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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. Thanks for the clarification. I don't like the increase, no. Some of the art looks lovely in its way, and would be nice as a poster or print, but I don't think it's art that sits well with the medium myself.
  2. Is it though? Aren't we, the participating members, the real owners? We put 99% of the content up. Mostly carp I grant you, but do you see my point?
  3. Not uncommon, and nothing to take personally. Admin are stretched, hence all the rambling in this thread! And they don't work weekends
  4. Whoops, I didn't stick to that did I. Anyway, @FSF, your thread has taken off good and proper. Be pleased! And do come back and give us your thoughts
  5. No, he's still about. I was told dena is the first point of call now in admin for routine stuff.
  6. No worries. If you need to know how to do anything, drop a question and I or others will help. The new place takes a bit of getting used to, but it's worth it once you've mastered the software.
  7. Serious answer? Dunno Yeah, that's what Bababooey was saying earlier. Some characters only work on the page don't they. And I can't see how any superhero could maintain a secret identity in the modern world. Comics were of their time. Agreed. Variants just feel like blatant money making schemes to me, often with little artistic merit. 49 ASM v3 relaunch covers anyone? 47 suck.
  8. Then you are not welcome here! Only kidding, fill one of these in and they'll merge you back to your old self https://www.cgccomics.com/boards/forum/80-account-merge-requests/ Or send Scott or Dena a pm.
  9. See, while I can see that that is a good piece of art, perfectly well rendered, to me it has nothing to do with the comic. That's not how I see Felicia in my mind. That's just someone who has painted a picture of a good looking woman in a semi pornographic pose, and stuck Black Cats mask on her. So I hate it, really, as it has no place being on the comic. No connection.
  10. I mentioned some posts back how I thought that Charlotte Ritchie was a better actress than Jodie (in the New Year special) and that she would likely have been a better choice for the Doctor. Since then, she's been turning up in everything. An unknown, with talent, emerging to become a household name. I understand that Chibbers only went for Jodie after Olivia Coleman, the only other actress he's ever worked with on Broadchurch, turned him down. Good for Charlotte I suppose, that she was never in the running. Being saddled with Chibnall Who would likely have killed the flourish.
  11. I do. I think most members do actually. But I also like, occasionally, to test the appetite to have some of them removed. The obstacles that is. Only one way to find out...
  12. Can I play Chuck? The value is simple for me - interaction with other people. If I post something, and someone interacts, I enjoy that, and usually regardless of how they respond. They have to be pretty unpleasant, or wholly unfair, for me to really take real offence. I joined to interact with people with whom I have a shared interest - a love of comics. I like to share my thoughts and research, and get feedback on it. I also like to have a bit of fun, play devils advocate, and make suggestions as to how things could be better here. It's all done with a good spirit, I like to think. But if I do all that, and get no reaction, no interaction, then there is no value for me. It's like standing in a crowd of people in a pub and everything you say they ignore. No fun. So interaction, surely, is why we are all here. No one wants to post in a vacuum, do they? Having established that, there has to be a level playing field. If things are seen to be unfair, then that doesn't promote value. If someone posts extensive detailed information about comics and gets their due reward for it from those that appreciate it - thanks, recognition, respect, input - that's all good. But if they then fall victim of what I would call a 'hunting with the hounds' scenario whereby a few people who disagree with them chase them down constantly leading to increased moderation activity, then that is not fair. There are clear patterns of activity which result in threads being locked etc, and moderation and admin appear to do nothing constructive about it. So we have the perception that the playing field isn't fair. I will continue to post while I enjoy doing so, and feel that I am being treated fairly in the process. If people stop interacting with me, or the 'powers that be' treat me unfairly, I may stop one day (stop now! the masses cry!). It won't be the end of the world, just a personal choice. Or, they enjoy it (the interaction) but the failures of moderation swing the balance away from them staying. They must do. Who would do this for nothing?! Correct me someone of I'm wrong, but I presume CGC contract out the moderation and administration of this site to third parties. The mods, Arch, Scott etc are not CGC staff, correct? So if they are paid to provide a skeleton / minimum service, this is what we get. It's not their fault if so. How much better would it be to have a full time person(s) with a deep understanding of comics, conflict resolution, people management, procedures, problem solving etc, paid for by a subscription. Tailor the site to its audience, not the other way around. Work with the members, not in isolation of them. Look at what Brittany does for the CGC brand - she creates more positivity than the average ten people and makes people feel that their views are important. Imagine a similar person running these boards on a daily basis. Imagine someone with vision, who could take the board forward into new territories - eat into the GCDs space maybe, a proper selling function. So Rock's notion earlier is correct - the only way to make such a thing happen would be to write to CGC leadership team direct, not the mods / admin. In my experience in life, the people at the top often don't know what is going on as the people in the middle don't tell them what the people at the bottom are saying / feeling. I'm not saying that's the case here, but I can say that whenever I contact CGC direct, they answer.
  13. I agree. This does link in a little to the spirit of my post, the old school charm vs the more modern realism. Some comic characters don't translate well into reality. They look, frankly, silly. So ultra realism may be at odds with the original medium. Yes, they all seem to use the same models as reference points don't they! Anyway, I'll keep quiet until FSF frames his question a little clearer, maybe with some pictorial examples and his own initial guiding thoughts.
  14. Ah, sorry, I misunderstood where you were going with it. Put me on the right track?
  15. Great art is great art. Some of the covers are beautiful, and would look good framed or as a print. That said, I find that they somehow detract from the contents though, as they stand alone from it, unconnected. If I see a comic with a key scene from the book, I may go "Wow, Spidey gets unmasked in this one", or "Spidey fights the Hulk in this one, I've got to buy this!". Or at least would have as a kid. If I see an - admittedly - beautifully drawn 'pose' cover, the only reason I would want that is because the cover looked nice (unless I was a run collector, or a fan of the cover artist). So if the only reason I want it is because the cover looks nice, then the comic has become secondary to the cover. Personally, and at the risk of sounding like one of those 'tired old guys', I prefer comics that look like this... ...to ones that look like this (alright, I know it's a variant): That's just a personal preference though. My own view is that comics have evolved - they are no longer what they were and have become to a degree showcases for certain 'hot' artists work. I used to collect ASM, and there was a spell where every cover was just Spidey in a pose. Nothing connected to the story. So I have no idea now, what the comic contains. Here's what I mean - five consecutive issues that tell me nothing: Now, I know what happens in these ones... But they do seem 'old fashioned' now don't they? Maybe that is because comics have moved on. It's a matter of personal preference whether they are better, worse, or just different now. And my preference, whilst I can appreciate a lovely piece of unconnected art, is that the old books with their story telling narrative / key event cover spoilers, are more in line with a medium that makes sense. That is, to tell a story and to entice the buyer to want to read it.