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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Six is a reprint of five! Which is probably why the reprinted six has five on the spine. Probably! See you next time
  2. Very good Jim. That's the French-Canadian in you coming out there I think Now, still on the theme of war, here's a reprint from everyone's favourite UK reprinter, Lenny Miller and his Co.: There's a number six on the cover, and a number five on the spine. There's a number two in the loo, but that's not important right now (although they also often strike by night) Now, who's going to be first to post a picture of the US original comic that it reprints? Hurry up though, I ain't got all fing night
  3. Cheers Bob. I've got quite a few images of various copies, including internals, in the files. I'd like to hold a copy in my hand though to compare paper stock etc. Just need a low grade low priced copy to surface! Wasn't it a Davison episode of Doctor Who?
  4. Groan. On a sliding punometer scale of one to ten, one being awful and ten being great, that was a Maurice.
  5. Judge not lest ye raise your website prices 60% before introducing a 60% codeword sale.
  6. Better the Bahookie Bandit than the Frontispiece Feeler Jim
  7. Yes, I was looking forward to Bradley Walsh who was excellent in our version of Law and Order. He's had virtually nothing to do. Chibnall doesn't have any flair for sci-fi, clearly. Bit of a problem, but my hope was that his skills in putting dramas like Broadchurch together would perhaps result in some serious drama in Who. Maybe Jodie would be a studious, serious Doctor and we'd get some strong drama. But Chibnall can't even create a believable scene, let alone deliver any drama. His Doctor, so far, is oddly devoid of any discernible personality. Just frantic chatter. No mystery, no depth. The lines he gave the Master were so bland they made me want to tear my eyes out. Or ears off, which would probably be more beneficial. Oh it's all so bloody disappointing.
  8. Cool aren't they. Those Dells look tempting. I may have to adjust my variant antennae as it goes off every time I look at one (must.....resisist....too hard.....to find...)
  9. Chibnall is such a lazy writer. In the first 10 minutes of the season opener we have all the companions going around telling everyone they're going to be 'away for a while' again. Because let's face it, you could never just come back to the time you left could you! You'd need a time machine to do that! Heh, hang on. And then we have the high comedy of the Whitterer, once again in man goggles, fixing the Tardis by popping it up on a car garage lift and pulling all the wires out the bottom. Now, potential comic effect aside, albeit Chibbers delivered none, that's not really how the Tardis works I fear. I remember Matt Smith suspended below the Tardis console, fixing stuff. Inside. That worked well. I wonder why Chibbers forgot that. Then, later, the 'authorities', having whisked the Whitterer away, pop all the wires back in, seal the bottom and move the Tardis to Frys residence. As you do. What rot. What flimsy, disrespectful story telling. If Moffat had done that garage scene there would at least have been some quipery and explanatory banter. "So, you can open the bottom now. How does that work?" I can imagine Clara saying. To which the Doctor would reply....... Thank God Capaldi got out before he could have any of Chibbers banality rammed down his throat. His idea of quirky is to give the Doctor constant stream of consciousness speeches of nothing. "Ooh, is this a cat, cats are cool, I like cats, do you like cats, cats make tea on Wednesdays blah blah blah" delivered at a frantic speed of annoyance. Ok, I made that quote up but it's pretty accurate I'm sorry to say. Bad showrunner. Bad acting. Bad scripts. Bad stories. Bad observance of history. Bad theme. Bad everything it seems. Look back at Capaldi's exit, how he was feeling. His pleading with both Masters. Look at how they responded, their dialogue. Tell me where those people went, and who these current imposters are.
  10. Capaldi's ratings were ok. Easily the best Doctor in my view, he suffered a little in the public's gaze by being introduced as a little too cranky by Moffat. A shame, given his obvious warmth which came out later in his run. But the quality of writing, story planning and scripts were largely excellent for him under Moffat who, whilst not perfect, was crackingly witty and intelligent. The current lot are a perfect storm of inadequacy. Chibnall is Enid Blyton to Moffat's Shakespeare.
  11. How did I not see that! I was so focused on the cropped image that I didn't notice the other blokes either side. What a pillock That'll learn me.
  12. Indeed. Simpler times, but I have fond memories of that period...
  13. Go on then, one more for today Do you ever get a book that you can't find a previous sale price on anywhere? Here is such a book: I do like that logo with its reverse red and yellow thing going on. Very bold. The poor chap below it looks like he's been in the wars though. Oh, hang on, he has. Is should I say. Was I mean. And is that a gun holster or a man in the distance standing in the entrance to a cave? That's some subliminal message thing, surely.... Anyway, it's a nice looking book this and is on tonight's reading pile. See you next time
  14. Evening all I occasionally mention my Charlton 15 cent variant pursuits in this thread even though it's a pence one. I've hived them off in my research files now and they have their own whizzy new spreadsheet which looks like this: To recap, Charlton 15cvs exist for two months - March and April 1962 with eight found for March and two for April - ten confirmed in total of a maximum of 41 issues present for those two months (that was a mouthful ). Anyway, I noticed when plotting the books that all the regular priced March 1962 issues are priced at 10 cents. For April, 13 of the 21 available issues have a regular price increase to 12c. The other 8 stay at 10c. The two April 15cvs that I have found are for 10c regular priced issues. So I wondered if this would mean that only 10c regular priced books would yield a 15c variant? Only time will tell of course, but an interesting possibility I thought. And, clearly, 15c was considered too high as the books settled on a 12c regular price. Odd to increase the prices in April to 12c though at the same time as a 15c pricing experiment was in train?* *assuming it was one of course...
  15. I picked up a 9d pence copy of Battle #70 this week (June 1960, the final issue in the title), the last comic that could possibly turn out to have an L Miller indicia. The discovery of Miller indicias in 'Amazing Adventures' put paid to my long held original theory that Miller only picked up westerns. So there was a chance that Battle could have had one - but it was a Thorpe & Porter, as expected: That virtually concludes the Miller position now - I do not expect any more titles or issues to materialise (apart from the ever reluctant Gunsmoke Western #61 and Two-Gun Kid #58): So five titles it will remain, with 24 confirmed of 26 in scope issues. Someone had to do it....
  16. Afternoon I was delighted to welcome Battle #70 into the pence fold this week - you can read all about it here: Hello Battle #70 9d I knew a pence copy of Battle #70 would exist because of the issues US price font variation scenario: So it was nice to be proven right for once I'm not expecting any more USPFs to materialise now - 13 seems to be it - and the Battle #70 concludes the pence issue possibilities. All good fun
  17. I saw this on eBay recently - I had it on my wall as a kid Cost a packet for one roll as I recall... Hopefully I've proven my Whovian credentials via this thread and others. It gives me no pleasure at all to say that I actually couldn't watch the new series and turned off 15 minutes into the first episode. I was prepared to give it a go, encouraged by the general 'return to normality' advance news but oh dear what have they done to it. There may indeed be a return to the history of the show (I watched the last ten minutes on catch up) but I tried the second episode and felt the same. I'm not going to do a blow by blow assessment but will say that the characterisation just doesn't work for me. I see people calling themselves the Doctor, Master etc but I don't recognise them. I just cannot see any link to their previous incarnations and the words that come out of their mouths just do not ring true. The companions have nothing of interest about them, struggling as they do to find any airtime in a cramped cast. This is and always has been my favourite show so I'm gutted really. But I have no confidence in the current production team, cast and writers so will have to wait for them to move on to see if things can recover. Such a shame.
  18. You should try being an underqualified one Glad to see you back bc