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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I've stated my dislike of the new fangled CGC picture labels a few times, but I have to say this one looks less offensive (spotted on the bay): They're not too bad on moderns I suppose, as they kind of match the cover artwork, but I still don't like them on the oldies I see CGC have not commented on the 'N4' written in pen on this one too (which we know all about now):
  2. Afternoon I'm still in two minds about this Beatles copy (I posted it earlier in the thread) and whether it should be included in the Dell Giant UKPV numbers. Sitting way outside the defined date range as it does it just doesn't feel right at the moment so I'm going to exclude it until I hold a copy in my hands, compare it to the US cents copy and decide on its concurrency (of printing): One thing I missed last time is the CGC label's use of the word 'frontispiece'. Whatispiece? I've never heard that word before in all my comic years. "Frontispiece"!
  3. Hello In the first few weeks of the new year I decided to revisit my Marvel pence research files which I had left resting in relative peace while I focused on building up the other six (DC, Charlton, Dell etc). Marvel was my first pence thread here and it seems to have been the most popular if views and interaction are anything to go by. Perhaps this is just a reflection of collector’s general preference for Marvel Comics over pretty much all other publishers? Who knows. Ask him, next time you see him. Her? Actually, no. Him. Despite mining what I thought was every conceivable commentable aspect of the 3,019 confirmed books’ existence over the last three years I discovered that I’d forgotten that there were still several elements of my work outstanding that I had parked to finish another day. Accordingly, and buoyed by the enthusiastic feeling of renewal that only a new year can bring, I set to work and embarked on a massive clean up exercise that resulted in a comprehensive overhaul of all 15 of my ongoing research threads (which is probably why you haven’t seen me for a while). It’s funny how new things jump out at you when you look at them for the first time in a long time, especially when you have learned to look at new things in new ways via other research strand activities. And so it was with Marvel. The great news, aside of what I gleaned from my file refresh, was the arrival of a new pence book that my US Price Font Research told me could – nay would – one day surface as a pence copy. I’ll post more about that aspect in the font thread later, but here it is at last, the only book on my Marvel pence wants list to rival Wyatt Earp #29 (see earlier posts) – it’s Battle #70! Yay! Again, yay! There’s a funny story about how it came to be with me which I’ll tell another time but my God in Heaven, isn’t she nice. So good to see her finally appear. If we look inside we see she's a Porter. There was an outside chance she'd be a Miller, given the Miller appearance in Amazing Adventures, but a Porter she be: Battle #70 leaps straight into the ‘First 20 Marvel UKPV’ list and pushes out Journey into Mystery #62 in the process. Here’s the revised list: I've got eighteen of the top 20 now and will post a gathering picture later. They look very happy together I tell you. Battle #70 also takes us up to what I believe will be a final total of 3,020 Marvel UKPVs. I am not expecting any more to appear based on my years of research – Battle #70 was the last one. As well as increasing the final UKPV total to 3,020, I have also finally gotten around to adding the non-UKPV Marvel Annual and Giant Size titles to the overall copy list. In my previous postings I have listed the total number of Marvel comics published between the UKPV dates of May 1960 and December 1981 as 6,546. With the addition of the 32 additional annual titles with no UKPVs (adding 95 issues), the additional annual numbers for those titles that do have them, and 28 giant-sized titles (adding a further 72 issues) that number now increases to 6,743. The overall title list rises from 200 to 259 with the UKPV titles rising by one to 119 as a result of our Battle #70. I’m always happy to be proven wrong, but I do not believe I have missed any titles or issues in this refresh and I therefore expect these figures to stay / remain accurate. To confirm, these are the figures for all comic size books - regular size, annuals, double size, giant size etc. As long as the cover dimensions are that of a standard comic, they are included. Only over-sized books are excluded, i.e. Treasury Editions and Magazine titles. The final figures for Marvel should therefore be: 3,020 confirmed UKPVs from a possible 6,743 eligible US editions 119 titles with one or more UKPV confirmed from a possible 259 eligible US titles I will be placing updated lists over at Molar’s and I’m sure if anyone reading spots an error or any omissions, they’ll dive in (I always enjoy it when they do to be honest – it means more comics to analyse!) The eagle eyed among you may have spotted Patsy & Hedy #70 in the Top 20 table above – this is another book I’ve been waiting on for a very long time and I’m pleased she finally turned up too: It's a T&P indicia again – I have added this one and Battle #70 to my T&P Research Summary which you can find in my Journal. Here's the updated page for the Period 1 indicias: One last thing, as if that all wasn’t enough, whilst scrolling the updated master list a thought occurred as to why Marvel Team-Up #81 has always been missing its pence copy while Marvel Super Heroes #80 was always a rather a solitary pence copy: Hmmmm. Now, do you think the printer could have made a mistake that month and selected the wrong title…..? See ya!
