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Get Marwood & I

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  1. Not hot toddy. Shoddy Toddy toddy. I don't like him.
  2. Afternoon. Reeling from the humiliation of a single solitary 'like' for our last pence existence pontification post (thank you, at least, to The King of Australia), Marwood and I decided to take a trip to the London Comic Fair yesterday in an attempt to soothe our battered egos. We left Sparky behind, for no other reason than we despise him and his flagrant ways. He dropped a quite awful fart as we left to evidence his disdain, the odour of which travelled unforgivingly to Marwood's man bag (and stayed there). He wasn't best pleased. The last time we went to the LCF, we were greeted by an abomination of building works as we exited Baker Street station. This time was no different, work in Londinium moves at a crows pace, but we took this sign as a favourable portent for the adventure to come: As is his wont, Marwood insisted on a Ronny bag of doom. I like a well balanced breakfast myself but there was no denying the cretin so in we went to make our purchase. We were faced with automation of course - no corner of civilisation has managed to resist it - and were forced to order from a technologically challenging automated monolith. Personally, I prefer Dave or Tracey to serve me. We were lucky enough to be number twenty two, which Marwood remarked was highly appropriate given that we were likely about to eat two of them. Number two's that is. As we waited, and waited, and waited, Marwood compiled a fictional Project Managers to do list for the said automative delivery: New ordering technology - check Connection of new technology to counter - check Huge advertising campaign - check Additional printer rolls - check Staff training - check Live testing - check Someone to cook the burgers - DAMN! After enough time had elapsed to renegotiate the Lisbon Treaty, we slunk off to the park to have a bite. Marwood's man bag was a fitting companion to the Ronny bag. Both looked horrible. The park looked its usual lovely self however. And we wondered who Gordon might have been, and what the secret to his happiness was: Mr Friendly Crow was absent without leave. But his close friend Bobbin Robin popped by to say hello: Apparently, MFC had decided to elope with a pigeon and was currently being smuggled out of the country by Wattoo Wattoo (who heard their call). The gardens were looking well tended to, give or take a few autumn looking leaves which had turned to the colour of her hair. A circle in a spiral - you get the drift. Dexter burgers were still on the menu, but no sign of Michael C this time: "I forgot to bring the cash" said Marwood. "Never mind", I said. "We'll draw some out of the cash point": Barclays, thy name is poo. On the route, we pondered what kind of shop would have a window display like this: I won't tell you Marwood said, but suffice to say it involved childishness and depravity. We pass Harley Street, famous for its various physicians and the like. I'm reminded of my last 'official' visit there for a colonoscopy. I wasn't fully sedated, and could watch the proceedings on a screen. It's not everyone who gets to look up their own backside in life and I was reminded of the opening credits to Doctor (appropriately enough) Who: Can't think why. A good few asteroids up there there was too. A short trip down the road and we discover where Chuck lives: Marwood suggests we knock and tell him that the woman who makes the Star Wars films is rubbish, but we think better of it, having only 185 hours left at our disposal to debate the likely response. @Chuck Gower Some of the architecture in Londinium is a wonder to behold. We stop and stare at the intricacy, the mastery, the sheer beauty in this following picture: But look, who doesn't love a red phone box? There's a church in the background too, if you care to look. And we're there! There's always some debacle on arrival and this time is no exception. They've forgotten the wrist bands, so can't confirm who had paid the early bird fee and who hasn't. Chaos ensues. We chuckle, as we try not to breathe in the fumes of a hundred unwashed armpits. A quick pop to the loo finds them shut. We take the advice however to use the hotels 'other facilities', and piddle in the flower pots. For some reason, this action does not go down well with the concierge. Comics! Comics! A nice set of Spidey variants, a mere £50 a pop. Apart from the £40 one that is. Comics! A nice Batman poster, next to a Ditko tribute display. £35. Marwood asks if he can have it for a fiver. The response is unfavourable, so we leg it A visit to see Golders for a quick chat about sandwiches and the top ten people on the boards who are probably certifiably insane. Golders insists I give the middle finger, and I oblige. In true Omen style fashion, the resulting selfie has a strange mark across my face. Very odd. Accurate though. @goldust40 'Unique but Similar'? Indeed: Sorry Kenneth, for the eye glare there. Comics! Those Campbell Spidey's do look good don't they, even if they are a shocking liberty to the one time completist. Comics! Buzzy! He gets everywhere doesn't he. On the way home we pop across to see how the new CGC offices are faring. No sign that they're there, alas: I spink we'll try again next time. So, what did we get then? Well, a nice pile of Dells, Charltons and others. You can see them in our sister pence threads elsewhere. For this Marvel thread though? Nothing new, just this pile of books for the files: Maybe see you next time? T-ra
  3. Anyway, two more new finds Bugs Bunny #75: And Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #239: ...albeit the indicia says #11 I've now got a record of 189 of (if I've done my calculations right) 424 possible issues across 40 titles: Onwards!
