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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I forgot yours was the highest graded. That should help it's value if you decided to sell I would have thought. One thought on why the lack of pence copies - the book is now worth a small fortune. Maybe owners of high grade copies are wary of sending them abroad. It puts me off (mine is a cents copy). The thought of it going overseas and then back again gives me pause I have to say, especially with my luck. Maybe if CGC set up a UK grading hub then that would tempt more copies out of the woodwork. But they can't do that of course, as it would compromise consistency having two functions in different locations. Nope. One for CGC to answer I guess. Only 60 pence copies graded vs 3,267 cents I see. The word on the street down the years has been a print ratio of 5-10% pence copies vs cents. Current figures show less than 2% of the cents figures graded in pence. Where are they all....
  2. Putting aside completists and run collectors most Marvel pence copies seem to be worth / prized notably less, especially the later ones. But some early books are now so scarce in any denomination that I find that they sell extremely well regardless, e.g. pre-hero. It all depends on the seller, buyer and appeal of the comic. Some UK dealers price pence and cents equally, others with a reduction for pence. Some dealers actively avoid pence. If money were no object, I would pay the same without hesitation. Others wouldn't. AF15 is a tough one as it is so highly prized and also highly expensive. Any suggestion that pence copies are somehow inferior will put off uneducated buyers. Who wants to slap down 30k for a book with a question mark? So you will need the right buyer to achieve parity. Some say that one day pence copies will carry a premium being as rare as, say, 35c variants. I don't see it myself. There will be a small group of people chasing them, and therefore only the basic rules of supply and demand will dictate what prices they achieve. Good luck @gadzukes
  3. Can't find it I remember looking for a specific copy of Epic Illustrated at the fair for someone but I'm damned if I can remember who / why. And I gathered lots of images as I recall, including the dual pricing cut off point etc. There were some other magazines too but I was never as interested in them as the comics if I'm honest. I did the Treasury Editions and parked magazines for another time. Maybe next year.
  4. I never gathered enough copies to form an opinion Derek. Dirty things they are anyway. Best left well alone.
  5. Yes, I've got a folder somewhere. I never got around to doing a post on them. I'll have a look when I get home from work Alice.
  6. That's so cool. Looks like a sheet of paper got in the way of the cyan colour plate. Love how it shows front and back
  7. Anyway, seeing as it's Christmas... To the tune of 'We Three Kings' These damn rings on your comics are Seen on slabs held near or held far To the eye, Oh dear! Oh my! These things are a visual scar Generation one was ring free On gen two, the same you did see Then the latest - visual hiatus! These rings are plaguing me What is going on at QC? Send out slabs with rings you can see Curtly formal, tell us they’re ‘normal’ (That’s really irking me) Crystal clear! They say on their site Try your luck and ring free you might get your slab, well aint it fab When everything goes just right But the guy for whom it goes wrong Gets to send it right back along Applied credit? You can forget it! After a TAT that long And yet all continue to sub Sending books off to the ring club Cross your fingers, will the rings linger? Aye laddie, there’s the rub
  8. Indeed, hence my question mark. No idea on numbers myself. Maybe it's a drop in the ocean. Maybe the TATs are suffering due to all the returns. Yep. The gimmicks are likely just salt in the wounds of the aggrieved. Get the basics right first, eh...
  9. Yes, that too. Gloucester is quite shy but double Gloucestershire. After, cook some hallumi and eat it in massive chunks Jim. Hallo hallumi.
  10. If you search ebay in inverted commas, i.e. "quarter books" that narrows the field Ryan:
  11. I had Tom Jones songs in my head for 3 weeks solid once. The doctor said "don't worry, it's not unusual"
  12. Roger that Rakehell. Spectacular Spider-Man #53 is another pence copy that always seems to have a dirty cover: Very difficult to find a clean one
  13. I pushed the Charlton pence numbers through some sophisticated value assessment algorithms and they delivered the result I more or less expected Pete: "Pence Charltons are worth f all". Monetarily, of course...
  14. The ring-free product is excellent, but that is no comfort to the small minority (?) of people that receive the faulty product. We all understand the economics and business strategy I think. Some of us however think that CGC could do so much more for the customers they let down, i.e. those that receive slabs marred by rings, often having waited an age to get them in the first place. If they treated those customers better, say by not having the front line try to fob them off and by offering cash compensation (not credit), their reputation could improve immeasurably. Any company can find itself with problems. It's how they deal with them that defines them. That last bit sounded a bit Batmany didn't it.
  15. They are. I work for an animal charity and some of the stuff the welfare girls see / tell me is pretty grim. It does make you feel that way sometimes, yes.
  16. Maybe Vader turning away from the dark side and back to his son was the salient point. It stands as its own meaningful event whether Palpatine bought it or not. Ditto Luke refusing to turn. Father / son victory regardless.
  17. The truth will likely be somewhere in the middle. We'll soon find out.
  18. Pence copies, error copies, price variants, post cards. No body gives a damn about King Comics. I don't understand it.
  19. A question I ask myself most days lately it seems Yes. It happens too often to be coincidence. All the people you've lost, all the animals you miss, they are all waiting for you in the next phase. We all meet up again, have a laugh and then have another go somewhere else.
  20. Anyway, this is supposed to be a positive thread to make CG better. So here's an insanely rare price variant and his regular priced cousin But which is the PV I wonder....?