose you remember if this one had a Miller interior do you KJ?
  10. They should. I find Overstreet stuck in their ways and impossible to penetrate - I was referred to them by an existing advisor with a view to becoming one (to give a greater UK focus / upload all my variant work) and they didn't respond. Twice. CGC at least will listen so deserve some credit (e.g. changing their UK/Canadian/Australian Price Variant labelling approach). Some Overstreet errors seem to have taken on mythical status like the Esquire Magazine entry for the EYE Magazine only Spidey promo. There can't be a person left in all of comicdom who doesn't know that one doesn't exist and yet still they persist.
  11. You seem to have a Bobby hobby there.
  12. No. Every copy's 60 is the same, pence or cents. Probably an Overstreet Oversight that took hold.
  13. That's Matt Hawk's strange secret Stephen. He's rubbish at grammar.
  14. Now that version is rare. Even though every single copy made ever has it.
  15. Very rare variant Stephen. Rare because only a complete wally would tear the bloody title off. That sounded a bit Michael Cainey didn't it
  16. ....don't stop with those though will you Qaylar. Storm, Powerman and Smokescreen had even more versions than Power Pack!
  17. OK, here we go. These are the Power Pack variants I had according to my old files: Here they are in the files: And here is each of the above images: I've forgotten more than I remember about them to be honest but do remember having a full set as at the point I stopped collecting them Here are the four newspaper supplements that I managed to get: How rubbish were my photography skills back then, eh Makes me nostalgic for those days, posting these. Hope this helped and good luck with the hunt @Qalyar
  18. I had them all at one point (the comics) and a handful of the newspapers. All long since sold alas. I'll dig out and post some old pictures later.
  19. http://www.pecokit.com/checklist/usa_g/smg_n_v3.html http://www.pecokit.com/checklist/usa_g/smg_nni.html
  20. I can see clearly that that is not right Ken - definitely get in touch with CGC direct and they'll tell you what they can do. A reholder is most likely I would think. Good luck. https://www.cgccomics.com/contact/
  21. Imagine that, paying cover prices for them. If you had a Tardis I mean