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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. What a pear! (Never eat pears) Night Bats
  2. Sabbaticals are hard aren't they. To take I mean. And speaking of hard, one can only hope that Nyssa is looking outward in the picture. Poor Adric. It's not apples and apples of course, comparing new to old, but he was an (Earth) Shocking companion. Rocked the yellow tunic though. And brought a strange dignity in his death, along with a universal cheer. A Davison silence that spoke volumes. I predict that in point two of a second after Ryan has disembarked, his name will be forgotten forever. Now, always end on a positive I said, earlier. I'm positive I won't miss him. Because I won't be watching. P.S. Nyssa (especially when she ditched the red velvet number)
  3. Worst Master. Worst companions. Worst theme. Worst thematic incidental music. Worst new monsters. Worst use of old monsters. Worst Tardis interior. Worst corruption of canon. Worst storytelling. Worst attempts at humour, wit, imagination. All these potentially forgiveable with the right Doctor. Alas, worst Doctor. But to say worst Doctor indicates a Doctor. Far worse than worst Doctor. Not the Doctor. Two more years of this. Two more years of the worst everything. Always end on a positive though. I lived to see the best. I may live to see better. Who knows? Now, about that sabbatical...
  4. Hello Raven. I was having, or trying to have, a self enforced sabbatical. Have you ever tried it? Very difficult as it turns out with all these notification thingies keep popping up and invading your inbox. Never invade an inbox uninvited I always say. I'd switch the damn things off but even reversing the polarity of the neutron flow didn't do it. I don't know. Anyway, your question. What was it again? Ah yes, the latest latest latest finale. You won't hear good things about it because there aren't any. Good things I mean. Now, if you were to go on that catch up telly thing, and found the Capaldi final final final, then you would find a veritable cornucopia of good things. Humour, wit, imagination, love and heart. And kindness, lots and lots of kindness. A crusty old Dalek too but look, nothing is perfect. Or is it? It certainly was, almost, but now very far from isn't. Anyway, about that sabbatical. Would you let me get back to it please? Thank you. See you in a month or so maybe. These are for you Flowers are kind aren't they. Noisy though I find. All 'look at me' and colour. Not that that's a bad thing of course....
  5. So there we have it. My last trip to one of these types of shows. The comic content is negligible, but we know that now really don't we. I came away with nothing, as expected. I swear the majority of the photos here are more or less identical to the last report I did. This picture tells it's own story - taken at 11:30am this morning: I go because I have this little dream that some new bloke will be there with his vast array of old comics. But it's the same small group with the same old comics. The attendee's have fun, don't get me wrong. Dressing up, mucking about with their mates. That must be great fun and I do envy the younger generation for having these fun days out to attend. But that's it from me now on these events. And a break from the boards too I think is long overdue. I know I get on everyone's nerves and besides, the place has become ever so dull lately. Maybe a break will do us all good. Be seeing you...
  6. I had two of these once. Gave one away to a mate at work and lost the other. Annoying.
  7. If only there were as many comics as there were photos and posters at the London Comic Con... A rather forlorn looking John Pertwee here... ...and a big hair Capaldi. I prefer short hair Capaldi, but not in any weird way mind.
  8. Spidey's glutes prevent clear shot of Frazer Hines Girl with big backpack also stars. Big backpack I said.
  9. Becket have a secret room. No one can go in without special clearance. No one can know what's inside. No one! Oh, hang on...
  10. Even Batmen have to wipe their feet you know. Alfred gets right touchy about it.