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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. That'd put you off your skinny frapp wouldn't it
  2. No wonder he's got white legs, he obviously doesn't get out much!
  3. I know what you mean. He was at the London Comic Fair once. You feel like you know them. I was going to ask him about pence books, as he's an advocate for them. Not sure why I didn't.
  4. Hope the barista charged him $185 for his latte.
  5. I didn't mean you directly Rock, just thinking out loud really. I think the word 'discovered' is the key here. In theory, every person who bought a copy of the very first 30 cent variant from the newsstand, and spotted the price was different, 'discovered' it. But who was the first person to bring the concept, from a comic collector community perspective, to the wider audience? A year or so ago, the board member EwanUK posted a single image of the indicia of a Marvel book showing an L Miller indicia. No one batted an eyelid. Fast forward a year, here's my thread, based on his 'discovery': In the absence of any other candidates, who 'discovered ' them? Ewan in theory, as he brought them to my attention. But look what I did since. Maybe Jon and others like him would be better to say 'promoted the wider understanding of' than 'discovered'. Maybe if we put that to them, they would
  6. Thanks for posting that FD. I don't like to see people who put lots of effort in dismissed, but I also don't think people should claim that which is not theirs to claim. Has anyone not put this to Jon? I was going to contact him myself regarding the pence related content of his work, to offer up a number of additions and corrections, if you're wondering why I'm interested.
  7. Cool, if you did say that I missed it, hence the invites. I stopped looking but maintain an interest. I'd love to hear your thoughts though, so flag me up if you ever do post anything
  8. You didn't, as far as I can tell, discover them. There's a distinct difference between "discovery" and "thorough research", right? What do you think of the 1999/2000 research by the way Rock. Given the subjects you've posted in, I always wondered why it didn't interest you enough to comment / contribute?
  9. Have you read this Ken? I'm intrigued to know how being able to see with your hand puts you in a position to take on the caped crusader? Super strength? No. Super speed? No. Mind powers? No. Stretching ability? No. See with your hands? Yes, yes I can. OK, you're in.
  10. What in the name of God is going on in this comic!
  11. I don't know Jon McClure, but I've seen his website and his article on variants and you can't doubt his interest and love for the medium. Maybe he's a great bloke. Maybe he's not. But he's had a go at documenting comic variations for people like us to read and debate. I think he may lay claim to the discovery of the 30/35cvs on the basis that they were unknown to him when he 'discovered ' them, and they were unknown to Overstreet when he contacted them. So others may have had an awareness too, but he feels he did the most to put them on the radar. Maybe that's what he means. I seem to have done 'the most' in documenting the presence of 1999/2000 Marvel newsstand price variants and L Miller Marvel UK variants but I can't claim to have discovered them as there has been an isolated reference here or there elsewhere. But, to my knowledge, I'm the only person to have 'gone to town' about them online. Doesn't history only remember the people who popularised new things Rock, rather than those who found them first, but didn't make any noise about it? Have you ever challenged Jon McClures version of events? What did he say if so?
  12. Thanks DeadOne - I think you're right here and I do honestly want good relations with the admin staff. I get a little frustrated with the open goals and think a few more attempts to score would help us all feel that things, and our opinions, mattered. Especially when the overall intent is good. Accepting that there may well be limitations, I still can't see why we can't have a decent open discussion about the state of play rather than keep glossing over it. Thanks for a gif free response - and good luck with the VCC this weekend. You put a lot of effort into it and it reflects the best of what the boards can offer.
  13. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside.... Great WiFi here. Let's see, I always liked comics as a kid. There's bound to be some great chat rooms and forums about them. Let's see..... Here we go. C, G, C. Looks promising! Lets' see what's happening here... Oh, that's handy - popular now. Nice job! Let's have a look. Oh. Which 'foot cover' do I perfer.....good grocery stores.... Tips: Take the WC threads out of the Popular Now section. Invite members to go on spelling courses.
  14. SPACE WARS! Well, issues 9 to 15 anyway. There should be 17 pence copies out there from issue 9 to 25. I've found 13 so far.... Cool, for Cats!