  4. Hello Here's a thread in which I, sorry, Marwood will be posting 'general things of interest' which don't fit into any of our other existing pence / research threads. We're pitching up in Comics General, but there will be stuff from all eras. You could say "We're all eras" - ha ha ha! Shut up. Anyway, the first entry is this rather impressive looking Golden Age book from 1945 which we snaggled in a downtrodden lot of majesty t'other day: Apart from the great cover, and the absence of the top right corner due, presumably, to a hungry field mouse, we like the one shilling price sticker from 'Dells'. Do you think it's too late to return it for our half price refund? There's one on the back too. A shilling I mean. Or should that be 'we' mean? This is going to be hard to maintain. And who wouldn't want a three and a half foot telescope? Imagine what you could see with one that big. Look at the size of my telescope missus! See you next time
  5. Great thread Doctor! (and avatar). This place could always do with a little more Charlton. I'll be respectful of your title dates however, and hold off posting any more of my silver age lot!
  6. That is such a good one. Looks like the same fella doesn't it
  7. Hello Glitch, this is a local Australian reprint from the 1970's by the Yaffa group. You can see it on the GCD here: https://www.comics.org/issue/1052033/ They come up from time to time on eBay Australia: https://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_odkw=marvel+comic&LH_PrefLoc=1&_osacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=yaffa+iron+man&_sacat=0 Nice book
  8. I've lost count, trying to keep everything in order. Maybe I inherited, this hardening of the categories....
  9. Ahhhh. Look at that. Love Diary. What a nice comic. Nothing brash. No explosions or fighting. Just four sweet, gentle stories of love. A different time, a more innocent age. Let's see what we've got: "Going Steady" - a sweet tale of two young kids starting out together, and learning how to slow down and 'keep things going' "Wild, Wonderful Dream" - the story of one girls rather moist dream of her first night out with that 'dangerous' one from high school "Happy Ending" - the story of one young lad discovering what that post massage 'additional service' he'd been hearing about actually comprised "Ring of Fear" - the story of one girls apprehension at the thought of her man 'pulling into Paddington' as opposed to Charing Cross, the station she was most accustomed to Yes. Lovely, sweet comics See ya.
  10. Cor, that was it. My brother said he spoke to Anthony and told him he'd like to be a Jedi. He was a nice bloke. I can't remember why I didn't go up with him to get something signed too. Anyway, Bob, Maurice, you two might like this thread from a while back: @Gnasher @tv horror Have a great Christmas if I don't catch you before
  11. Not heard of that one Maurice, no. Or at least I don't remember it. There were some great shops back in the day. And as for mail order, blimey did I spend a fortune with some of them!
  12. It sure does @gth_09 ! The GCD date sits outside of my current research so that is very interesting, thank you (any chance of a shot of the indicia page?) I'm not sure why I didn't get the flag to say you had posted so sorry for not responding sooner. I'm due a refresh of the current Dell pence position as it goes. Here's another new one, Four Color #1134, which I forgot to bid on recently: These two bring us up to 215 confirmed pence copies now. Thanks again gth_09 for posting your find
  13. Yep. I loved it when it was a 'proper' comic shop. I remember buying issue #1 of Doctor Who Bulletin there for 45p while my brother queued up to see Anthony Daniels who was doing a signing. In those days you could walk to quite a few comic shops in a small area. I think it was around 1989 that I went into Gosh in it's former site opposite the museum and found a load of early ASMs under #100. They ranged from 70p to as much as £4 for the decent ones (like ASM #50!). I bought about 20 and that kick started what was to become the second of my three ASM collecting waves down the years. There was a small shop down an alley near FP. I always forget what it was called, but I remember selling the bloke there a load of my Doctor Who memorabilia. Tons of the stuff I had. I did it over three weeks on Saturdays and probably got a pittance. On the fourth visit or so, he had a go at me for not leaving my bag at the counter. Even as a young kid, I was amazed that someone who had spent weeks buying your stuff could be so thoughtless. I don't think I went there again after that. I know it's silly and time moves on, but I really do lament the loss of the hobby as it was. People aside, I think comics are the only thing that I have loved all my life, along with music. To see both hobbies dying out hasn't been a great source of joy. It's a bit like losing a loved one. You can't quite believe that you cant go and see them anymore. The don't exist anywhere. And that is how it is now, largely, for most of the things that have made up my life's interests.
  14. Not really. Too identifiable for his previous roles for me to believe in him here. Heck, they may as well cast Adrian Edmondson as a Captain on one of the Star Destroyers! Hang on...
  15. Very kind. I sense a collective sigh of 'oh, not again' whenever I post it, but there's more such pricing shenanigans here Mr Spider-Woman: I do like 'Mr Spider-Woman' as a board name by the way if I haven't mentioned it before Mr Spider-Woman. I remember my niece saying to me once "You be Spider-Man and I'll be Spider-Man-Girl"
  16. Yes, The Force Awakens was curiously bland and is the one of the three that I wouldn't go out of my way to watch again. The other two, though they weren't what I was hoping for, have enough in them to make me want to watch them again. The good in them was really good, the bad was terrible. That kind of thing.
  17. Cor. What would we give to be back there now eh, in a time when pretty much every town had a comic shop of some sort. Ditto records. Ditto books...
  18. We're all Andru'd out Reg. Waiting for your next then and now picture...