  4. As I mentioned in an earlier post, documenting Dells is difficult as many issues are multi-month dated copies, e.g. they have cover and / or indicia dates like 'July-September' 1961. Dell seem to be the only publisher who did this - everyone else is monthly (albeit when I come to document the Australian Marvel price variants, the bi-monthly books will be a pain). So I decided the best way (for now) to catalogue them is to record them on my spreadsheet showing the first of the noted months. So 'Have Gun Will Travel' #10 is recorded as July, as the indicia states July-September: The cover of that book says just 'September' however, so I'm not 100% satisfied and may have to start showing them on the sheet across all the months they relate to. A task for another day. Meanwhile, I haven't found a book cover / indicia dated later than 'July-September', so the spreadsheet shows July as being the final month a book appears. Four Color # 1236 (King of Kings) is the last pence priced FC I have found and that, annoyingly, has no month on the cover or indicia - it just says '1961'. GCD has the book recorded as September 1961, so that ties in with my theory that July (and by implication of the 3 month rule, September) is the last time a pence Dell appeared. Here's my copy: And inside: Still, I'm not happy with how I've recorded these - it's not clear enough - so I'm definitely going to revisit and replan. Watch this space!
  5. "Only one Mighty Mouse pence copy you say?" "Number 146 only you say?" "Up it by one Marwood, you cretin - NOW!"
  6. Walt Disney Presents was on the 'no pence copies found' title list. It's not now
  7. Look at these two two shilling lovelies! Bugs' Beach Party is a 'new' one, and brings us up to 7 confirmed Dell Pence Giants: The indicia dates are 1960 and 1961 respectively. As I collect them - I have 3 now - I will be recording the actual indicia dates, not the dates I've taken from the GCD etc. So 'Aug 61' changes to 1961 as I have them confirmed. Here are big scans:
  8. Sorry pemart1966, no, it's just a picture of them to show what the files look like. Each comic in them has been, or will be posted in time, so you're not missing out on anything (apart from in the Marvel pence thread - I cant post 3,000 pictures!)
  9. Cheers Sharon. They're scarce enough as cents copies, so I was delighted to find this pence copy. It came with a set of hens teeth!
  10. I managed to pick up a ten cent Timmy yesterday. That means I now have a full set of Timmy's: Owls about that then! Groan.
  11. Morning all. Our Katy popped in today to say hello : Aint she pretty! Katy was previously on the 'no pence book found' titles list, so she's a sight for sore eyes indeed. Here she sits, aside her American cousin, in all her 9d glory: The indicia is the same, as with the other books I have - no mention of it being an English priced copy, and no mention of the distributor (I still think it's L Miller, given all the copies I've seen with Miller cover stamps): I've opted for 'Katy Keene Comics' as the title in my folders, rather than 'The Adventures of...'. Always like to go with the indicia me. Katy has been shifted on to the front page of the spreadsheet and we now have 11 Archie titles with a pence copy / copies confirmed: The 'missing list' now looks like this: If my theory is correct, and the 25c issues did not get penced (is that a word? It is now), then only 'Jughead's Fantasy' and 'Life with Archie' may yet yield a pence book. The six month March to August 1960 window holds true, and if that turns out to be the case there could be 48 pence issues out there - 46 plus the 2 copies on the missing list. We've found 21 so far across 11 titles. I have another Pep on the way and will post that when it arrives. I may add some pep talk when I do. Groan. I know Sharon likes her Katy's - Sharon - come look at her English cousin @skypinkblu
  12. You never told us what the book was Beige? Anything exciting?
  13. If it's about pence books, it's on topic here. Let us know if you get a response Mike
  14. Doubles are cool, but in my experience these types add little additional value. I used to track all the ASM inserts including the Atari ones, but generally only MJI / NDS and Pizzazz get collectors interested. I had an ASM 96 with two NDS inserts (the lingerie ones). The only double I'd ever seen. It was low grade though. I had an ASM bagged edition (390 from memory?) with two sets of the film cells / promo comic too.
  15. My wife is supposed to be cooking ham. DR.X is psychic...especially about ham. He can sniff out a pig at a thousand paces.