  15. Two! Two Pence Gorgo's courtesy of a nice #1 upgrade, ah-ha-ha-ha-hah!
  16. I don't know of any board member who disagree's with you on this Erndog. Arch has said in other threads that traffic is normal / comparative with the old boards, but this does not seem to be the case on the ground. I see what you mean about the gifs. They do get a bit tedious after a while, and I for one am going to knock them on the head now unless they make a valid point better than words can. I think what hasn't helped is Lizards did his original thread, then a second and third and I, foolishly, added a fourth. So we have 4 threads now saying the same thing. I've spoken to a few people by PM and we all agree that things feel like they are drifting here. There doesn't seem to be any focus about the place and people seem to be able to post what they like where they like. Lizards2 did his original 'this place is deader' thread in good faith. I think it was his way of showing his alarm at the tangible sense that the place is drying up. The thread went on forever and so many people chipped in. Almost without exception, their comments supported the notion that we were in trouble. What didn't happen though - and this is the key point for me - is that no one in authority took the comments seriously. Arch upped the likes a bit but appeared to ignore / gloss over all the other heartfelt sentiments raised. This is the real world. We don't know what percentage of the admin teams time is allocated to managing the boards in a proactive / productive way. Maybe Arch, Scott and the team are supporting multiple clients and sites and this site is allocated only 2% of their working time. We don't know, and we are never given any insight. So all we can do is judge what we see (or not see). I see drift, lack of focus and unfairness. I could outline 10 things I would do straight away to try and spruce the place up and make it a more interactive place. Lizards second and third thread, and my one should have been pulled by the mods. Needless repetition, clogging up the place. It's not how to promote the place - they need to be firmer. It's not about censorship. Just a polite message saying "I'm pulling this thread as it's repetition - by all means carry on in the first thread". I don't think you could argue against that really. Otherwise, we could have all four threads in the 'popular now' section / at the top. What message does it send to members, new or old? The boards have thousands of members. CGC send me emails often with embedded youtube videos about aspects of their comic services. They're really professional and make you want to join in. Imagine a video with a tutorial for the CGC boards. How to do the basics. An overview of each section. Attaching pictures. That kind of thing. Then an email to every member reminding them they once joined, and inviting them to contribute again. Add a competition to it - free slabbing etc, for the best question, best thread, best etc. Before the above, tidy the place up. Create an archive area and move everything that is no longer relevant to it (moderation, questions about the new boards etc etc). Refocus the main areas of activity. Drop all the Announcements to the bottom, of just have a link - do we need to see Arch's face three times every time we log in? Bring the popular places to the fore. Cut out duplication. We only need one area for questions. Etc etc etc On a personal level, I'm losing interest in participating here because there isn't anything happening. If I feel this way after less than two years, imagine how people who've been here 10, 15 years must feel. I'm going to flag this post to Arch and Scott. I know I've said before I wouldn't, but I'm a hypocrite. @Architecht @Scott =) Gents, are you in any way concerned by what is being said here in these threads? If not, just tell us. We're adults. If you are concerned though, what can you realistically do about it? Please, please, please take this post as a genuine call for change for the better - not a self aggrandising cheap shot at you. The new boards (not so new anymore) drove half the members away. Would that email / video tutorial suggestion bring some of them back? It can clearly be done, as it's done for CGC's other services. To the reader - if you agree with the sentiments of this post, like it. That way, you send a message to Arch and Scott, our only contacts to the owners, that we love the site, are troubled by a sense of decline, and want things to change. If you think this is me trying to get likes, I say again for the 10th time, turn off the leaderboard then there is no physical manifestation of who is 'winning' and, therefore, no reason to like other than to like something you like! It is so obvious. Like this post, and show Arch and Scott that you care, and me that I've not just wasted an hour of my Saturday afternoon
  17. I can't help it. Every cover I look at, someone has farted. Can't anybody else see that? He was speaking telepathically through a spokesperson Duffman