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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I was looking at this again the other day and noticed that the 'pence' AF15 in the image above has the interior of Marvel Tales #1. I lifted the image from Google, just to show the indicia difference and didn't spot it the first time. Someone was a bit naughty there wasn't they!
  2. Excellent! I always loved the web pull punch on Gobby and the Flash out the window scene. He was at the height of his powers here I think, Ross. Going to have to read them again now!
  3. Thanks Nes! That ID4 is cool isn't it. I've added it to the list. I had all the others that you posted, but nice to see them again anyway. I'm up to 835 issues across 82 titles now. I'll post a full summary soon. Cheers
  4. It's looking like 6 variants (3 x $2.29 and 3 x $2.49) will be the maximum per title isn't it:
  5. This is a good thread. I have a newsstand related question which I hope one of you may be able to answer. The answer will have a bearing on the Newsstand vs Direct percentages for certain titles. I'm currently compiling a list of the Australian newsstand price variants for Marvel. Despite having dodgy eyes, I can spot them fairly easily on eBay because: They all have a barcode UPC, being newsstand only editions They do not have the 'CC' Curtis Circulation mark in the price box as their US counterparts do To illustrate, a US newsstand ASM #341 and an Australian: You can see both have a newsstand barcode UPC, and the AUS copy does not have the 'CC' lettering in the price box. So this is how I spot them easily on eBay without having to open every listing - a small blob in the price box tells me it will be a US copy when I open it up, the absence of the blob means it's an AUS copy. There are other ways to spot them too, but that one works well. During my research, I've found a number of titles that do not have AUS copies. One of them is 'Marc Spector: Moon Knight'. The reason for the post here, is that when I see a copy on eBay with a newsstand barcode UPC, I don't see the 'CC' blob, so I open it thinking it will be an AUS copy. It never is. Look further, and you will see that there do not appear to be any 'Direct Editions' for Moon Knight between issues 8 and 28? Take a look at these three mock ups: The ASM #330 above has the three elements which define it as a Direct Edition - picture UPC, UK price and no 'CC' in the price box. The ASM #330 above has the three elements which define it as a Newsstand Edition - barcode UPC, no UK price and 'CC' in the price box. So now look at the Moon knight from the same month: Is it a newsstand edition with a Direct Edition price box or vice versa? Which of the two elements determines it's edition type? All issues of the title between 8 and 28 seem to have only this one edition type: I haven't found a single copy on ebay other than those you see in the picture above. There is a similar situation going on with Alpha Flight - example below: Is that a newsstand or a Direct Edition? And why only one edition type for this issue? Is this news to anyone or am I missing something obvious? I couldn't find any mention of it online. There are no AUS copies of Alpha Flight and no AUS copies of Moon Knight. Could the 'single edition' scenario be the reason? Any thoughts appreciated
  6. I do like Divad's new avatar I have to say. Very nice it looks
  7. Nice. I'd post in this thread more often but it always takes an age to load.
  8. Looks like the book spent some time sitting under another book with a rusty staple and it's bled into it.
  9. Holy Batawang! Pull my trigger, Boy Wonder
  10. Does anybody know what this thread is about? Rare DC collectibles, lighters with Marvel characters on them, advertising, Kilmer Lips Batman, the bloke from that horror film trying not to throw up. What next - Barry Manilow's greatest hits? Bring on the dancing horses!
  11. Not at all. Glad of the discussion. Watch Capaldi's last two seasons if you can. Avoid the Chibnall / Whitterer show like you would a plague of anus eating locust though.
  12. I'm not sure, but there's definitely bolics in there somewhere. I'd take piano playing over popularity any day. Look at Barry Manilow. He stayed at the Copa, Copa Cobana, the whatever he says north of Havana, and still lived to see off the Bermuda Triangle (don't go too near, don't go too near). And people saw it from his angle. Your Mum was just acting on a premonition that a terrible Lantern film would hit in the 21st century and was just doing her bit to disencourage it. Remember: Everything is easy.
  13. I think he meant Bill Potts as we were talking Capaldi time. Clara was my favourite, clever and witty. The sort of companion you could watch handle an episode on their own. Then Rose and Amy. Bill didn't seem to make a mark. All over too quick to leave a lasting impression. Donna was annoying. Martha was forgettable. Rory was Amy's companion really. Along for the ride. As for the new lot, the 'fam', here's my ratings out of 10: Graham - 2 Yaz - 3 Ryan - 0 Ryan's Dad - minus 2 Fat nan - minus three billion
  14. Bill Potts? There were great, good and not so good episodes in season 10. A typical Who season. Looking back, I didn't realise quite how good Moffat was until Chibnall took over. For me, as I've said already, Capaldi was the Doctor so I could enjoy even the worst episodes. I take your point about the re using of old enemies, but I found some of them to be the best I'd seen. The Bill turned into a Cyberman was a classic and made them scary again. Missy as the Master reinvigorated the character (in stark contrast to Jodie). Not season 10, but the Davros season 9 opener was also classic I thought. Cracking dialogue. Didn't like the preachy Zygon one though. Chibbers was on his way to a reinvention of the Daleks with an interesting premise full of initial promise. Then Whitterer arrived and mucked it all up.
  15. Nice one. Sorry, two! And from a Whovian to boot!
  16. Never. They don't know we exist Glassman, along with the rest of planet Earth it would seem. Now, I'll answer your three questions from the perspective of the aforeposted Konga #14 Nothing. Yes. Yesterday it was minus ten pence. It's the comic version of celery, where you lose weight by eating it. That made no sense, did it. No. Or pressed, cleaned, conserved. Leave the f****** thing alone.
  17. I won £4.25 and it's got the original gift too. Kerr Avon was a great creation wasn't he. A true one off. One of those rare occasions where the character just works. I loved that show. And how great that it actually ended with them all dying. No happy endings for the crew of the Liberator. Or Scorpio, wasn't it, at the end. As naff as it undoubtedly was, I felt Avon's pain at the end when he realised Blake had sold him out. Sold him out. That was a very real scene for me. I liked that it ended that way. But I'm sad that the creation that was Avon never went any further. Did he die too at the end? Or did Servalan shoot the guards, and they run off together. I like that we don't know. Or do we? Anyway, a bit off topic there, sorry. So where were we? Oh, thats right. Jodie Whitterer's Doctor? Rubbish. Absolute rubbish.
  18. I've just realised that story wasn't feel good! Sorry. Here's a feel good one. I sold all my comics at 17, including an AF15, for reasons unsound. Some years pass, and I'm in London. I find Gosh Comics, then in its old location, and go in. They have a near full run of ASM in from number 50 up, priced at 70p to £1.20 each. The desire to buy smashes me in the face, and I buy about 30 issues, around the #70 up mark. Probably fine to VFN looking back. I remember leaving #50 because it was about £3 which was outrageous! I reconnected with comics that day, and never really looked back. I've always thought, if you love comics, you do so for life. You can have breaks, sometimes for years, but you always return. There, that one had a happy ending
  19. I was just going through eBay, looking at old Doctor Who stuff. Do you ever do that, and find stuff you used to have and had forgotten about? That flash of remembrance? "I had that!" It's bittersweet. You remember how it was back then, and you wish you could go back. For some unearthly reason I'm about to bid on a Blakes Seven Monthly #1, which I used to have, and have no good reason to want now. Nostalgia is a powerful force isn't it.
  20. How does it end then Andy? Is there a twist and it turns out his wife has been beating the living daylights out of him?