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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Anxious times all round Paul. Every sniffle makes you worry doesn't it. Keep going mate, it's all we can do. While I'm here, a massive THANK YOU to @Ditch Fahrenheit for keeping us entertained here while everyone else is banging on about the virus. Keep it up Ditch
  2. "Did you hear what he called you?" "I sure did" "Shall we smash his face in then?" "Kin right" We'll miss you Andy. Your thread is a rare glimmer of class amongst the dross of the CGC boards (or all of Marwood's threads as they're sometimes called). Stay safe buddy and thanks for all the pictorial fun
  3. Always nice to see - I do like those early monster covers. I'm still waiting to find a copy to check the Thorpe & Porter indicia. Crack her open would you?
  4. Indeed. I've been working through the list to see if I can pick off any of the remaining copies that could exist based on the cover date range. Not too much success so far. I may have done or indeed posted this before, but I rechecked the AUS April 1994 range today (the final first wave AUS issues which have Jan 1993 US cover dates). There are only 4 confirmed AUS copies of 48 current contenders (Cap #423, Ravage 2099 #14, Spidey 2099 #15 and Web of Spidey #108). I checked Mikes Comic Newsstand to see if all those copies had, say, early or the same 'on sale' dates. Not an exact science of course given the 3 month shipping window to Australia, but it could indicate the cut off point at the US printers if all 4 were early and the remaining 44 were late in the month. That theory has worked elsewhere in my variant research (Charlton Canadians for example). 3 of them have on sale dates of the 2nd of the month, the other the 9th. The other 44 are mixed, dated mostly later in the month, but include some 2nd and 9ths. So that anecdotally at least indicates that there may be other April 94 AUS copies out there. So I'll keep looking.
  5. Yes. Same as I did here! You can't beat a Jools piano solo, I agree. Being a Squeeze bod, I've seem him tinkle the ivories a time or twelve.
  6. A turd! All that effort and that's all he gets! I liked the Style Council and remember a long hot summer playing the 'You're the Best Thing' 12" remix over and over. Weller was a pompous old sod though wasn't he. Still is. I had the The The album with the alternate cover. Infected wasn't it? I liked the first song then it tailed off after the trumpety trumpet bit.
  7. Marwood has been collecting these overseas variants for years and discovered all the font changes etc. and has demonstrated that overseas (British) Marvels were in fact printed here in the states, just before or just after the American copies... so I think what he’s asking here is while Marvel must have ordered the plate changes here, WHY change the font? From a printing standpoint, both say 10c. Black on white bkgnd. There’s no need to make any change to the cover plates here (as they had to do when the 10c was in the artwork,or a color area of the cover —- yet they did. Unless Marvel and the printer wanted an easy way to tell the editions apart for shipping without opening them up to look at the inside front covers where a line crediting the overseas licensor was added? Os, determining from the cover price font may have been the solution to make it easier? Why...why....WHY! Delilah
  8. BILLY THE KID PART SEVENTY! You're kiddin, right? "We've got them now, Caruz!" "Jesus, look at that speech bubble Dave" "What?" "The Kid's speech bubble. Look at all the room at the top" "What?" "What a waste. It could easily be half the size and still fit all that wording in" "Oh yeah. I see what you mean..." "At last! You've finally met your master, Bonney" "That's Mister. Mister Bonney" "What?" "Mister Bonney. Master is for kids" "You are a Kid" "Hey... you're good" "Now you die!" "A...A woman! With knockers and everything!" Meanwhile, Black Furious gate crashes the party. "Neigh! (Translation:) Get the f off me man. What'd ya think you're doing!" "Come ere ya varmint" "Neigh! (Translation:) Varmint. Varmint! I'll ram that spotty girls neck tie down ya f throat if you don't get this f rope off me you " Back at Billy's. "He's hurt bad Snake! Why?" "He fell over" "Oh, did he? Right" "And who are you calling a 'snake' anyway?" "Just kidding" "Heh heh, Is that why they call you the Kid? "No" "Well...why do they?" "Cos I look young an all" "You what! I've seen younger dinosaurs! You look about eighty" "You take that back!" "Billy the Kid! Billy the Crock more like" "Snake!" BILLY THE KID PART SEVENTY! You're kiddin, right? No.
