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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. See, I told you them prices were difficult to spot! 161!
  2. Hello dear reader, and welcome to the end of the world I don’t suppose you remember Wattoo Wattoo do you? No? Oh well. Wattoo was a super bird in an old imported cartoon – French made I think – that I used to watch back in the seventies when I was a young unimpressionable loner. Wattoo’s thing, as I recall, was to get himself into various scrapes and then to call out for his friends to come and help him. “They hear his call” the narrator would say... ...“and multiply into hundreds and hundreds of Wattoo’s” How nice for Wattoo, I used to ponder wistfully, to have had so many nice friends on whom he could rely. Strength in numbers Alas, the same could not be said for our old friend the curlew, as he took off on that last long, lonely voyage. Sniff. Tough watch that one. MFC watches it on youtube through gritted beak. Well, they tell me this is the Marvel Pence thread, so I suppose I better talk about them a bit for the benefit of those who have come to expect pence related updates of the Marvel kind. If you’ve been paying attention (only 9d, if you show your pass) you may recall me telling you that 'The Kid' popped in the other week to say hello after a brief 58 year absence. Kid Number 105 to be exact. After feeding, watering and trying to bag and board him (against which, I have to say, he fought with considerable gun-toting expertise) I crossed my fingers and hoped that his long lost cousin KCO 102 might also one day make an appearance. Now, there’s an old saying about buses always coming along together, but that has nothing to do with comics, and therefore has no place in this dismissive. It’s about buses, so would sit better in a bus blog. Never mix your comics with your buses my old Nan used to say. Anyway, here is the The Kid, Number 102: Yee flippin har! Nice isn’t he So we now have 3,010 of the damn things. Not bad really, for a single handed - albeit multi decade - effort. My thoughts on the missing list are well documented by now, so I won’t go into them again. Suffice to say that the discerning among you will be able to hazard a pretty good guess at the number of additional issues waiting to be discovered. Pictures like this tell a story of sorts, but all of my friends are in trouble, and there’s no need to go into that now: Hmmmm....
  3. Afternoon We're up to 375 confirmed Charlton pence variants now my fellow Pence People: I have just over 260 of them now and spent a whole day last week bagging and boarding them. I'd forgotten how much fun bagging and boarding could be - haven't had a marathon B&B session since the Spidey Completist days Here's the evidence: Apart from the sense of uniformity at the end, it's a great way to connect with your books. Here's a few of my recent additions, until I get around to continuing the full post run. Enjoy! Nice Charlton Book Alert!
  4. Cheers @nesqrick2 ! Here's the current King chart: King Comics existed between August 66 and January 68. I plotted all 7 titles then set about looking for their pence copies. The results are quite telling, and it looks very much like the King only managed four months on the pence throne - August 1967 to November 1967. I have full sets of Blondie and Mandrake, and most of the others. Not sure why Popeye has yet to get a look in? Jungle Jim missed the boat entirely and Beetle Bailey has been stuck on one copy since I began the search. Here's the books for Blondie and Mandrake. He's a fine one isn't he. And I do like a companion in a fez! (click the pics to enlarge) Poor old Beetle
  5. @Redshade @pemart1966 Hi Guys, I guess you both missed my summary a few posts back which showed a folder for Turok in my Dell research picture! As I mentioned earlier, I have been doing a little research on the Dell first printing pence variants. There's a lot of them, and I plan to do a separate thread on them at some point as I have with Marvel, DC and Charlton. If you look at this snapshot of my Dell spreadsheet you can see that I have found no pence Dells dated prior to April 1960, and none dated later than August 1961. I have plotted 37 titles (Four Color being one title) and not one of the 160 issues I have found so far exists outside of these dates: For Turok, issues 20 to 24 may exist if the date parameters I have set are correct. I have found three of them so far - 20, 21 and 24: The pence prices (9d and, later, one shilling) can be difficult to spot at times on the painted covers. You can enlarge the three pictures by clicking on them. One of the difficulties in tracking Dells is that issues have multiple months. To get around this, I log all the issues I find against whichever is the first month shown of the cover / indicia. So Turok number 25 is dated September to November, and I therefore log it against September. Because I have yet to find any title with a date beyond August 1961 my research tells me that 25 may not exist. So I would love to see it if it does. One thing I have found in my overall pence research is that gaps can be consistent. A two issue gap for one title often mirrors that of another title(s). Turok's gaps mirror other titles. So it may be that 22, 23 don't exist either (I accept it's been stated that someone has seen them, but my rule in my research is that it is unproven until evidence arrives). My Marvel and DC research are probably the most robust you will find anywhere and I have confidence in what I have stated to exist / not exist. It's too early to be saying the same for Dell (and King / Archie / Gold Key) but I can already see the familiar patterns forming and can almost say with a level of confidence where the eventual figures will take me. So do look out for the Dell thread - it's coming soon. If any more Turoks appear, I'll post them here. Do the same if you find them! Cheers, Steve
  6. We're waiting for a picture of Ken playing Diablo 3 in his pants Jim.
  7. I found a dead ant in a Gold Key Pink Panther once. Dead ant, dead ant. Dead ant, dead ant, dead ant.......
  8. @Redshade takes the credit for the T&P annuals. I'd never heard of them either. I love new discoveries
  9. Seriously, I did once receive a series of books that were covered in poo. Still, that's the Byrne runs for you.
  10. I dated Carbon once. Left footprints everywhere though so I dumped her.
  11. Now that's more like it Jim. How did you know the year? Was the 70's a vintage year for pepperoni?
  12. Ha! Barnacles! I think we all know what that means ygogolak, heh heh @Ken Aldred Psst! Ken! Ken! What's he talking about?
  13. Any bogeys though? Or pubes. Maybe a small accumulation of plankton?
  14. A pubic hair! @lizards2 has agreed to donate one of his. Thanks Mike. I didn't know lizards even had pubic hairs!
  15. Pictures or it never happened. Make sure you've got pants on though Ken, I've eaten.
  16. Being of generally unsound mind, this comment got me thinking. What is the worst thing you've ever found in a comic? I've had cigarette burns, the odd bogey and other people's names written in pen ('A Hitler' was a turn up). And I once I found the most awful art in ASM #13 volume 2. Still, that's the Byrne run for you. So, what unsolicited treats have you found in your books?
  17. "Story on page 6. Does affect story."
  18. "Portal to Dimentia 5 on page 12. Does affect story."