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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. You have a woman's squirrel! I'll wager that squirrel has never felt the lash of wayward rigging, there broken free from its main brace!
  2. No Wyatt Earp fans in then... When I started this thread I had evidence of 362 of a possible - if I've got my sums right - 832 Charlton pence copies. They slowly trickle in, and we're now up to 377: Not sure why we needed a big 9d in ink there, given the existing 9d price box! The postie's a bit cruel here isn't he? I'm sure Pat would have broken the rules for such a pretty lady. Nice hand holding the letters too. Mr G (I can't call him by his first name here) should have trained Ditko on hands really. I've been researching Charlton pence books for quite some time now and it makes you appreciate just how uncommon they are. I've found less than half of the projected numbers despite some serious digging - 377 out of 832. You'd be forgiven for thinking that many cover dates may not exist but all the evidence indicates that they do. There are no 'consistent' date gaps like there are with Marvel. No dates stand out as being unlikely to have pence copies. So it seems it's just a case of watching and waiting. Slowly. Judging by the overall responses to my pence threads I'm assuming that I'm the only person in the world who is making the effort to record them in this way. Being a bit of a loner in general, that suits me in a way. I'd love it if a few others were as excited by all this as I am, but that's often the way it is in life and comics have always been a solitary exercise for me. I shall keep going though, and maybe one day someone will have their OMG moment, when they stumble across all this information during a google search. Dell is next. Flipping difficult to track though, given the three month cover dates. And as for Four Color, no rhyme nor reason to their date vs numbering patterns! I've made a fairly good fist of it though I think. We shall see () Anyway, I see a fish wiggling in my Archie thread - shock of shocks - so it's not all one way traffic
  3. No offence meant here, but he seems to be saying "That wasn't a fart was it....."
  4. Here's some updates following the cosmic input from @lotemo It's my rule to only include books I have evidence of, so I added the two B&V books to the chart. In doing so, I found a third online. So we're up to 18 confirmed books now The three new B&V books are 53, 54 and 55 with, hopefully, #52 to come later from lotemo: Click em to enlarge em We now have ten titles in the running: Within those ten titles, here are the issue numbers that should exist (assuming Mar-Aug 1960 cover dates only exist) and the numbers currently confirmed to exist: And here is the updated list of titles which cross the Mar-Aug 1960 dates, but have yet to yield a pence copy: I remain of the opinion that only 10c priced titles will have the 9d pence treatment, but we shall see () The Little Archie #11 that lotemo posted earlier is outside the date range and is a 25c issue so I don't expect a pence copy to exist. But it does have what looks like a Thorpe & Porter price stamp on it: One and three's pretty cool isn't it! If it is a T&P stamp, it creates doubt as to who distributed Archie during the time period here. The majority of the stamps I've seen are L Miller's. Here's hoping others dive in soon. All good fun!
  5. I'm feeling nostalgic now. I know it's bad form to blow your own trumpet, as well as being tough on the back, but this Tom Baker's pretty good isn't it? I can't believe I did that. It's all I can do to see straight nowadays, such are the dodgy old eyes... Still, nice that I can share it here over 30 years later And to prove a person is generally their own worst critic, I can still remember the bit I forgot to fill with black ink. It's in there somewhere....
  6. These never got published. Cant remember why. Things got chopped up, then never used. Tough times for the delicate teen artist
  7. I did a Stones of Blood picture back as a lad! The missing bit of the page is the K9 I posted earlier, which was swiped for the front cover
  8. +1 Often wonder how Marwood, sorry, Paul McGann would have done if: A) he'd been given more time (don't say it) B) he'd seen how it could be done. By that, I mean Tennent introduced the 'A' game. Total command of the role and screen. Brosnan said the same about Craig once - why didn't I do that? Eccleston implied similar sentiments once I believe. He didn't know what he could have done, until he saw Tennent do it. Regrets, I've had a few....
  9. You have a woman's post count! I'll wager that post count has never troubled the veterans of the seasoned c g seas! Rhubarb, rhubarb....
  10. Oh, this is brilliant @lotemo Thanks so much for dropping in with these books. Your B&Vs fit right into my suspected 6 month March - August 1960 range. Being 10c issues, I expected they may exist: Titles With No Pence Printed Price Issues Produced / Found Adventures of Little Archie #14-15 - Giant 25c issues Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #52-56 - 10c issues Archie's Pals 'n' Gals #12-13 - Giant 25c issues Jughead's Fantasy #1 - 10c issue Katy Keene #51-53 - 10c issues Katy Keene Pin-Up Parade #10-11 - Giant 25c issues Life With Archie #3 - 10c issue Please do dig out the rest and post them - I'll update the charts and do a summary post after. Its great to see that these books exist, and that they fit into my 'what exits' theories Interesting price stamp on the Little Archie too! More on that next time.
  11. But do they have the right to make those special features
  12. Sparky wasn't all bad though... Oh, Colin Baker. Right, sorry.
  13. He could be quite objectionable, yes...
  14. He did! Ah, poor old Colin. He started so brightly.... ...and ended so badly. But he gave us the cat brooch, so cements his place in Gallifreyan history
  15. I saw this low pence grade copy sell recently - £1,000 / $1300 for a 'poor' copy. What do you guys think - did someone get a bargain (it wasn't me)?
  16. A nice sale of a pence ASM #1 from 30th Century Comics website. Looking at recent prices, they may have got a bargain:
  17. No, he was great. Greater than great in fact. He brought the depth, energy and danger to the role that had only been hinted at prior (I liked where McCoy seemed to be heading pre cancellation). Eccleston just 'acted' the part. I liked him, but he was just acting. The Doctor never really developed in the original series. The charm of the lead actors carried the role. Or not. The new series brought new possibilities and started to develop the character to what we have today. I've been more than just a fan down the years. I'm interested to see how Jodie presents herself, and conveys her past in a way that works. Matt Smith managed to convey his former, bodily older selves, in a convincing way. Tom Baker was in there somewhere. I want to see how Jodie presents herself as the next step from Capaldi.
  18. I feel that way myself Batman. They're two different things really. Here's mine: Old: 1. Baker 2. Davison 3. Pertwee Baker wins on charm, Davison second as he was the doc when I really got into it. I may have imagined it, but he had hidden depths. New: 1. Capaldi 2. Smith (almost ties for first) 3. Tennent I know, I know. Recent order and all that. Capaldi is the Doctor. Matt Smith nailed old man in young body. I adored him. Tennent 'upped the game' after Eccleston's 'no idea what to do here really' year. I will always love the Tennent years. I'm sure Jodi will be great in her own way. But, despite society's attempts to tell us otherwise, men and women are different creatures. And the Doctor's a bloke.
  19. My camera work is terrible! I think I should get some Golden Age Boards though... Whaddaya think? Outer bags too big... P.S. Dena moved this thread to Silver Age for me as I started it in CG by mistake. Wonder if I'll get any interest here?