  9. His first album, 'My Aim is True', has it's moments but he doesn't really get going until the Attractions turn up on the second one 'This Years Model'. My favourite is 'Imperial Bedroom' but there are many others that run it close. The man is basically a musical genius and, up to and including 'All This Useless Beauty' couldn't put a foot wrong. Easily one of the greatest singer songwriters of all time. He of The Smiths? The Smiths were of their time. I can't listen to much of it now. That's not to say it isn't a thing of unparalleled beauty, but it's time is past. Morrissey's first two albums were and still are great and remarkably different. One all banging and screeching the other fey and slight. There are no bad Morrissey albums. Some are better than others, but they all have the same thing in common and each has their fruits to bear. And Morrissey's voice has a touch of the Dorian Gray about it, oddly improving with age. Try any of these, all peppered with gems: Viva Hate Kill Uncle Bona Drag Southpaw Grammar Years of Refusal Low in High School You may hate them. You may not. If you don't like this... ...or this... ...or this... ...don't bother.
  10. I managed to get the 'full set' of these UPC variants in the end - here they be: Some of them are surprisingly hard to find. It's something to do isn't it...
  11. Turning to music, I was lucky enough to sneak Elvis Costello and Morrissey in on consecutive nights just before the world shut. Elvis at the Hammersmith Odeon... ...and Mozz at the Wembley Arena. He still does a mean shirt by the way, Mozz. I didn't buy one though as I'm tight like that. Elvis has been a constant musical feature in my life and occupies God Like status at Marwood Towers. Always will. But his song selection drove me nuts (Hurry down doomsday!) and the arrangements were annoying, the sound oddly poor. Still a fantastic event of course but I wanted to hear one of those 500 brilliant songs that he's written down the years and he studiously avoided all of them. Maybe next time, if there is one. Mozz also occupies God Like status and has also been a musical constant since way before the last ever Smiths concert that I was amazingly at. The arena was half full as most people decided not to go. I went on my own (if you're so funny....) and sat a hundred yards from everyone else, singing and flailing around at the top of my aged but virus free lungs. Mozz won the battle of the bands by a country mile, beating Elvis with great song selection (London and Paris!) and the most ridiculously good voice for a man of his age. Every song was sung as the song, not in that irritating Elton Johnesque 'sing it any way but how it was on the record' way. And he was his usual funny self of course. I walked home afterwards through town and it felt like I had literally watched the last ever anything. Concert going is an altogether different affair when the flush of youth has deserted you, and I had mixed feelings on the journey. So anyway, I got two in before London shut. The new Morrissey album is quite good I think, despite what I've read online. It's playing in the background now. Some people just have it don't they. That extra magic that separates them from the norm. See ya
  12. Imagine going down the road in that Harry. Everyone else has surgical masks on and you've got a Spidey paper bag on your head
  13. Morning all I was updating my journal pages with the latest mind numbingly tedious high quality variant data this morning and had a look to see which entry had the most views. The results surprised me. That there was any views at all surprised me in the first instance. But the entry in the lead was 'Dell UK Price Variants', not Marvel as I would have guessed. Here's the view tally: Dell UK Price Variants - 7,121 views Marvel UK Price Variants - 6,128 views Gold Key UK Price Variants - 4,146 views Marvel Australian Price Variants - 2,763 views Marvel T&P Indicia Variants - 2,614 views Marvel 1999/2000 US Newsstand Price Variants - 2,603 views Charlton UK Price Variants - 2,497 views King Comics UK Price Variants - 2,164 views Marvel L Miller Variants - 1,998 views Charlton 15c Price Variants - 1,871 views Marvel US Price Font Variants - 1,828 views Archie UK Price Variants - 765 views Charlton Canadian Price Variants - 444 views DC UK Price Variants - 398 views Look at DC at the bottom there with a measly 398 views compared to King Comics with 2,164! I've always found this with comics - nobody cares about DC comics and their variants. It's Marvel all the way in the main but all the others have a healthy interest I find. What is it with DC?
  14. I wouldn't mind, but the mask is only a paper bag with two holes in it
  15. Morning fellow Quarantiners I was only mentioning to Nestor @nesqrick2 the other day how quiet the AUS copies had gone when up this morning popped a bushel of Barbies - one Barbie standard and two Fashions: That brings us up to 1,283 now. I do like a Barbie, especially the Fashion ones which are quite scarce and right in line with my own fashion sense (often referred to as Catweazle meets Doctor Who with a dash of Deckard). I've update the journal page with the latest numbers for those of you that give a hoot: I'd imagine I'm going to have quite a bit of spare time on my hands over the coming weeks so might do some more variant posting to keep you all on the edge of suicide entertained. See ya